Monday, July 27, 2015

Rhymes with Yawn

Yep that's who won/found true love.

Yawwwn....I'm tired! This love journey was exhausting and 3 hours of this tonight.

Shawn got the go!  Nick got the heave-ho.

And some details
Nick's beard...maybe I'm reading too much into this show..(like my English 100 prof said to me.."you're looking for symbolism where there is none" :( Whatever...I'm just super deep. hahaha..
But I thought it was funny that Nick started looking a bit primal. Me thinks (that's kinda Shakespearean right?)..Nick wanteth to looketh like Shawneth.

The gifts
Nick's gift...he says it's in the bedroom (lol...I'm sure a lot of men think their gift is in the bedroom..) But Nick he meant literally it was in the bedroom). Why couldn't he get up and  retrieve it..hmm one last visit to bedroom before the engagement perhaps? Revive some some Dublin lovin' memories?? The gift looked like a frame from Winners. I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth..I"m just calling a spade a spade. Yes..very cliche statements..but this show if full of cliches.

Shawn's gift...looks like he went to Michael's and bought the least Shawn's gift seemed like it was thoughtful.

The Balcony contemplation
The day of the proposal..most bachelors  or bachelorettes contemplate by windowside or typically on a balcony..guys with less than 15% body fat tend to contemplate best with their shirts off..(Maybe they engage their six packs erstwhile...Bachelorettes typically are in a flow dress or a housecoat usually with a coffee or journal. Kaitlyn was in a housecoat..Nick kept his shirt on..and Shawn..shirtless..(and that's always okay Shawn..)

Btw..Shawn must have had access to a weight room and ample lean protein during the season...because he looked excellent while thinking really hard...He was even taking notes so he could recite all of his feelings to Kaitlyn...(he's be a good Toastmaster..hey Shawn..if ever in Edmonton..please drop by our club as a visitor:)

Neil Lane visit
I found  this Neil Lane visit especially funny. Neil Lane's engagement ring suitcase looks like the suitcase-type box where my sister keeps her fancy cutlery . You'd think that Neil Lane's diamonds would have a  be like a bullet proof metal case that is handcuffed to his wrist. I don't think Neil watches the show...he had no idea who Nick was...all he cared bout is that people said "Neil Lane" a few times on this show. The rings were huge...I can't comment on the C's. I'm clueless about the C's...doesn't matter DeBeers has us all convinced they are valuable.

The Proposal
Nick's suit looks like it got a bit tight..and he still had his stacked beaded bracelets on. Seriously? Nick is first out the limo. Yeesh...this limo should not have rolled in..why did she make Nick stay and then almost propose to her. I do agree with Nick...I wouldn't have wanted to stick around and here her  cry about how much she loved him in the moment. I would have been.."Ok"..gotta return this ring. and hit the can't console the person you are breaking up with...Nick was rejected..walked out by Kaitlyn..into the limo he went and then he kinda chucked the Neil Lane ring (but chucked it where he find it later to give back to NL..who probably won't recognize it a second time) and he threw the Irish bands they bought in Dublin....I'm sure the guy that cleans the limos will find the ring before next season:)

That guy looks good with or without a shirt..I loved his black tie! Smashing!! He was delightful and eloquent and heartfelt...Kaitlyn kinda was holding back but then said..she would be faithful to him 4-evah! I hope so...I think Shawn's a good guy.

They are happy...for now..hopefully they work.

After the rose..
this was long and unnecessary.
Nick seems like he's done some growing. no..not just his beard..but as a person..he didn't seem angry..and looked like he wanted to make the best of it.
Chris asked questions to try to fan flames.
Shawn still harbours ill will toward Nick..Shawn you gotta put down that 100 lb plate of hate down:)
Both Kaitlyn and Shawn's hair looks darker.
Kaitlyn feels like it's Christmas day because they can to to Starbucks or Tim hortons together (umm i think only Starbucks is open on Christmas Day ) lol.

Who is the next bachelor..i'm guessing Ben H.
Yeesh..did you see Bachelor Pad previews...looks like a a lot of conjugal  congenial activities that will be happening of the on this upcoming season.

Until next time Bachelor/Bachelorette faithful..I LOVE THIS SHOW!!

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