Monday, July 27, 2009

The Rose Report: Real(i)ty Bites

This is it..the last show :( And as the trailers promised..the most dramatic rose ceremony ever!!!

but first..

Meet the Parents

On the Big Island, Kiptyn and Ed got to meet Jill's parents, Grandma Marjorie and her dear cousin Tara. Ed is very certain about Jillian and that comes across quite clearly. What was unclear was why Ed brought grass skirts and coconut bras for the Polynesian dance party that ensued.

Kiptyn's meeting seemed to be a bit stilted or stunted. He didn't seem to be quite as into Jill as Ed did. When answering the very direct question "Are you in love with Jill?" he answered "I'm getting there a lot quicker than I thought I would". Okay Reid, I mean Kiptyn. I get that sometimes people take longer than others to make decisions. But dude..tick tock...this reality show has timelines.

Last chance dates

When it comes to fashion, Ed is definitely all turf and not surf. What happens to Ed when he hits the beach? His awful green tank top resurfaced..this time he paired it with a short-sleeve pink shirt, along with his short green shorts. What was up with those shorts? And why did they have the superfluous back pocket...kinda like the pajama pocket on men's pajama shirt/pant combos.

Cliches and symbolism are not Lost on this island. Yep...we are assured that Ed and Jill's relationship is hot and smoky..replete with an erupting volcano. Yikes!! We got it. Ed did reassure Jill that he will never leave Jill again. Awww. (I heart Ed!!)

So is Kiptyn going to be trippin' over his words?? Jill and Kiptyn go for a rip around the island on a speedboat..then they dine shoreline. Then they..i mean Kiptyn paddles out on one surfboard with one paddle. Kiptyn says he's falling in love with her..which is not quite saying I'm in love with you. He ends with saying that he would be hurt if he lost her. Hmmm...what would be hurt..his pride?? Dunno..not convinced about Kiptyn.

Decision Day

It doesn't matter if you're a bachelor or bachelorette one thing is for sure. Your room will have a balcony and you'll be filmed waking up then walking out on your balcony and staring out onto the water pondering your fate. The men go shopping for a ring...then we have a last chance to see how ripped Kip is. He jogged shirtless to destress:)Ed, meanwhile takes a stroll and reflects by a reflecting pool. Both men decide to wear purple ties (and for some reason we get to know that Ed wears quite tight blue underwear) I still heart Ed despite his bad outer and underwear choices.

Jill's dress choice for decision day was a bit whimsical, a bit romantic and very bridal.

First out of the limo..was Kiptyn. He walked the plank to Jill's podium and finally told her "I love you." snooze, you lose. So back across the plank and to the limo. Kip kept his pride intact by not crying on camera:) In his words "I'm a man, I have to deal with it"....and word on the street is that Kiptyn's the next bachelor.

So just when you think Ed's got it....the drama sneaks in.....and it comes in a red minivan!!

We've heard that house prices have plummeted 66% in the US..but this is quite obvious given how Reid the realtor rolled onto the Big Island. No limo for Reid but a Caravan instead. And when the sliding door dramatically opens, and out gingerly steps...REID!!!! What kind of sneakers did Reid have on?? Keds or tretorn?? And why with the suit jacket?? It's like he metaphorically couldn't decide how to put his best foot forward. He was casual and inappropriate. And how incredibly inappropriate to insert Reid between the Kiptyn and Ed. Then he decides to propose. It seems like one has to do something jarring and dramatic to have Reid pay attention. Thankfully, Jillian said no. Then, figuratively and literally Jillian had to close the door on this relationship (Jill even had to close his taxi door....I think it would be frustrating to be with Reid)

And finally Ed....He looked absolutely lovely in his suit....were his pants slightly short or was he hiking up his pants with his hands out of nervousness???Jillian looked elated yet relaxed when she saw him. Ed enumerated the many reasons why he loved her and graciously said to her that he need to hear that she loved him before he continued:):) I like Ed's sense of self. When she unequivocally stated she did...then Ed proposed and Jill said yes!!!!

The show ended with a cheesey video montage to the Martina McBride song that she was sung for Jake and Jill's one on one date. Oh well....can never have too much fromage on this show.

Hopefully Jill and Ed work out:) If not...I've always loved Chicago:):)

Until next season Bachelor/Bachelorette fans....I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Rose Report: Men Tell All

It's at this juncture (the "Women Tell All/ Men Tell All") of the Bachelor/Bachelorette season that I have mixed feelings. On one hand, this show extends the season and on the other it recycles everything we already know.

