Monday, July 27, 2009

The Rose Report: Real(i)ty Bites

This is it..the last show :( And as the trailers promised..the most dramatic rose ceremony ever!!!

but first..

Meet the Parents

On the Big Island, Kiptyn and Ed got to meet Jill's parents, Grandma Marjorie and her dear cousin Tara. Ed is very certain about Jillian and that comes across quite clearly. What was unclear was why Ed brought grass skirts and coconut bras for the Polynesian dance party that ensued.

Kiptyn's meeting seemed to be a bit stilted or stunted. He didn't seem to be quite as into Jill as Ed did. When answering the very direct question "Are you in love with Jill?" he answered "I'm getting there a lot quicker than I thought I would". Okay Reid, I mean Kiptyn. I get that sometimes people take longer than others to make decisions. But dude..tick tock...this reality show has timelines.

Last chance dates

When it comes to fashion, Ed is definitely all turf and not surf. What happens to Ed when he hits the beach? His awful green tank top resurfaced..this time he paired it with a short-sleeve pink shirt, along with his short green shorts. What was up with those shorts? And why did they have the superfluous back pocket...kinda like the pajama pocket on men's pajama shirt/pant combos.

Cliches and symbolism are not Lost on this island. Yep...we are assured that Ed and Jill's relationship is hot and smoky..replete with an erupting volcano. Yikes!! We got it. Ed did reassure Jill that he will never leave Jill again. Awww. (I heart Ed!!)

So is Kiptyn going to be trippin' over his words?? Jill and Kiptyn go for a rip around the island on a speedboat..then they dine shoreline. Then they..i mean Kiptyn paddles out on one surfboard with one paddle. Kiptyn says he's falling in love with her..which is not quite saying I'm in love with you. He ends with saying that he would be hurt if he lost her. Hmmm...what would be hurt..his pride?? Dunno..not convinced about Kiptyn.

Decision Day

It doesn't matter if you're a bachelor or bachelorette one thing is for sure. Your room will have a balcony and you'll be filmed waking up then walking out on your balcony and staring out onto the water pondering your fate. The men go shopping for a ring...then we have a last chance to see how ripped Kip is. He jogged shirtless to destress:)Ed, meanwhile takes a stroll and reflects by a reflecting pool. Both men decide to wear purple ties (and for some reason we get to know that Ed wears quite tight blue underwear) I still heart Ed despite his bad outer and underwear choices.

Jill's dress choice for decision day was a bit whimsical, a bit romantic and very bridal.

First out of the limo..was Kiptyn. He walked the plank to Jill's podium and finally told her "I love you." snooze, you lose. So back across the plank and to the limo. Kip kept his pride intact by not crying on camera:) In his words "I'm a man, I have to deal with it"....and word on the street is that Kiptyn's the next bachelor.

So just when you think Ed's got it....the drama sneaks in.....and it comes in a red minivan!!

We've heard that house prices have plummeted 66% in the US..but this is quite obvious given how Reid the realtor rolled onto the Big Island. No limo for Reid but a Caravan instead. And when the sliding door dramatically opens, and out gingerly steps...REID!!!! What kind of sneakers did Reid have on?? Keds or tretorn?? And why with the suit jacket?? It's like he metaphorically couldn't decide how to put his best foot forward. He was casual and inappropriate. And how incredibly inappropriate to insert Reid between the Kiptyn and Ed. Then he decides to propose. It seems like one has to do something jarring and dramatic to have Reid pay attention. Thankfully, Jillian said no. Then, figuratively and literally Jillian had to close the door on this relationship (Jill even had to close his taxi door....I think it would be frustrating to be with Reid)

And finally Ed....He looked absolutely lovely in his suit....were his pants slightly short or was he hiking up his pants with his hands out of nervousness???Jillian looked elated yet relaxed when she saw him. Ed enumerated the many reasons why he loved her and graciously said to her that he need to hear that she loved him before he continued:):) I like Ed's sense of self. When she unequivocally stated she did...then Ed proposed and Jill said yes!!!!

The show ended with a cheesey video montage to the Martina McBride song that she was sung for Jake and Jill's one on one date. Oh well....can never have too much fromage on this show.

Hopefully Jill and Ed work out:) If not...I've always loved Chicago:):)

Until next season Bachelor/Bachelorette fans....I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Rose Report: Men Tell All

It's at this juncture (the "Women Tell All/ Men Tell All") of the Bachelor/Bachelorette season that I have mixed feelings. On one hand, this show extends the season and on the other it recycles everything we already know.

So not too much to for a few observations

Was there a sale on tank tops for the studio audience? Lotsa plunging necklines in the audience...or maybe it's just a hot studio???

Why were two very important men MIA on the MTA???Reid and Wes. I guess only by having a previous 'engagement' that you can miss the show.

Never heard so many 'f' words on the show..ever. And not the swear word..but the folksy word for flatulence. Ewww.

Reid can say 'hola' but he can't hula.

Jason and Molly are quite annoying...or should I say the m and m team? Didn't sound convincing that they'd get engaged...but..'they've definitely talked about it'. What was on their matching t-shirts?

What exactly is the 'man code'? I don't know if anyone is really clear. Maybe men convince many people that women are dramatic and complicated...but judging from last night the gaggle of rejected men did not present as being unified by a code. This was the most dramatic MTA ever!!! The Tanners high-fived eachother on their cool names but one is often confused for the foot fetishizing tanner. Jake is convinced of his perfection. Most disagree with him. David still wants to pummel Juan.

The Shot That Was Heard Around the World
I cannot believe how much airtime was given to shot that Juan faked. Who really cares if Juan had the shot or not? It does seem that not drinking with the boys or fakin' it (drinking that is) is a major man code infraction. Juan does seem weasel-esque. Jillian compliments Juan's strength on dealing with the bunkhouse challenges and the best Juan can reciprocate is to capitulate on Tanner P's admiration of Jillians feet. Baseball Mike's explanation of Juan's inability to relate to the guy was that "all the guys here have been on baseball teams or in frats and Juan hasn't". I don't know if that has anything to do with it...or maybe I don't get it b/c I'm not an American.

A few shout outs to the stand outs:
Mike Stagliano..he was so sweet and lovely when he said that he learned a lot about love and about who I want to marry from meeting Jillian..awww.
Most Misunderstood ...David-when he had to explain that he wasn't going to physically harm Juan by saying "when I say I want to beat his (juan's) a$$, I don't really mean I want to beat his a$$ it just means I don't like him"
To the producers ..for the video montage of "Love Don't Come Easy"...that was sooo funny!!!
Funniest line of the night..Pizza entrepreneur Mark calling out Jake for "Pulling a Mesnick"...when Jake was dramatically bent over the hotel railing..chest heaving..being overcome with emotion. Remember last episode when Jason did the exact same thing over a balcony rail???
Silliest contribution by a studio audience member..(when commenting on Wes)..."if it walks like a snake and talks like a snake..that's not a guy you want to date"....huh???
Jillian....she did great..she was genuine and honest and looked fantastic!!
Chris...somebody nominate him for an Emmy category..he did a great job getting the guys to talk:)

This really is the best season's a series of comebacks..and no..not because Ed's tank tops are reappearing in the finale...and nope..Jake is not doing a fly by and Deanna doesn't have any last minute advice...but a minivan!!! Mr. "umm...I can't find the I doing okay?..this is hard for me...." Whatever will Reid say???

Until next week!! I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Rose Report: A low that was no ha ha

It was the Fantasy Overnight Dates part deux!! This time the setting is gorgeous Hawaii. We have Kiptyn, Reid and Ed left to vy for a oui to the date card..oh and for Jillian's heart of course!

Kiptyn: "You put your right foot in , you put your right foot out.."
Poor Jill, at this stage in the amazing journey for true love, she is still unsure about how Kiptyn feels for her..She feels 10% uneasy. It ain't easy feeling queasy. What better way to quell that nauseous feeling than a Ropes Course!! Hmmm it felt like a company retreat to build trust and community. Maybe it made Jill feel better but I had to have a soda cracker or two to settle my stomach from all the kisses of encouragement exchanged on the tight ropes. Then Kip coached Jill up the totem pole..from which they both took the Leap of Faith. Yup..that's what the jump was the trapeze bar. You couldn't have picked a better metaphor for this crazy circus called the Bachelorette. So Kiptyn made it..and Jill didn't...looks like she didn't have the faith, but at least she had a harness:) In keeping with this activity, Jillian wore a jumpsuit to the romantic dinner. The most alarming declaration that Kiptyn made was that "I have one foot in the relationship and one foot out of relationships" Regardless, they both leapt at the fantasy overnight card invite:)

Reid-so hard to read
Looking adorable in glasses only takes one so far..the fact that this guy can't articulate what he feels is getting tiresome. His compliments ring hollow ..when Jill asks him what he wants to do he says " I want to make out" Okay Rainer Rilke he is not...but seriously..that's what he comes up with?? He quickly recovers with " I've seen you, that's all that matters". This guy is adolescent and boring..then it continues to go downhill. Jill has an awesome date planned...he's going to see sides of Maui that he never gets to see....I say foreshadowing for the FOD. But first, they must fly in a helicopter that happens to be flown by an ordained minister!!! Reid doesn't take the minister up on the offer to marry them. Down on the ground, Reid tries to explain how much he likes Jillian by extending his arms out to show her 'how much'. Yup..being cute only takes you so far..I think Jill shoulda let Reid get off the Rocky Mountaineer up in Canada. So perhaps the romantic dinner and some wine will loosen up Reid's lips. Maybe he can rustle up a Shakespearean sonnet and use someone else's words to convey some emotion. Nope. Has anyone noticed that when Reid and Jill have serious talks, Reid always answers when he's chewing? I think he's just hoping that when he talks through his bolus of food that his words might sound intelligible. When Jill starts the 'where would we live talk', Jill starts with saying that she could move to Philly (for awhile). Reid's response...."interesting". Then Reid starts with some more reassuring words "You're really putting the pressure on me" and " you could have given me a kick in the ass in the helicopter" and the best one "I'm indecisive in life". Well, to shore up some certainty, they went for the overnight card....perhaps bubble bath, wine and rose petals help to clarify things.

