Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Final Rose Report: That'll be a venti with an extra shot in my latte please

Yawn. Wow…that was a lotta bachelorette tonight. The grande finale and the After the Rose. Even avec PVR…oh whatta long show. Before we get to Ali’s big decision, I thought the producers were shameless in how much recycling and repackaging of previous episodes were done in order to make this show. Note to producers: I didn’t quite my job and give up my apartment for this show….so if there isn’t a need to make it 3 hours, let’s do the economy and workplaces across Canada and the US a favour and not make this show so freaking long.

So…it’s decision time for Ali. Will she finally find true love?? Her choices were narrowed down (by Frank’s voluntary exit strategy) to Chris and Roberto. And Ali’s family are aboard to Bora Bora to ‘help’ Ali with the decision making.

You know..a rose doesn’t fall too far from the rosebush. You can see how Ali comes at love from a passive stance just by looking at how her parents interact and interview the potential beaus. It was more like they were trying to see if the guys really liked Ali..rather than questioning about goals, life direction etc. When Roberto arrives to the family hut, Ali’s family is kind but not really probing of Roberto. Ali’s mom doesn’t really ask Roberto any questions and when Roberto asks her the question “what can I do to make Ali happy” she answers: I think you already are. Then she throws down some espanol and throws him a line about his heart being pure. I think he would have understood it better in English. Ali’s dad-who looks like he got his beachwear from the 70s (did you notice his platform sandals)…had a flat affect and didn’t look engaged by Roberto. Ali’s brother and sister looked very much alike…it was apparent that stylists are for the contestants only.I thought it was funny that Ali’s sister said Roberto’s name as “Roh ber (rolled r) toe”. Other words I would have liked to know if she would pronounce Mexico “Me-hi-ko”. Maybe she was showin’ some love to the Hispanic viewing population. Speaking of love, there was some more salsa love..with what else…a family salsa lesson!! That Roberto was feelin’ hot hot hot.

Chris had the lion’s share of showtime. It made me think..is Chris going to be the last bachelor standing. Chris looked lovely in his white shirt….I’m not sure if unbuttoning it that low was necessary. He came bearing fruit. What a nutritious and useful gift! (I’m not sure what was in Roberto’s bag that her brought). Chris was charming and kind and lovely. The family did cut him off at times early in the visit…when they asked about his mom…Ali’s mom said I’m a nurse too. When Chris said he was a teacher..Ali’s dad said “I’m a teacher too”. Sigh..it bugs me when people don’t listen. But at the dinner table…the family did do some active listeing about Chris’ mom. Then Ali’s sister and brother took Chris out for a communal foot soak on the patio. Odd. Then the whole family jumped into the water for family swim time. Then back in the house for another chat. That was one long family time.

To help with the final decision..ali gets a wee bit more time with each guy for a date.
Roberto and Ali spend a day on the beach, sea doo, then jump in with some stingrays. Ali, hoping not to get stung trusts Roberto with the encircling stingrays. I totally missed this as foreshadowing. I was amazed that jumped in the the de-stingrayed stingrays without a public service message of “don’t try this on your next tropical vacation’. After some surf and turf…they both head for the hut for some quality time. Roberto gives her a crafty frame with a lovely sentiment on the back of it..and I think that sealed the deal…and I didn’t notice Ali leave the hut …(which breaks bachelor protocol.the last date is supposed to be a date and not an overnighter).

Well cut to the next day..Ali…looking slightly sleep deprived heads over for her last date with Chris only to cut it off..the date I mean. Which was a very considerate move on Ali’s part. Big shout out to Ali for not dissin’ Chris. And what about that rainbow…that was actually the most moved I’ve ever felt during this show!! I love that Chris didn’t crumble over this….he’s been through worse and his true colours were beautiful like a rainbow

And the moment of truth….
I didn’t know that Roberto would propose….up to the very end…I thought he’d back out. I guess there is such a thing as love at first sight….Roberto sweatily delivered his sentiments…and Ali said she loved him..and they love eachother!! Did you feel the love tonight?? I’m not sure that I did exactly…I know Ali wants to be loved unconditionally and Roberto says she loves her..so that’s all good in the ‘hood then. According to After the Rose they will be moving in together and will be looking at getting married next year.
And that lovely Chris had one last surprise…the lovely couple was surprised with limo ride over to the helicopter which is taking them to the Catalina islands. That good ole Chris was showin’ them some California Love.

And that wraps another season!!! I wonder who the next Bachelor will be???? Well dear readers…this journey has been amazing for all the right reasons. I just want to take a moment and say my good bye to writing the rose report. Rest assured that I’ll be waiting with bated breath the next instalment of the show….but alas …I’m taking a break from rose reporting

Until next time….I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!