So not too much to for a few observations

Was there a sale on tank tops for the studio audience? Lotsa plunging necklines in the audience...or maybe it's just a hot studio???

Why were two very important men MIA on the MTA???Reid and Wes. I guess only by having a previous 'engagement' that you can miss the show.

Never heard so many 'f' words on the show..ever. And not the swear word..but the folksy word for flatulence. Ewww.

Reid can say 'hola' but he can't hula.

Jason and Molly are quite annoying...or should I say the m and m team? Didn't sound convincing that they'd get engaged...but..'they've definitely talked about it'. What was on their matching t-shirts?

What exactly is the 'man code'? I don't know if anyone is really clear. Maybe men convince many people that women are dramatic and complicated...but judging from last night the gaggle of rejected men did not present as being unified by a code. This was the most dramatic MTA ever!!! The Tanners high-fived eachother on their cool names but one is often confused for the foot fetishizing tanner. Jake is convinced of his perfection. Most disagree with him. David still wants to pummel Juan.

The Shot That Was Heard Around the World
I cannot believe how much airtime was given to shot that Juan faked. Who really cares if Juan had the shot or not? It does seem that not drinking with the boys or fakin' it (drinking that is) is a major man code infraction. Juan does seem weasel-esque. Jillian compliments Juan's strength on dealing with the bunkhouse challenges and the best Juan can reciprocate is to capitulate on Tanner P's admiration of Jillians feet. Baseball Mike's explanation of Juan's inability to relate to the guy was that "all the guys here have been on baseball teams or in frats and Juan hasn't". I don't know if that has anything to do with it...or maybe I don't get it b/c I'm not an American.

A few shout outs to the stand outs:
Mike Stagliano..he was so sweet and lovely when he said that he learned a lot about love and about who I want to marry from meeting Jillian..awww.
Most Misunderstood ...David-when he had to explain that he wasn't going to physically harm Juan by saying "when I say I want to beat his (juan's) a$$, I don't really mean I want to beat his a$$ it just means I don't like him"
To the producers ..for the video montage of "Love Don't Come Easy"...that was sooo funny!!!
Funniest line of the night..Pizza entrepreneur Mark calling out Jake for "Pulling a Mesnick"...when Jake was dramatically bent over the hotel railing..chest heaving..being overcome with emotion. Remember last episode when Jason did the exact same thing over a balcony rail???
Silliest contribution by a studio audience member..(when commenting on Wes)..."if it walks like a snake and talks like a snake..that's not a guy you want to date"....huh???
Jillian....she did great..she was genuine and honest and looked fantastic!!
Chris...somebody nominate him for an Emmy category..he did a great job getting the guys to talk:)

This really is the best season's a series of comebacks..and no..not because Ed's tank tops are reappearing in the finale...and nope..Jake is not doing a fly by and Deanna doesn't have any last minute advice...but a minivan!!! Mr. "umm...I can't find the I doing okay?..this is hard for me...." Whatever will Reid say???

Until next week!! I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Rose Report: A low that was no ha ha

It was the Fantasy Overnight Dates part deux!! This time the setting is gorgeous Hawaii. We have Kiptyn, Reid and Ed left to vy for a oui to the date card..oh and for Jillian's heart of course!

Kiptyn: "You put your right foot in , you put your right foot out.."
Poor Jill, at this stage in the amazing journey for true love, she is still unsure about how Kiptyn feels for her..She feels 10% uneasy. It ain't easy feeling queasy. What better way to quell that nauseous feeling than a Ropes Course!! Hmmm it felt like a company retreat to build trust and community. Maybe it made Jill feel better but I had to have a soda cracker or two to settle my stomach from all the kisses of encouragement exchanged on the tight ropes. Then Kip coached Jill up the totem pole..from which they both took the Leap of Faith. Yup..that's what the jump was the trapeze bar. You couldn't have picked a better metaphor for this crazy circus called the Bachelorette. So Kiptyn made it..and Jill didn't...looks like she didn't have the faith, but at least she had a harness:) In keeping with this activity, Jillian wore a jumpsuit to the romantic dinner. The most alarming declaration that Kiptyn made was that "I have one foot in the relationship and one foot out of relationships" Regardless, they both leapt at the fantasy overnight card invite:)