Ed....Who stole Ed's luggage???
I think that the whole schmozzle of Ed's date could only be due to the fact that he was missing his luggage. The usually well coiffed and appointed Ed showed up to the date in a blue tank top and too short shorts left me befuddled. I mean there's old school, then there's just plain weird looking...and then the flip flops..did he borrow Jill's flip flops??? Maybe not looking debonair took that wind out of his sails. Ed did arrange for mom and dad to meet Jill (sweet). I think someone took Ed's parents luggage too. Mom and Dad wore shirts to match the floral and tropical locale. But enough superficiality...Ed's mom and dad were sweethearts. ..and Ed's dad shed a tear or two. Back on the beach Jill pulls an overnight card from where?? both of their bottoms where really short..but they are both very excited for the FOD. Earlier in the day, Ed professed to the cameras how much he cares for Jillian and that he'd 'pull the trigger'. Well...put the gun away...something goes awry in the date...was it the pressure, the sun (Ed did have quite a sunburn), lack of chemistry or the bad fashion that put a fizzle on the fo shizzle???

The most dramatic rose ceremony ever!!!!!!!!!!
'kay so someone did steal Ed's luggage. What was up with his outfit? The colour combination?? It was like candy striper meets maitre d'. What was Jillian going to do?? Go for Kiptyn "my only flaw is that I lack patience", or Reid who Jill can't communicate with, but she can see it in his eyes or loving and attentive Ed ...but do they have chemistry. Jill wears a long flowing dress that allowed her to sit cross legged on the bench for bachelor talks. She questions Ed about 'that night' and Ed reassures her that she has NOTHING to worry about. Thankfully...Reid is voted off!!!! Did anyone notice how long Reid must of been circling Maui in the limo?? Day turned to night as the producers tried to wrench some emotional profession from Reid. Like water from a stone I tell ya....they couldn't break Reid.. probably b/c there was no significant emotion that he felt for Jill.

Next week..we take a break from Hawaii...and it's the Men Tell All!!!!!!
Until next week...I love this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Rose Report: Hola-tta restraint going on!!

So this wasn't the most dramatic bachelorette ever but it was the most restraint demonstrated in Bachelor/Bachelorette history!!!! Almost everyone was denied to overnight date..well except Ed..but they slept in their clothes.

So Jill and her band of men that she wants to marry are in Spain!!! This is another first in Bachelor history..well the show did go trans Atlantic with the Bachelor (London Calling) and the Italian Prince (remember the Borghese guy??) but Jillian doesn't haven any European roots. Looks like the recession hasn't hit the Bachelorette....or maybe swine flu fears prevented them from any Mexican vacays. It was gorgeous..'cept it doesn't look like Chris got to swing by the announce the final rose...but he did Fed-ex the Fantasy overnight cards.

Kiptyn...So you think you can dance...
Well..Kiptyn didn't think he could..he didn't delude himself.The first time I wish I had HD TV...wish I coulda saw Kiptyn in his tight flamenco pants:) I'm sure Marija and Ricardo wonder if Americans (and Canadians) have any rhythm. Suddenly I'm a dance judge..but didn't Jillian look like she was bouncing and clapping. She seemed really eager to do the dancing..but the girl likes to dance (Oh I heard she was at Wild Horse at Stampede on the weekend...thanks for the tip Carm:)...maybe she should stick to two-steppin'. Jillian admitted her vulnerability about Kiptyn saying "Maybe he is out of my league" Jill...his family seems a little snooty and he seems a bit stiff (and not just b/c his dancing pants were too tight)....
So the happy couple scooted off to dinner and dined on some slugs or snails..(shoulda been Wes' meal)....then Jill gave him the I'm not ready to overnight with you yet Kip. Good on ya Jillian..make him spill a bit more. She seemd to dish far more compliments to Kiptyn than he did to her.

Reid..Most time spent with a Spanish/English dictionary
Reid gets and A for effort (I'd give Wes an A for something else...) for attempts to speak Spanish. How very culturally sensitive and aware. Now maybe if could be a bit more sensitive about Jillian. Apparently Reid needs a little push to open up about his feelings. C'mon..first you need approval from your family, then encouragement to discuss your feelings..then he needed consistent reassurance about his ability to communicate..."I'm not good at this I or "how am i doing"...Jill had to continually validate this. At dinner he went through his laundry list of her good qualities...and he seemed to lack any emotion. Gosh I was tired after this date. No wonder she had no energy for the Fantasy Overnight Date. Reid you got step it up a bit... So Reid's card was also declined....Looks like these boys aren't getting enough credit with Jill. thing about the daytime date..why did they have the picnic on the bench??was there nowhere to sit on the ground???


' know this date is going to go well when she frolics in fountains before the date gets going. So Ed and Jill jump onto a carriage and take a rip around Sevilla. Jill lightly grills Ed about leaving her and about all the time that they missed out on (which I think she did strategically to justify extra quality time in the Fantasy Suite). So Ed answers her questions, talks about Chicago..and says he would have taken karaoke??!! What??? Hmmm..I'm guessing he said that to make him sound accessible and plebian. Sigh can do no wrong:) So after the carriage ride..Jill and Ed walk through these fountains and start making out..(must be a shortage of hottubs in Sevilla)...the Spaniards are probably thinking "crazy Americans"...
So at dinner, Ed seemed quite confident..proclaimed he wanted kids and would be 'good at it'...I'm sure he would:)..then at first Jill denies the FOD card..but then later when they go 'check out ' the suite she decides they need more time together and they'll sleep in their clothes...Then..Senor dreamy tells Jill "you're my favourite part of Spain" and the camera fades.


Wes..Running with the bull-$&*!
Wes is a real piece of While Reid was brushing up on Spanish, Ed on his ways to win Jill back..and Kiptyn his six pack...Wes made a run to Lammle's for embroidered and quilted Western shirts to prep for his date in Spain. You know that saying..when in Spain, do what you can to look like a cowboy. This guy could write How to Lose a Girl in 5 Easy Steps

Rule #1: When you see the girl you are lying to. call her character into question and make everything her fault .i.e. when Jill greeted him to say she missed him.his response "You say that to all the guys" When Jill asked him why he didn't show affection he says "what if I did and you turned away"

Rule #2: Don't compliment her..instead..highlight any inadequacies she has...i.e. When they were going to go on a bike ride he says "I hope your bike riding is better than your cross country skiing"

Rule #3: Give bad body language..i.e. at their picnic he completely closed off his body language

Rule #4: Bad table (or picnic) manners...i.e. did you see him clear food from this teeth with his fingers....ewwww

Rule #5: Tell her you have a girlfriend!!

Really I could go on...but I gotta give Jill credit. She didn't listen to hearsay..she found out all on her own that he was not that into her... Oh..and why did he keep saying..If you want to clear the table..isn't it clear the air????? This guy can't even get cliches right..well except the bad boy band type.

The least dramatic but most relieving rose ceremony ever!! All I have to say is..
Git along little dog-gy!!!!

Adios Spain and Aloha Hawaii!!!!
Until next week... I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Rose Report: The Most Shocking Hometowns

Just as we got off the Rocky Mountaineer last week...we hopped back right back onto the Crazy Train. This was the most shocking episode ever. We had a big reveal, two returns and only four roses to give out....

Philadelphia: City of Bachelorette love???????
Reid wasn't so chilly in Philly...he turned up the heat a little. First he greets Jill with a coffee (nice). They check out the view from atop Liberty Place..then off to see the jury. Seems like Reid has to consult with his family to make decision about girls. Hmm red flag. It's nice to get input..but as was thrice stated...Reid is turning 30 and you should be able to decide who to ditch or hitch all on your lonesome. Reid's family seems nice and there was a birthday cake for Reid!! The candle on the cake was likely an afterthought...looks like they plucked it from a candle holder .

Michael....Jump around Jump around jump up jump up and get down
Wow does Michael get excited about EVERYTHING!!!! He jumps into his house and then to see Jillian. I love the enthusiasm. After this hometown...I think Michael will have no problem getting down on one knee. Michael is so smitten. The hometown visit was a week dull. I did like the Stagliano family tradition of "Question for the table"...nice way to stimulate conversation.Perhaps the least surprising event of this whole show was that there was a family dance-off. They seem like a very loving family...Jillian even left with a parting gift.. But...the departing kiss from Michael..was weak. Kiptyn the new Jake???
A new Mr. Perfect blew into the hometowns..and that man is Kiptyn. Jill is nervous as she enters the perfectly appointed home. His mom and step dad lead her outside then point off the cordoned off hot tub. Jill handles the jab well. Then they subject her to a lasagna test. Jill has a hot dog test...and they have a lasagna and wine pairing test. Well la dee da. She passes.....but I didn't get what criteria she was judging the lasagna by. Then Kiptyns mom says that only Grandma drinks the crappy wine. Not nice. Then his mom asks her some convoluted questions about what she would change about herself and chastises Jillians statement about working for happiness. In the end, Kiptyn's mom likes Jill. Phew. Jillians got that last laugh..I guess when her and Kip cut through the yellow tape and slipped into the hot tub...all under Eve's watchful eye. That was a really odd moment..not as odd as Jesse's mom's dancing...but that's another hometown. So the camera fades out to Jill and Kiptyn having a dip in the hottub with the Caution tape fluttering in the wind...foreshadowing perhaps???

Jesse....The Emotional Ice Cube??
Now Jesse likely made Jill feel more at home..just like she's back in Peace River..he rumbles in on a John Deere...then they jump in the tractor and Jill hops on his lap. Nice looking scenery. Dinner time on the farm...we meet Jesse's mom, dad and brother.Egge shege dre (Cheers in Hungarian) All seems good then Jacob (whose last haircut was about 3 1/2 years ago) started to talk. Yikes..he had a really chip on his shoulder saying to guys (meaning women) are expensive. That was his response to why he's not currently in a relationship. His eloquence continued when Jacob further questioned Jesse outside.."So do you love this chick?" and "She's a cuteness" then Jesse .."she's a honey boo bear" And then the truth!! Jacob admits he's jealous!! It became quickly apparent why Jacob doesn't have a girlfriend when he spoke with Jillian..Jacob " So have you guys been naked yet??" Jill assures doesn't happen 'that fast'. To add to the weirdness..there was family rock band..without the video game. Jillian and mom arms around eachother's waist..Mountain man I mean Jacob on guitar, Jesse on drums and Dad on guitar too. Mom channelled her inner Shakira and her hips didn't lie. Jill jumped right into the action and rocked out with the Kovacs. Looks like everyone got into the sauce. Sometimes those things shouldn't be caught on tape.

Wes...Austin...we gotta a problem..

Wes' hometown is in Austin, Texas and Jill (as well as the international audience of Bachelorette viewers) get a surprise!! Everyone in the viewing audience and Jill gets to meet his band and hear two songs!!! What a treat!!!!! This was not a shocking part of the most shocking episode ever. Jillian looked very country-ish in her lucky red date boots, white eyelet dress and short jean jacket. Not sure what Wes' band is called but we hear two soon to be chart-toppers.. "You still git me like you got me back then" and "Love Don't Come Easy". What I don't git is why Wes is still in the Rose Race. But ...maybe not for long...because Jake is coming to Jill's emotional rescue. Jake flies in (not sure if he flew the plane into Austin or if he was just wearing his pilot get up for effect). So Jake is back...who wears his heart (and sunglasses) on his sleeve.

Meanwhile...Jill is back from the amusement park and is freshening up for dinner with Wes' family and she gets a knock at the door. To her's Jake. She gave him a "I feel sorry for you" tinged " arrrre you???". Jake sits her down and breaks the news. Wes has a girlfriend!! Jill is surprised...then she cries. Jake says he couldnt live with himself if he didn't let her know. He tells her to call him if she needs him..he happens to be staying in the same hotel.

Wes saunters down the hall a few minutes later, coming to pick up Jill for the date. I'm surprised he didn't just park in front of the hotel and lean on the horn expecting her to hear it and run down to his truck.When Jill confronts Wes....he is completely unconvincing..and Wes does some classic deflection and makes it Jill's problem that she believes what she wants to believe, then off to Jake saying that he's just upset for getting kicked off this show. He also says "I'm not that good of a liar"..."Bring him (Jake) out..I don't care". I think Wes was saying that he didn't care. And Jake happens to have a room just a few doors down (this show really is too much). And after Jake's numerous requests for Wes to look him in the eye..Wes couldn't look him in the eye. Then Wes said "She'll always be my girlfriend"..what does that mean?? After Jake says his piece he leaves the hotel room. Jake takes this rose business seriously and is overcome with the emotion of it all...he pulled a classic Jason (last season's bachelor) move of chest heaving sobs against a guardrail in the hotel hallway. Maybe Deanna could come to his rescue. Seriously..the most dramatic episode ever. But no...we're not done with Wes. Jillian decides to go ahead and visit his family. Jillian is seriously looking at Wes with rose-coloured glasses:)

One thing that was said at the dinner table was that other guys were jealous of Wes...but they did not deny that Wes had a girlfriend. Jillian was looking to Wes' mom to allay her fears of his Casanova ways. Jillian seems convinced that Wes wants to be loyal...I didn't hear anything from the family to support that. As Jill and Wes had some time together...Jillian had to initiate the contact...and Wes...couldn't put down his beer to give her a hug. Maybe it was a Bud light with lime.

The best surprise ever...ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While Jill is in her hotel room recovering from the shock and drama of the last hometown, she is recounting to the camera that she can't handle any more surprises..and then...a knock at the door. And it's ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ed's back from Chicago and he had better offer up some deep dish-ing out of feelings to get back o the show. As elated as I am to see Ed back...didn't his and Jillian's conversation seem very stilted or staged???...they both looked like they were trying to suppress smiles. I had a feeling he was coming's my finely honed Bachelorette intuition.Whatever the case..Ed looked very adorable in his pink shirt and his purple argyle sweater and I'm happy to seem him in all his Ed-ness.

The Rose Ceremony
Jillian pulled out a buttercream number for the rose ceremony. Clearly she chose this colour to reflect her sunny optimism in love....because.....she picked Wes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What the????? Poor Michael was heartbroken..he had the sweetest adieu in Bachelor history...but I really think he'll dance away the pain..and Jesse...well...hopefully his odd brother doesn't cloud his views on love and women. But sigh....she did choose Ed!!!!!!!
And in other exciting news...they're off to Spain. Too bad Juan wasn't around still..he finally could have used his Espanol. Can't wait to see Wes in his western tack bombing around cafes in Spain.
Until next week...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Rose Report:Lay it on the line

All aboard the Rocky Mountaineer!! In this week's installment of the Bachelorette, the producers confirmed Canada is cold, we need special footwear to walk over all that snow..and even though we don't live in igloos..we have dates on ice sculptures.

But how apropos...the journey to love can be rocky...and our Bachelorette got serious..and asked the tough questions.

Still feeling derailed by the departure of Ed..Jill picks Robby for a one on one. She wants someone to make her feel better.

Robby-the little Bachelor that couldn't
Things seemed to be looking up for Robby (inventor of the Rosmo), he had the first one on one date, Jill loved his energy and the fact she felt 5-10 years younger with him. Well after they spent some QT trying to flip and balance martini shakers, they settled in for a shaky dinner. (Did anyone feel slightly nauseous trying to watch them eat with the train rocking back and forth). I'm not sure if it was the meal that didn't sit well with Jill or the fact that life with Robby ain't no gravy train. See, Robby's between jobs and doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life. Whuh????? You're on the love train true love, marriage....Well and Robby comforted us with.."love has no age and love has no job" Huh??? Not good enough to assuage our Bachelorette...and he's kicked off the train..don't let the door hit your caboose on your way out. Where did she leave the poor guy anyway?? Don't think you can get a limo out in them there parts. Hopefully someone told Robby to watch out for cougars...those cats get vicious sometimes...or so I read in the papers:)

Jill politely waved off did the other Bachelors. As the train snaked through the mountains, Wes slithered over to Jillian to comfort her . Eww Wes annoys me.

Group Date: All abored to Emerald Lake
This gem of a date was supposed to help Jill gather some insight to help bring her closer to the prize at the end of this competition...but if anything it just set the preconceptions in stone...this date was one big this is what happened:
-Jake: Golly Gee!! Jake snuck in a cuddle when he found Jill hiding in the snow. Jake continues to say all the right things..and darn it ..according to Jake "when I love, I love so hard".
-Tanner really wants Jill to feet I mean meet his parents..Tanner still likes Jill's feet and he got to massage them. Later he shows Jill her underwear to set himself apart.
-Wes is railroading Jill. Guess what?? He's on the show for his career!! The shock!!
-Kiptyn and Jill kiss..they have chemistry..yup we got that a few episodes ago.
-Jesse...gotta say...I'm liking Jesse more..maybe b/c Ed is gone
-Michael...he's still got it bad for Jill..he broke (not danced) but down when Robby was dismissed by Jill. I dunno if he's feeling pressure or if he's worried Jill doesn't like the 25 year olds.

Jill channelled her inner shumka by wearing her red boots on this date. Didn't Jill's grandma say she wanted to find Jill an nice Ukranian boy from Peace River??? Maybe those are her lucky date boots.

Last one on one....Reid is one letter short of being weird.
I always thought Reid was adorable..but what a weird date. First Reid wanders the rail cars to find strangers to seek advice...should he wear glasses on the date..then the conductor give Reid some rules of conduct on telling the person that she is special (actually good advice:) So Reid ditched the glasses and they snowboarded, then had a cocktail alfresco atop some ice furniture. Reid gave his insight about why people have red ears.To turn up the heat, the couple went inside for something to eat and he freaked out about the fondue. So Reid is a little freaky about food safety (understandably..E. coli and salmonella ain't no laughing matter), then he emphasized how him and Jill are different. When Jill was giving Reid the rose, he kept his reclined position and didn't seem to show much interest in getting it. I don't know about him.