Reid-so hard to read
Looking adorable in glasses only takes one so far..the fact that this guy can't articulate what he feels is getting tiresome. His compliments ring hollow ..when Jill asks him what he wants to do he says " I want to make out" Okay Rainer Rilke he is not...but seriously..that's what he comes up with?? He quickly recovers with " I've seen you, that's all that matters". This guy is adolescent and boring..then it continues to go downhill. Jill has an awesome date planned...he's going to see sides of Maui that he never gets to see....I say foreshadowing for the FOD. But first, they must fly in a helicopter that happens to be flown by an ordained minister!!! Reid doesn't take the minister up on the offer to marry them. Down on the ground, Reid tries to explain how much he likes Jillian by extending his arms out to show her 'how much'. Yup..being cute only takes you so far..I think Jill shoulda let Reid get off the Rocky Mountaineer up in Canada. So perhaps the romantic dinner and some wine will loosen up Reid's lips. Maybe he can rustle up a Shakespearean sonnet and use someone else's words to convey some emotion. Nope. Has anyone noticed that when Reid and Jill have serious talks, Reid always answers when he's chewing? I think he's just hoping that when he talks through his bolus of food that his words might sound intelligible. When Jill starts the 'where would we live talk', Jill starts with saying that she could move to Philly (for awhile). Reid's response...."interesting". Then Reid starts with some more reassuring words "You're really putting the pressure on me" and " you could have given me a kick in the ass in the helicopter" and the best one "I'm indecisive in life". Well, to shore up some certainty, they went for the overnight card....perhaps bubble bath, wine and rose petals help to clarify things.

Ed....Who stole Ed's luggage???
I think that the whole schmozzle of Ed's date could only be due to the fact that he was missing his luggage. The usually well coiffed and appointed Ed showed up to the date in a blue tank top and too short shorts left me befuddled. I mean there's old school, then there's just plain weird looking...and then the flip flops..did he borrow Jill's flip flops??? Maybe not looking debonair took that wind out of his sails. Ed did arrange for mom and dad to meet Jill (sweet). I think someone took Ed's parents luggage too. Mom and Dad wore shirts to match the floral and tropical locale. But enough superficiality...Ed's mom and dad were sweethearts. ..and Ed's dad shed a tear or two. Back on the beach Jill pulls an overnight card from where?? both of their bottoms where really short..but they are both very excited for the FOD. Earlier in the day, Ed professed to the cameras how much he cares for Jillian and that he'd 'pull the trigger'. Well...put the gun away...something goes awry in the date...was it the pressure, the sun (Ed did have quite a sunburn), lack of chemistry or the bad fashion that put a fizzle on the fo shizzle???

The most dramatic rose ceremony ever!!!!!!!!!!
'kay so someone did steal Ed's luggage. What was up with his outfit? The colour combination?? It was like candy striper meets maitre d'. What was Jillian going to do?? Go for Kiptyn "my only flaw is that I lack patience", or Reid who Jill can't communicate with, but she can see it in his eyes or loving and attentive Ed ...but do they have chemistry. Jill wears a long flowing dress that allowed her to sit cross legged on the bench for bachelor talks. She questions Ed about 'that night' and Ed reassures her that she has NOTHING to worry about. Thankfully...Reid is voted off!!!! Did anyone notice how long Reid must of been circling Maui in the limo?? Day turned to night as the producers tried to wrench some emotional profession from Reid. Like water from a stone I tell ya....they couldn't break Reid.. probably b/c there was no significant emotion that he felt for Jill.

Next week..we take a break from Hawaii...and it's the Men Tell All!!!!!!
Until next week...I love this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Rose Report: Hola-tta restraint going on!!

So this wasn't the most dramatic bachelorette ever but it was the most restraint demonstrated in Bachelor/Bachelorette history!!!! Almost everyone was denied to overnight date..well except Ed..but they slept in their clothes.

So Jill and her band of men that she wants to marry are in Spain!!! This is another first in Bachelor history..well the show did go trans Atlantic with the Bachelor (London Calling) and the Italian Prince (remember the Borghese guy??) but Jillian doesn't haven any European roots. Looks like the recession hasn't hit the Bachelorette....or maybe swine flu fears prevented them from any Mexican vacays. It was gorgeous..'cept it doesn't look like Chris got to swing by the announce the final rose...but he did Fed-ex the Fantasy overnight cards.