Rose Ceremony: What a twist!!
The Rose Ceremony was a nail-biter. Would Wes' lyin' cheatin' two -aced double dealin' mean mistreatin' heart be revealed??? Would Jakes undying like for Jill be requited??? Would Jill's open toed sandals send Tanner P in a downward spiral?? Would Michael's earnestness be rewarded with a rose?? The drama. Jill pulled Michael in for an emergency meeting where Michael declared that he's never had a one night stand (awwww) and that he 'lights up like a lightbulb' when he talks about her. Well that sealed it...Tanner P got the boot and she sent Jake packing. Jake is shocked!! Well...the way Jake sees it that nice guys finish last.

But what's going to happen next week??
Jake comes back?? and is Ed coming back???? Is Jill finally going to see through Wes (and his band??)!!
It's going to be most dramatic rose ceremony ever!!
until next week...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Whistle(r) While You Work find try love. There was a lot of energy expended in this episode. Ziplining, skiing, snow wonder BC has he lowest incidence of obesity in the country. Likely the most physically active episodes in Bachelor/ette history..not to mention the energy Jill spent trying to figure out who had a girlfriend. No mention of the Olympics in this episode, but this is the greatest number of episode minutes of the bachelorette in a hoodie...coulda been sponsored by Aritzia.

Let your backbone slide...
First one on one date went to breakdancing and ever hyperactive Michael. Ziplining through the mountaintops, Michael cleverly draws a parrallel of this activity to marriage. You need to commit to the activity then jump...hmmm. dunno...ziplining is a smooth ride that comes to an abrupt end. Maybe Michael should stick to romantic declarations.."I just want to eat spaghetti with Jillian", "I'm a cheesey ass hopeless romantic if a girl kisses me on the mouth" or maybe Michael should stick to busting moves. Part deux of the one on one is a romantic date surrounded by wine bottles (wonder why this wasn't Jesse the wine makers one on one date). Regretfully Michael recycled his illfitting purple button down shirt (that was unbuttoned and the ill fitting jacket). Jillian likes Michael b/c she makes him feel 19 (maybe b/c that matches his maturity level). Jillian says Michael reminds her of a puppy..yeah.I say Jack Russell terrier..but this is something endearing and sweet about Michael.... My fave quote of Michael's so far "Oh my awesomeness" ...not sure if he is making a declarative statement about himself or referring to a deity...maybe the guy has more layers than I'm giving him credit for. He is kinda is Jim Carreyesque.

Group Date: Jillian gets snowed day

Jillian is adorable, adventurous, kind, sincere, refreshing and kind...but she ain't no Sherlock Holmes. Jillian takes the boys snowmobiling and pauses to interview a few of them atop a snowmobile. When is she going to deduce that Tanner P has no concrete evidence of anyone having a girlfriend. Robby Rosmo gives gives her some soft answers about his life goals. Then there's Wes...who is getting brash about his declarations about being on the show. He comes out and says that his sister signed him up to get some publicity because of his upcoming CD. Jillian assures him that they have a connection. I guess one sees what one wants to see and believes what one wants to believe. Jill does see though that Ed is being a bit distant. Ed's got a lot on his his job. responsible. So Jill gives him a rose so that he stays be darned...Jill likes him so he agrees to stay. After awarding the rose to Ed, they get on the sled and slide down a hill.Aww yes..the Bachelorette is indeed a slippery slope.Cutest quote of the group date..from Reid "You smell like snow and flowers". Awww shucks Reid. How deliciously charming.

Jesse's Girl?

I dunno about this Jesse guy. It all started in the first episode of the Bachelorette when he said he made "love juice". Hmmm. Anyhow.. I doubt his sincerity. So Jesse gets the second one on one date with "Jilly". Jesse and Jill board a snow plane (only to share one seat) and fly to a glacier. Breathtaking. Jesse proclaims that this is his best day ever (2nd only to his sixth birthday when he got a Tonka truck). Then he says he'll never forget Jill. Well, Jillian is fantastic, but being on 8 episodes of a primetime reality show would likely be unforgettable I do think. Then the body language throughout the date was telling. Jillian would always lean into Jesse. It did seem to be all about Jesse..but he did compliment Jill..about her voice. Hmm...he's got a thing for Jill's voice. Maybe Jesse's spent too much time with Tanner P. And, why would the wine maker be drinking beer on the date. Didn't seem to add up to me.

Back at the Fairmont property, adorable Ed has to talk to Jill. Well looks like Ed needs to go back to work. Jill cries. Ed is stoic. Jill cries again. Ed walks her out of the room..(then I think he locks himself out of his room), then Jill gets on the elevator..then cries again. She then takes a sad, pensive gondola ride then for a short hike...walking symbolically by the inukshuk ....yes..our Jillian has to navigate through this crazy yet amazing journey we call the Bachelorette. Godspeed Jill.

My finely honed Bachelorette intuition tells me that Jill hearts Ed. When Chris has a heart to heart with Jill in the deliberation room, Jillian breaks down again..but doesn't admit that she loves Ed. She does say that she doesn't need a cocktail party tonight. Well if Jill can't have dry eyes, she may have a dry night. Or maybe she wanted to get out of that silvery floor length dress sooner than later. Wow what a crazy dress that was.

Well with Ed keeping his rose (maybe, fingers crossed, he'll change his mind and pop up again???), that means there is only one to eliminate...Sadly it wasn't Wes that hit the windy road. He eloquently accepted his rose with heartfelt "mmmhmmm"And it's Mark the pizza entrepreneur that gets cut. I wish for Mark that he recovers from all the cheating he has encountered in his dating life..and hopefully he gets a piece of the amore pie sometime in the future.

Until next week (and I hope hope hope that Ed comes back!!) I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Rose Report: Going home but not for the Hometowns

What an episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bachelors..Get your passports're going to Vancouver...home of tree huggers, potent green foliage, Olympics 2010 and lotsa people from everywhere else (including Jillian!!)

I'm laying bets that the BC government partnered with the Bachelorette for some 2010 product placement to promote the Olympics...but instead of 5 rings...but this is a one ring competition.

First one on one: The Greening of the Bachelorette
With a nod to the tree huggin' Birkenstock wearin' Vancouverites..this is the greenest date in Bachelorette history. Leave the limo at airport...there are no CO2 emissions on this date. First, Jillian recycles her fabulous green jacket she has worn since the Bachelor (remember she wore that jacket when her and Jason had a latte across the street from the hotel?)Then Jill (nice touch with the red and white scarf)meets Kiptyn on the beach where they walk to their mode of transportation. Yup..they kayak to Granville Island. Can Kip keep up on the kayak. Why yes he can. So the green couple shop local, pack their food in re-useable shopping bags..then head to Jillian's fabulous place downtown (not in the 'burbs of course). The cook and kiss..a lot. Jillian likes Kiptyn and he gets a rose:) He likely walks down the street to get back to the Fairmont...where the boys have moved from the bunkhouse to the penthouse

....each shot of Juan and each word uttered by Juan makes me dislike him more...he's the Ben Mulroney of the Bachelorette...

Group Date..Can you smell what the rock is cooking??

Jillian meets the boys at......a curling rink!! Nothing says glamour like a curling rink. She called it a Canadian sport...umm isn't it hockey or lacrosse?? Jillian shoulda got her facts straight. Well..maybe all that wine she's been drinking has affected some brain cells. She has the boys on two teams..the red team and the blue team compete for more time with her. Michael (breakdancer) appears to be symptomatic of ADHD. He reminds me of the jazz musician from Sex and the City that Carrie had a fling with. Michael pauses only to paw Jillian. Despite his erratic behaviour..he is becoming kinda endearing..saying that all he wants to do is go somewhere and have hot chocolate with Jillian. Sweet.

The winning team gets to go on night cruise with Jillian. Captain Jake gets to steer the ship...but alas...Jake might have a flaw. He's accused of being too perfect. And that really bugs Jake. Gosh darn it..other people have noticed it too!! So Monsieur Parfait goes back to the guys and ask them if he's too perfect. Jake..release the ego...(but keep the six pack;)

So the antithesis to perfect..Dave ( Mr. "I swear like a longshoreman") the trucking contractor.
Yeah...he's the opposite to smooth..and is very rough around the edges. He waxes poetic about Jillians asset. It's fantasstic. What a boor. Then he leans in for a kiss..and is surprised he's rejected. Jillian accurately notes that he doesn't respect her. Hmmm was it the incessant swearing or the lewd behaviour. Dave thinks that her rejection of her kiss was her testing him. Yup..she was testing you and you got a big F.

The Grouse Grind
Nope..not the difficult hike up Grouse Mountain...but it was the instant death date..
Mike and Mark head to head. Pitching Mike the baseball camp director against Mark the pizza entrepreneur. Pan shot to the boys in the hotel room, eagerly preening for their date with Jill. Mike looked fetching in his terrycloth towel. Sigh. The boys look dapper and are off to meet Jill in a park. Mike ran to her ..which leaves Mark thinking " I shoulda run" Oh well. Jill plans a helicopter date. Forget putting subtitles on when the English guy is speaking...this is when they need 'em. Whe understands what they are saying when they are talking into those microphones. Mike holds Jill's hand while Mark awkwardly looks on. The dating threesome lands and dine on the mountaintop.
Well...if I was a bettin' woman..I would put my money on the Mike. Being cheesey didn't come easy for Mark...but he didn't knead to. Jill threw Mike a curve ball..and he was out!!!
I liked what Jill had to say..she didn't pick people that would be an obvious choice.

Cocktail party-cancelled due to the wrong reasons...
Jill dons another bedazzled cocktail dress but quickly is befuddled. The word in the Rose Room is that someone has a girlfriend. (audible gasp). First Jake, then Tanner P reveal that (gasp!) some people are there for the wrong reasons. Well and Tanner P goes further to say that someone has a gf. OMG right before the RC. So Jillian calls the cocktail party off and retreats to the deliberation room..where Harris and Harrison brainstorm how they are going to get to the truth.
They didn't come up with much. What happens is Jillian asks the lot who has a girlfriend. Noone 'fesses up. Tanner P gets hot under the collar thinkig that Jill is gonna rat him out. Nope. Jill needs to deliberate then hands out the roses. Happily...Dave and Juan took a moment and said their good byes. Juan glibly says a few words..and Dave of course has one. "Why?" Well Dave, because you're a ding dong. Safety first on the Bachelorette with Dave and Juan taking separate taxis. I'm sure Dave would have rocked Juan out of frustration.....Good thinking on the part of the producers.

Next week....features more 2010 excitement..Jill and the boys (oops except Jake..he says he's a man) will be in Whistler..
Can't wait!!!
Till next week...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some PSs.
Wes is a snake.
Reid looks adorable and smart in glasses.
Jesse is growing on me
I still heart Ed...

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Rose Report: Highs and Lows

This episode reached some record highs and set some new lows... which is setting up this show for the perfect storm.

High: From the smelly bunkhouse to the roof top...cute, confident and complimentary Ed (one of my faves) gets the most daring date in bachelorette history. Scaling down the office tower looked it was going to be scary...but the descent happened at glacial it was a bit anticlimactic. After the descent they went back up...high above the city on a rooftop dinner date..where Ed was affectionate and adorable. He got rose..Go Ed:)

Low: How many lows can a group date get...let me count the ways.
- A Hollywood movie set was the backdrop for this reality show group date to play act and shoot a faux movie (huh??????).
-everyone looks like they're wearing bad Halloween costume..Tanner P looks party cowboy/part cougar....
-endearing, sensitive Brad referring himself as a badass...Brad..that's not your are a sweet, smart, intuitive person....stick with what you know and who you are
-Wes' second reference to Jillian 'cheating' on him...(does Jillian not see that this is possessive, mistrusting language??). Wes has a hitch in his git along and is finding it hard to mosey along in his Bachelorette journey.
-the subtle as a sledgehammer reference to Brokeback mountain meets Bachelorette
-Tanner P ....give this guy a foot..and well...he gets creepier....

High to Low...Sasha's date had the most dramatic swings..from racing in the Ferrari down the streets of LA to Sasha's personal revelation about serious car crash then tremendous recovery. Jill and Sasha seem to be making a connection..he starts talking about mythical unicorns (redundant)....then Jill realizes she can't be his mythical unicorn and withholds the quickly as the date ended..and to take matters worse...Sasha has to take the bus back to the airport...

Low....Wes' song.."Love don't come easy" ..well apparently neither does songwriting for Wes..seems like it took him way too long to finish it...I think he finally did...all four verses. And Jillian seemed taken by the serenade. I don't get what she sees in Wes.

Low....Tanner P..again with the feet...where's the Bachelorette's consulting psychologist??????

Low...Juan continues to be saccharin...he asks Jillian how's her Spanish (to recount..'dude..she's Canadian..try it en francais') But does Juan know/ wants to whisper Spanish nothings to Jillian. This guy is so irritating....which bring me to the next

Low...David the trucking contractor (who peppers his conversation with a word that rhymes with truck )continues his downward spiral..fuelled by anger and highballs. Juan makes him hot under the collar. He deflects his feelings of inadequacy and frustration with being ignored directs his rage at Juan. His words of wisdom for Juan are...get ready for it..."stop being a cheese-a$%". And I have a feeling that if Juan doesn't stop being cheesey..Dave's gonna feed him knuckle sandwich.

And at the nail-biter of a rose ceremony...Jill lets Tanner F and Brad go..What?? Didn't she say the wrong Tanner. But that means the David and Juan stay....I think that's the recipe for the perfect storm....I see storm clouds brewing.....

but the show ends on a sombre note...Brad exit soliloquy..."I was a drifter in the movie and I'll continue to be one...noone can relate to me" Chin up's a reality's not real:):) Remember...a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Until next week....I love this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Rose Report: Quelle Surprise(s)

God I love this show!!

Since Jillian is local...the word over email (Thanks DD and KG) is that Jillian is as fresh, fabulous, friendly and fantastic in real life AND in reality (show) life!! I know people who know people who know Jillian !!!:):) What exciting news....but nothing is more exciting..than another new episode...and it was chock (2 hours) full of surprises!!

Jillian is the best bachelorette...she expresses vulnerability without acting like a victim...makes a few bad decisions about guys on the show...but come on..that is what makes dating fun and ridiculous...ridiculously entertaining...

Group Date #1: The (Un)Amazing Race
So just when you think it's going to be another group pool date with gratuitious sun screen application and bare chested, well-chiseled men frolicking poolside...SURPRISE!!! It's not! Jillian mysteriously takes off..and the men must race across LA to find her..but not without some gratuitious sunscreen application and some well chiseled men frolicking poolside first:) The Race to find Jillian was a little dull..or maybe if was the guys that weren't the sharpest thorns on the rose...but that race was one big yawn. I was most amused that the men drove around shirtless and without shoes. (ewwww) Foot fetish guy (Tanner P) and Homeslice (breakdancer Michael)..seemed the most clueless of the bunch...and seemed to bring out eachother's ADHD. I was a bit heartbroken when Jill chose Wes instead of Brad for the one on one the vault..aptly named..the Crocker Club...whatever Wes said rung of a crock of $%^@. I'm sure the vault was a little low on oxygen (too many candles burning in there)...b/c she chose to give Wes a rose. (Did anyone notice how small of sips Wes takes from his cocktails. Is he feigning drinking or just trying to control his liquid calorie intake??)Ed (my noted favourite in my first Rose Report) said that Wes and Jill have a 'fabricated connection' You're so right Ed!!! I heart Ed...I hope he makes it to the finals!!!
What I thought was kinda gross about this date was that all the guys were running around barefoot and barechested (except for Ed and guys:) then they had to put on tuxes after being all sweaty. double ewww...

Instant Death date...Do Jill and Jake make their connection??
So Jill dons the wings that Jake gave her and the date takes flight..;)
Many bachelorette faithful have told me that Jake is a front runner....He wasn't really that exceptional to me in the first episode...but now I'm picking up what they were puttin' down. So Jill gets him gussied for his country date...and Good Lord in the morning..Jake could wear anything and look fantastic. I do think that Jill picked that white embroidered shirt to emasculate him...but he still pulled it off. Then they're off to a club (conveniently emptied by Bachelorette producers)...and Jillian fulfills her dream of doing a Coyote Ugly dance atop the wood. Entirely unnecessary...but Jill is let the girl live her dreams..especially when she casually drops that she goes to Calgary Stampede every year. Nicely done Jill....way to represent!!!! Now does Jake seems sweet..but he borders on syrupy. The story about the 'handmade envelope'...first..who handmakes their envelopes??....I think he meant homemade card. Anyway..then the story about the card, packed bags and eating waffles in Belgium...a bit overwrought....he laid it on a big thick. And the suprise!! he kissed Jillian....but wait Jill has a suprise for him...a concert performance by Martina McBRIDE (foreshadowing maybe???????????????????????????????????????????) And Martina's last song she performed had the most overused word in Bachelor/Bachelorette history..AMAZING. This date was really too much. Oh..and no surprise..Jake gets a rose. Even if Jillian doesn't end up with Jake...the guy can two step....maybe he can fly down to the Stampede this year.

Group Date #2: East meets West
Jill plans a sporty group date . ( I loved here plaid sneakers..Jill is soo cute!!) So the boys are out to shoot hoops...then Jill takes off to bring some friends...She happens to know some b-ballers who happen be the Harlem Globe Trotters. Of course we know who won...and speaking of won..Juan rescued Jill from hanging from the hoop. Juan...he seems entirely insincere. Some may think smooth...I think slimey. Oh to the beach!! Mike happens to shore up a pair of speedos,tears across the beach..and dives into the ocean all to get Jill's attention. It worked.
So re-hydrate..Jill serves up the perfect recovery drink post workout...Shots!! (atta girl Jillian!) Juan dumps his drink that then drops more lines to Jillian...something about the sun hanging low and here eyes being piercingly green eyes. Now on this becomes evident that David (cute trucking contractor) needs anger management. Yikes!!He's got issues. So very angry is he.
Kiptyn gets some one on one time with Jill. Now he's no Captain Conversation..but who cares..b/c Jill just wants to make out with him... Love her honesty. Jill, you're going to have to talk to him eventually. Oh well. She'll see.

Cocktail party...
Wes' words of's not time to pump the's time to give gas. So despite sporting a rose..he stated he was going to pursue some one on one time with Jill.
Tanner P continued to toe the line about his foot fetish. Doesn't her realize that he sounds crazy??
Robby (??) the bartender..didn't see much of him this show..but he stirred up a Rosmo for him an Jill...only to experience Rosmos Interruptus by Wes. This is where i again noted that he takes the tiniest sips from his drink. Maybe he thinks it makes him look cool.
In a desperate attempt to prove his spontaneity and to grab Jill's attention Brian the IT consultant stripped ..umm well ....completely and jumped into the pool. Well, Brian wasn't IT with that move. He said he liked to be the centre of attention.Hmmm not all attention isn't good attention.