Kiptyn...So you think you can dance...
Well..Kiptyn didn't think he could..he didn't delude himself.The first time I wish I had HD TV...wish I coulda saw Kiptyn in his tight flamenco pants:) I'm sure Marija and Ricardo wonder if Americans (and Canadians) have any rhythm. Suddenly I'm a dance judge..but didn't Jillian look like she was bouncing and clapping. She seemed really eager to do the dancing..but the girl likes to dance (Oh I heard she was at Wild Horse at Stampede on the weekend...thanks for the tip Carm:)...maybe she should stick to two-steppin'. Jillian admitted her vulnerability about Kiptyn saying "Maybe he is out of my league" Jill...his family seems a little snooty and he seems a bit stiff (and not just b/c his dancing pants were too tight)....
So the happy couple scooted off to dinner and dined on some slugs or snails..(shoulda been Wes' meal)....then Jill gave him the I'm not ready to overnight with you yet Kip. Good on ya Jillian..make him spill a bit more. She seemd to dish far more compliments to Kiptyn than he did to her.

Reid..Most time spent with a Spanish/English dictionary
Reid gets and A for effort (I'd give Wes an A for something else...) for attempts to speak Spanish. How very culturally sensitive and aware. Now maybe if could be a bit more sensitive about Jillian. Apparently Reid needs a little push to open up about his feelings. C'mon..first you need approval from your family, then encouragement to discuss your feelings..then he needed consistent reassurance about his ability to communicate..."I'm not good at this I or "how am i doing"...Jill had to continually validate this. At dinner he went through his laundry list of her good qualities...and he seemed to lack any emotion. Gosh I was tired after this date. No wonder she had no energy for the Fantasy Overnight Date. Reid you got step it up a bit... So Reid's card was also declined....Looks like these boys aren't getting enough credit with Jill. thing about the daytime date..why did they have the picnic on the bench??was there nowhere to sit on the ground???


' know this date is going to go well when she frolics in fountains before the date gets going. So Ed and Jill jump onto a carriage and take a rip around Sevilla. Jill lightly grills Ed about leaving her and about all the time that they missed out on (which I think she did strategically to justify extra quality time in the Fantasy Suite). So Ed answers her questions, talks about Chicago..and says he would have taken karaoke??!! What??? Hmmm..I'm guessing he said that to make him sound accessible and plebian. Sigh can do no wrong:) So after the carriage ride..Jill and Ed walk through these fountains and start making out..(must be a shortage of hottubs in Sevilla)...the Spaniards are probably thinking "crazy Americans"...
So at dinner, Ed seemed quite confident..proclaimed he wanted kids and would be 'good at it'...I'm sure he would:)..then at first Jill denies the FOD card..but then later when they go 'check out ' the suite she decides they need more time together and they'll sleep in their clothes...Then..Senor dreamy tells Jill "you're my favourite part of Spain" and the camera fades.


Wes..Running with the bull-$&*!
Wes is a real piece of While Reid was brushing up on Spanish, Ed on his ways to win Jill back..and Kiptyn his six pack...Wes made a run to Lammle's for embroidered and quilted Western shirts to prep for his date in Spain. You know that saying..when in Spain, do what you can to look like a cowboy. This guy could write How to Lose a Girl in 5 Easy Steps

Rule #1: When you see the girl you are lying to. call her character into question and make everything her fault .i.e. when Jill greeted him to say she missed him.his response "You say that to all the guys" When Jill asked him why he didn't show affection he says "what if I did and you turned away"

Rule #2: Don't compliment her..instead..highlight any inadequacies she has...i.e. When they were going to go on a bike ride he says "I hope your bike riding is better than your cross country skiing"

Rule #3: Give bad body language..i.e. at their picnic he completely closed off his body language

Rule #4: Bad table (or picnic) manners...i.e. did you see him clear food from this teeth with his fingers....ewwww

Rule #5: Tell her you have a girlfriend!!

Really I could go on...but I gotta give Jill credit. She didn't listen to hearsay..she found out all on her own that he was not that into her... Oh..and why did he keep saying..If you want to clear the table..isn't it clear the air????? This guy can't even get cliches right..well except the bad boy band type.

The least dramatic but most relieving rose ceremony ever!! All I have to say is..
Git along little dog-gy!!!!

Adios Spain and Aloha Hawaii!!!!
Until next week... I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!