Breaking surprise...The Bachelorette employs a tribal council. The bachelors have to vote out their least favourite guy. And Juan has the dubious honour of most votes..but Jill gives him the rose immunity idol..and he's saved. This only serves to stoke David's anger about Juan.

So I really liked Jill's choices..well almost all of her choices....I"m so glad she kept Reid..he seems very sweet and understated, and Brad looked quite fetching in his burberry inspired tie (yay...she kept the smart guy:) David is going to be a gong show...I think there is going to be some smack between David and Juan. I think Juan should sleep with one eye open. David seems like a loose cannon.

She did let go of Julien..but come one..Julien and Jillian...sounds wrong. Simon seemed like he wasn't really into it. The producers did stop the subtitles....maybe they got lost in translation..Glad naked Brian got the boot..and finally..she let Mathue loose. Poor guy started to cry :( Hopefully he'll be ok.

Until next week.... I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Rose Report- Purple Reign

It's baaacck!!! My most favourite show ever!!!
And appropriately on this most regal holiday..Queen Victoria Day.

It's all back..the roses, the limos, the flickering candles..and the white wine. Jillian-originally hailing from Peace River AB, now in Vancouver BC is looking for her Prince.

To begin there was a montage of the many faces of Jillian-using some cliched pop culture references to help us understand our new Bachelorette- the "Sex and the City " Jillian with her love of shoes, the Jessica Simpson-esque shot of Jillian washing her car in high heels and short shorts and finally a replication of a moment of the orginal Bachelorette-Mary Tyler Moore- with Jillian throwing her beret up in the air as if to say she's made if after all. ( I think the latter was a nod to the feminist bachelorette viewers...this show really can appeal to everyone:)

Well Jillian did make it from Canada to Cali....and looks like Jill's bombing around LA in a purple convertible, her perfectly coiffed hair blowing in the wind. Jillian looks fabulous, fit and fantastic for guessed it..'amazing journey to fine true love'.

Back at the Bachelorette Ranch, Jillian gets to meet the 25 men who will vy for her heart...and those elusive roses. As a seasoned Bachelor/Bachelorette viewer- I think the pickings are slim (but muscular) this round:)

It's Bonus Time at the Bachelorette. In a twist, Chris announces late in the cocktail party that there are five extra to choose from. So this means that after this show, the # of bachelors left is 20 vs. the usual 15.

Purple did seem to be the colour of shirt/tie choice among the Bachelors. Maybe it's a trendy colour this year in menswear or maybe some guys found it was Jillian's favourite colour.

Here's a sampling of Jillian's subjects:
Juan...seems kinda smarmy and works with his mommy. Broke out some Spanish (his lineage is Argentinian) to impress Jillian upon their first meeting. Dude, she's from Canada, perhaps try something en francais.

Simon..the soccer guy from England...I wonder why the show put subtitles on when he's speaking..note to Bachelorette's the same language...and the British invented it.

Wes...(a budding Bachelor Idol)..comes with a guitar by the pool and a song in his heart for Jillian. Something tells me he's looking for a record deal.

Tanner P aka foot fetish guys...I can't say I've ever felt more creeped out than by Tanner P, As if his shiny, embossed sports jacket wasn't enough. His ramblings about what makes a perfect foot and how feet are so important made him sound very unbalanced. Did they phase out psychological testing for Bachelorette participant hopefuls???

Michael: the breakdance instructor...well he sure can move it, move it. His wardrobe likely has a lotta lycra in it given all the moves he has to bust all day long, but did he borrow his clothing for the show? It looked like he was wearing a woman's button down (purple) shirt and the jacket seemed a bit small for him.

Mathew (spelled Mathue)...his cowboy hat was mint. When he took it off upon approaching Jillian for the first time, I thought he did so to either to :
a) show some type of homage to the Bachelorette
b) present it to Jillian because she's a country music fan.

The correct answer is

c) none of the above. He did so to show her the wicked cool autographs on it and then he pulls out a Sharpie and asks her to sign it.

My two leading favourites are Ed, the IT consultant. He seems fairly laid back, confident and well spoken and Dave the trucking contractor. Hmm..what exactly is a trucking contractor. They both seem endearing...but there are many, many episodes yet to come:O) Things are not always as they appear.

My alltime Bachelorette premiere moment was at the very end, by lawyer Stephen. Stephen seemed very proud of his recent graduation from law school and did appear quite confident. Well, his mood soured and his temperament turned quite dour when he turned up rose-less.
Fresh out of law school you'd think he'd have chosen more eloquent closing statements on exiting the Bachelorette compound. All he could come up with was.."Maybe it's a country city thing, maybe she likes country guys and I'm a city guy ..maybe she's into jumping into hay that what they do in the country..i don't know what they do in the country". I'm no lawyer, but if you don't have evidence to support your argument, then I think it's best to say nothing.
The best quote of the night goes to Stephen; "Maybe she doesn't like awesome guys".

Good to know he left with his ego intact.

The previews for the next shows look so juicy. It's gonna be a great season.
Until next time...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Just can't put my finger on it....

Okay..this time the producers weren’t kidding..this was the most dramatic finale ever. Well actually the most dramatic After the Final Rose Ceremony. Throughout the finale..sitting at the edge of my couch…I sat and watched with baited breath….I mean bated..but we, the Bachelor faithful, were baited. Baited by the internet speculation and of course by host rumors… Chris’ proclamation that ‘out of respect for the highly sensitive situation, the finale will be very intimate”.
This Finale was unlike any other..and I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Watching the just felt different. Maybe it was the fact that the last few days on New Zealand the clouds wouldn’t clear. The greyness cast a heaviness over this finale and I think it clouded Jason’s decision. As if this finale wasn’t confusing enough for Jason, we had Deanna pop over to New Zealand for what purpose..I’m still not sure. Did Quantas Air lose Deanna’s luggage?? What was with the outfit..the silver sandals and ill-matched faux suit were juxtaposed with the relaxed and rugged locale. It just didn’t fit.

She also happened to be in the southern hemisphere to tell Jason that she went for a wild card..and if she could she would go back she would have made another decision. And what does Jay say to that. Nada. (and again I must say Pappas Don’t Preach) So Deanna says “thank you for the opportunity” and tells Jason not to think with his heart but for his heart to lead. Huh??? Well I think Deanna is done with RealityTv…At least I hope so. Unless she does a cameo on the Bachelorette with Jillian.

Still can’t put my finger on why Deanna came for a visit..

Other confusing things…the Last Ditch Dates
-Why do Jason and Melissa head out in a boat in the awful weather and take the icy plunge…perhaps if was foreshadowing the perfect storm

hmmm I think it was foreshadowing..because Molly got the hot steamy date and gives Jason a fairy tale book (courtesy of Stampin’ Up scrapbooking)…forecasting her fairytale book ending…

It all still felt weird for a finale. I’m not sure where this resort was..but obviously not close to a jewellery store because someone named Emily came with three rings for Jason to choose from.

Okay..time to pick the bride..when Jason eloquently stated “Being in love with two women sucks”. Sigh…that Jason is sooo romantic.

So the ladies wake up, have a small breakfast, sit in a pool to ponder their fate…then start getting ready. Melissa seemed to predict her fate…by saying…”I’m always the dumpee”. “ Now is my chance to be happy” Yikes!! That sounded all wrong.
Molly got ready..speaking of wrong…I think her dress was from the set of 27 Dresses. Yikes..whose bridesmaid dress was she wearing??? That might have been a reason Jason didn’t pick her.

The setting for the final rose ceremony was stripped down. The only flower in sight was the lone rose atop slabs of slate. The only foliage were ferns and shrubbery…not very romantic. The path of pebbles leading to Jason seemed very difficult to negotiate in heels. The atmosphere for the finale rose seemed cold, grey and unromantic…the only sunniness was provided by Melissa’s gorgeous dress and matching disposition.

Even that was doused by a plunge in the resort pool by Jason and Melissa. That seemed odd too and I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I don’t think Ty could figure it out either…after he witnessed that he quizzically exclaimed ‘Daddy??’. Yup Ty..sometimes Daddy does dumb irresponsible things and takes a nice woman down with him.

Poor Melissa…. did foreshadow her own ending of being a dumpee?? Maybe not…notice after Jason proposed she turned her back to him. Or maybe I’m deconstructing this crazy finale a bit too much. But After the Rose Melissa showed glimmers of some strength saying that this will be a lesson learned. I hope so Melissa.

Now I’d love to hear from others…but there was much that rung hollow from the After the Rose. I think Melissa smelled a rat when she found out about Jason’s feelings for Molly. She kept saying ‘this doesn’t make sense’. She also asked him..have you seen her..talked to her??Trust your gut Melissa.

Hmmm. So Molly’s up on stage. Don’t you think she thinks it’s weird there is no audience in this After the Rose episode. After Jason says he made a mistake..I don’t think Molly seemed that shocked. And being his unelegant self, Jason says to Molly..”umm so maybe we can go for coffee or a drink and talk.” Yeah..after he dumps you on a wildly successful reality TV show he’ll buy you a latte and have a little chat???. Yeah right. Something is not quite right…can’t put my finger on it…

Not sure if this is all going to end with a ring on Molly’s finger…but you know what…
until next season…I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Women Tell All - A Crumb-y episdoe

The WTA to the Bachelor is what Hamburger Helper is to ground beef. What really is the point of it all????? It’s the Bachelor producers throwing crumbs at the bachelor-viewing faithful … to extend this show until we get to the meat or raison d’etre of the Show...the final rose ceremony. What a waste of two hours…what did we learn??
-Molly and Jason did not consummate on the first overnight tent date
-Trista and Ryan are having baby #2!!!!!!!!!! (is anyone tired about hearing about Trista and Ryan??) I kinda am. Did you notice they didn’t mention love for eachother in the overwrought interview?? Well there was that ode to the womb that Ryan wrote. That was weird.
-Jerry and Sarah back together!! Let’s drink to that!!!oops…well make that club soda for Jerry..he’s been dry for two years nowJ Good for you Jerry!!
-there was a bachelor/bachelorette rejects reunion in Vail…and we learned that Fred is with Noelle and Jesse has moved on with Holly apparently!!! I’m happy for Jesse and Fred. Oh and Paul from Edmonton got invited….I which embroidered underwear he wore.

So that took an hour of my life that I’ll never get back.

Then the ladies gathered. The ladies looked lovely…then things got ugly. Well except Stephanie and Jillian (in my opinion the cream of the crop)…they rose (no pun intended..seriously) and hovered above the pettiness and uselessness of recycling bad feelings. The biggest lie I’ve heard in Bachelor history was from Natalie..”I’m allergic to jewellery”. Speaking of the exact opposite Stephanie was consistent in her look..over accessorized but loveliness shone through. She gave homage to the rose with red and pink tinges in her layered top and pink hued pants. Jillian, oh a breath of Rocky mountain fresh air..and with a nod to treehuggers in her current home Vancouver, in her perfectly tailored green dress and sunshine-y yellow shoes!!! Jillian had the most positive reaction from the crowd…and do you think Chris really asked Jillian to be the next bachelorette??? I’m already excited!! When Jillian was recounting her feelings to Chris..I think Chris was moved. She concluded by saying that you have to slay a couple dragons before you get to the prince (Amen sister).

Then Jason came out for all of two minutes . He did not provide any fresh insight into his decision making and repeated his best friend speech to Jillian. He ain’t no speech writer. Even Chris noted that Jason’s favourite word is amazing. (Newsflash Chris…that is THE most overused word in Bachelor history…again is Jason incredibly unoriginal) So this report comes back to my original question…what’s the point of the WTA? This week…we got a few crumbs…but judging from what Chris says and from next week’s previews..we’re gonna have the full meal deal!! Until next week… I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! more thing…given the current economic crisis in the US…why would the finale take place in New Zealand???????????
Who knows...I gotta go....sharpen my sword....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Suites for the Sweets

Well I thought the title of this week’s Rose Report was going to be DP in NZ for the FOD…OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! But no…Deanna is coming in two weeks’ time…..I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with the anticipation!! But, we did have the FOD this week..the Fantasy Overnight Dates.

To make the Bachelor’s ecological footprint even larger, we have the Jay, Jill, Moll and Mel along with Chris and the camera crew head over to New Zealand. Perhaps the Bachelor has exhausted the romantic hotspots in the good ‘ole US of A and we needed some fresh new sights and sites for this Bachelor. New Zealand was beautiful..and the FODs…highly predictable.

So the basic recipe for the FOD goes something like this…

Take one Bachelor (usually fat has been removed prior to the Bachelor filming)
Place in picturesque location
Add 1/3 rd of remaining Bachelorettes
Have Bachelor and Bachelorette run at eachother at medium speed then embrace
Insert one action packed day date activity (helicopter ride/ bungee jump/ sailboat ride)- white wine optional
Separate Bachelor/Bachelorette, have each cool slightly, allow time for each to change dressing
Place Bachelorette on hotseat, allow time for Bachelor to grill Bachelorette about her devotion to him and the journey
Bachelor presents card to Bachelorette, Bachelorette enthusiastically agrees!
Submerse Bachelor/Bachelorette in hot water (bubbles/rose petals optional)
Simmering progresses to rolling boil
Cut to commercial
Repeat with each bachelorette
Yield: Three amazing FODs

Sigh…highly formulaic episode. The backdrops were nice, but incredibly boring conversations. It came to a sad conclusion as Jay said au revoir to Jill. Not that I don’t think Jill can do better, but she did seem convinced that she really liked Jay. She looked gorgeous at the ceremony, she always would match her outfits perfectly to the scenery and the activity. Maybe that’s the interior designer in her….perhaps her career is completely aligned with her relationship pursuits. She focuses on the interior..she wanted to marry her best friend. And well Jay didn’t quite see the fit. Oh well..his loss. Chin up Jillian…you were a breath of fresh air in this process!!! And may I say, that I think you represented Canada beautifully, with style, grace and good character. Maybe your grandmother will find you that nice Ukrainian boy from Peace River after all. Umm…maybe there’s a great population of them in Vegreville though??? Now that would be a romantic meet under the big pyrogy.

And to Molly and Mellissa….godspeed to you…because we know that the Pappas is back to throw the Bachelor off track.

But before then we have the WTA.

This undoubtedly will be the most dramatic Bachelor yet!!!And until next week…………. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

There's No Place Like Home(towns)

Veteran Bachelor viewers know that the hometown dates are a dip into the Bachelorette’s gene pool. This really helps the Bachelor to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.
Well first…and she’s been #1 Bachelorette (with Lady Stephanie a close second) since the first episode…is Jillian..or Jill as J says. We head to Peace River…I mean Kelowna or wherever Jill is really from.

Hometown #1..Jason’s on a Mission (Hill) and Jill’s family is Red, White and no longer blue

Isn’t Jill fabulous??? And I don’t mean to get all wrapped up in the flag (Jason gets that later)…but she is just a breath of fresh air. Spunky, genuine, pretty, confident and fashion forward. What’s not to love about Jillian.? So Jason arrives in our chilly country. Jillian brings him to Mission Hill…where she lets out some of her emotions that have been ‘bottled’ up for so long. She opens up about her mom’s depression (which resolved after 15 years thankfully)…which I say hooray!!!With 1 in 5 Canadians being affected by mental illness, I like the fact that she didn’t hide that or was ashamed…as stigmatizing as mental illness can be (okay…that is enough of a PSA from the Canadian Mental Health Association). I loved that way that it helped to explain her behaviour and personality. Yup…layers…that’s our Jillian. Then Jill and J wine-d up and skedaddle over to the parents. Jill’s dad shows unabashed Canadian pride and wraps J up in a flag. Then Jill’s mom has a heart to heart with J and affirms what J has thought..that Jill is a very resilient and deep person….then with J and dad are in the garage…Jill’s dad words about his baby girl are very moving. Then the piece de resistence (had to throw some en francais down) when Grandma comes, hands J a bunched up pair of Canadian-themed boxer shorts, puts them on his head and then kisses him on the lips for his good-bye!!! Well head gear continues in….

Hometown #2…Hats off I mean on for Molly’s Family
So along comes Molly’s hometown date. Molly greets J where she is most comfortable..on the golf green. According to Molly…her and the family spent every week at the country club…according to was totally preppy. Well that explains clothing choices but I’m not sure what type of insight we are supposed to get from that?? She comes from money?? Dunno…big yawn….she likes golf…bigger yawn. Okay..I shouldn’t yawn at people’s passions. So we meet Molly’s parents them seem lovely…but they get all crazy-mom opens the tickle trunk and has a hat party then makes J draw a picture of Molly. That was big time fun…well then J jumped on the crazy train to get to…

Hometown #3 When Doves Cry…I mean Die
If their was a gold-gilded rose trophy for oddest hometown it would go to Naomi’s hometown. J warmed up for the date with a family hula hoop contest . With his heart rate was up he now had to deal with the flat-lined dove..which Naomi’s mom kept refrigerated in a paper bag so that j could perform the eulogy for the dove’s burial. Then the ultimate of contradictions…Hector (Naomi’s dad) grilled J about another J…as in Jesus….and asked him about his religiousity. Then Naomi’s mom takes J and says Naomi is a temple goddess and he was an indigo…I dunno..she lost me at indigo. Back in the backyard Hector asks Naomi about her and J’s religious differences and Naomi says she doesn’t care. Then later she says maybe we should have talked about religion. Naomi seems a bit lost.

Hometown #4 No Cheerleading from Melissa’s family
A shocking hometown date. Melissa’s family disses J. They don’t do reality shows. So Melissa introduces J to her ‘friends’..the friends who tell America that Melissa’s dates don’t respect her and that they hope she finds someone because they are tired of her being the fifth wheel. Wow..Melissa I say hitch up the fifth wheel and find some new friends.
Melissa is just so cute and she seems super sweet. She does not appear convinced of her appeal. Sigh….that’s too bad.

Well after a whirlwind tour of Kelowna, Grand Rapids, somewhere in California then Dallas…Jason goes back to Seattle for more pondering and another waterside chat with Chris…then the roses are handed out at the Fairmont Olympic Torch hotel…in a huge expanse of a ballroom…it was the most walking the bachelorettes had to do to claim their rose. I gotta say..i had a feeling that he was going to let Naomi go (if those two got married..i wonder if they’d have a dove release at the weddingJ

You know this bachelor was good…but then I saw next week’s preview…guess who’s baaaaaaaaaccccccccccckkkkkkkk???? Deanna happens to be in New Zealand for the FOD (Fantasy Overnight Dates)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And according to the previews she says something that makes J look like he’s going to be sick over the glassed in balcony….the drama…and on Valentine’s Day weekend. Looks like he should be cheers-ing with some Pepto…or maybe he caught what Shannon had a few short episodes ago!!

Until next week…I can’t wait…and…I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Jason's Home....but he ain't gonna se(a)ttle

Hey Ty….Dad’s home…checkin’ in and checkin’ out who will fit in with him in his hometown. J flew home with his 5 girlfriends to see who is right for J and Ty.

So the girls are released from the house to travel to Seattle…and they settle into the gorgeous Fairmont property….the Georgian. The girls get a lovely suite on the 11th floor – the Cascade room. And yes it was a cascade of emotions..and in my opinion, the most dramatic rose ceremony yet. I actually shed a tear or three at the Rose Ceremony..ahhh…I can’t believe it!!

But what lead us to that sad conclusion..some rigourous romantic dates that only J can throw down. Well for the first one was a true HOMEtown date. Melissa had to come over to J’s house b/c Ty didn’t want Jason to go out. So another date that was going to be ‘chill’. Well Melissa chose to chill first in her oddly designed serpent dress then in her stretchy pants. Melissa is adorable…but is she ready for this…she thinks so..and apparently so does J.

Then the foursome…good for a golf game, awkward for a date. Jason tests their sea legs on the boat. Stephanie gets to steer..which she did incredibly capably in that very distracting hoodie/vest/animal byproduct. Where does she pick up some of these outfits?
Then off they go to appropriately named Kiss FM..where he named Stephanie as favourite date, and Molly as best kisser. Then back to the hotel for some very fancy looking food and continue conversing. J pulls Jillian aside..and for the first time we see some emotion from our Jillian. She admitted that she didn’t come to the Bachelor for the right reasons..i.e. true love and forever..but rather for travel, some adventure, meet some interesting people..but she experienced a shift and is developing feelings for him.

Last one on one is with Eva Mendes..I mean Naomi FINALLY gets a one on one date…she gets a plane ride over Seattle then some wall Sport Chek. Weird. But Naomi enthusiastically proclaims that this is the best date EVER…then amidst the camping section of the sporting goods store, they have a fake fire, some fondue and some ooey gooey goodness of a one on one date.
Back at the Georgian we have a new meaning for beer tub girls with Melissa and Jillian sitting in a bubble bath, beers in hand, in the hotel room tub with Stephanie and Molly sitting on the bathroom floor. Huh? Did the producers not secure a hot tub for this episode. I’m sure someone in logistics got in trouble for that.

After all the dates. J needs a friend. Who you gonna call on this amazing journey…your mom? Sibling? Best friend??? Nope. Chris!! He happens to be in the neighbourhood and he makes housecalls. Chris comes over for an Oceanside chat with J. Chris would be a good therapist. He explores all options and is an active listener, never leading, never judging. He’s like a Bachelor buddy. After J draws no conclusions, Chris lets himself out and J is left staring out at the water…and pondering his Bachelor fate.

The show, not missing a beat nor a cliché, finds J sleepless (in Seattle)….wondering who oh who will he choose.
Bucking protocol ( I think J shredded the Bachelor rules), J visits he girls during the day of the rose ceremony. He must speak with our Jillian. He must see if Jillian really wants him or just an adventure. He takes her to a coffee shop and doesn’t let her drink her latte. But did she pass the test???

THEEE most dramatic rose ceremony
Ok…this was dramatic. J took a bachelorette aside and out of the room. He needed to know Naomi was up for forever…oh yeah..she totally was. Like totally. Then the ceremony…and I lost it…OMG…sooo sad. He let Stephanie go!! But in the most respectful way. He sung (actually said) her praises. And I think he’s right..she is a beautiful person on the inside and outside (well okay once she ditches the cheek and eye glitter and the bedazzled furry clothes). It was so sad. Too bad there was no connection…b/c she is such a lovely person. But you know what I love most about Stephanie….she didn’t cry in the limo. She’s been through way tougher than this. Way to go Stephanie…you truly are a portrait of a lady. See you at Women Tell All..and you know..I don’t know if he’s man enough for you….

But guess who’s coming to Peace River AB????!!! And how fitting that J is coming to Wild Rose Country!! Welcome Jason…and we hope there is an Alberta Advantage. Yo J….hey could you tell Jesse and Fred from last season….that there are some FANTASTIC single women here????

Until next time…
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Every Rose Has Its Thorns

Oh what a night!! The competition got stiffer and the roses fewer in number. Each rose awarded is a thorn in the scorned girls’ side.

They write the songs to make the whole world cringe
This competition dipped into the ‘creative competitions from previous episodes’. To determine one and one and wife worthiness, the girls have to write and perform an original song for Jason in order to win a solo date. Nikki got her freak on..I mean out…she freaked out about writing a song. Before the competition Jason got all David Foster and offered sage Bachelor wisdom… "It’s just about opening up and doing it” .Shannon remembered (of course) that Jason did a rap for Deanna and wrote a rap for him. After Nikki composed herself she wrote a lullabye that she would sing to her child (huh?? Didn’t she say she didn’t even sing Happy Birthday to her niece and nephew because she couldn’t sing?) Jillian channelled her Alberta roots and did a country number replete with cowboy boots. The heavily accessorized Lady Stephanie, who likely had voice lessons at her finishing school, started sultry and ended in glass breaking falsetto. It was Molly’s ode to fast food that clogged I mean won Jason’s heart.
And all that for a date at the Bachelor pad…according to Jason “its just gonna be chill”. And chill they did…eating burgers in bachelor style…amidst pillows and reclining…then surprise!! A pup tent and a campfire in the Bachelor backyard….where they kissed ate s’mores and then Molly stayed overnight for s’more somethin’ somethin’. This was a Bachelor first..overnights usually require a fantasy overnight card written by Chris Harrison….This Bachelor has been turned upside down!!

Group Date: Code Red (Rose) The girls go to the set of General Hospital.!! They get to act out scenes with Jason…and some get to kiss Jason. Then Jason invites the girls to a rooftop for a wrap party….why did I think there would be other people there? Nope…according to the Bachelor Isolationist was just the girls and him on the rooftop. Why does Jason always take the girls to nighttime outdoor dates? He always asks the girls “Are you cold?” Why don’t the producers make more indoor dates? Back at the party….Molly and Naomi break down. This is getting a lot more personal. Shannon made a list of demands from Jason and it sounded a bit unbalanced and she said she’s putting her heart on her shoulder (maybe b/c she was sleeveless?). And Lauren taking a page from a self help book that says men like women who tell them what to do and she demanded a rose. At the end of the sombre wrap party…he gave to rose to Naomi. (Isn’t Naomi just gorgeous??)

That leaves the instant death date…it’s Lady Stephanie pitted against perfectionist Nikki who proclaimed the day before. I don’t want to be Nikki….I want to be a we. It’s sad that some people think that needs to be mutually exclusive. Sigh. So the double ding dong at the bachelorette house means the date card arrived. The card read “Let’s dance the night away”. Lady Stephanie is ecstatic…she’s a trained ballerina and an instructor. Sniff..another thing that the Nikster is not good at. So this date will go down as one of the most awkward dates in Bachelor history….First who is the Alberto Mikali??anyone heard of this designer. The girls put on their designer gowns and get ready for the dance. So who Rolls in?? Jason in a Rolls. The limo must be in the shop. They arrive the date looking like they are going to play Red Rover, Lady Stephanie, Jason and Nikki all holding hands. At this date..Jason must decide if Nikki can get ‘out of the box’ and also must see if there is a romantic connection with Stephanie. So Debra the dance coach doubled as life coach and drew parallels between dancing to relationships. Lady Stephanie showed her attitude of gratitude for the romantic setting. She also focused on the importance of being her dancing and in her attention to Jason in words and body language during dinner. My heart sunk a bit for her because it seems like she’s really trying so hard to win him. He doesn’t seem to be that into her. ..umm maybe he was distracted by her cheek glitter. She did get the rose and Nikki got the road. Round and round in the limo until she broke down in the backseat and babbled on about silly things..about being perfect and always being rejected.

A full moon shone over the cocktail party. Maybe that explained some of the dress choices. You know which ones I’m talkin’ about. Another odd thing was the way Jillian sits in the dress. She should talk to Lady Stephanie about proper sitting. Come on need to represent. I thought it was funny how Megan said “OMG,maybe I’m not going to get picked”…so she’s afraid to take the Lord’s name in vain…but she can drop f bombs like nobody’s business. Funny. Lauren’s tough guy mentality got her on the fast track to no where….her joking about giving him a slap..not cool. Violence never cool.
So when it came to decision time…5 girls, 3 roses….he could only give out two!! Jillian..our Alberta girl got one!! And Melissa..the very cute cheerleader….Yaaayyyyyy Melissa….Now with the last rose..he couldn’t do it!!! The girls are denied. No rose..the remaining three need to take a moment and say their good-byes. That’s would have been one sad ride. For the three cut loose I wish Shannon some self esteem, Megan…some anger management and Lauren some sensitivity training. Godspeed to all the ladies avec and sans roses….

And until next week….

And when is Deanna back?????????????????????????????/

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bachelor Brought to you by the letter B

Bachelor brought to you by the letter

Birthday, Busts, Barfly…and a little bit of barf (ewwwww)

Wow! This Bachelor does not disappoint. Jason just gives and gives and gives on the show. Well that’s what the girls think.. Someone must tell them that this show has a few people called producers to organize all this…but hey…why rain on the reality show parade…but back to this Bachelor episode brought to you by B.

Happy fourth birthday Sophie!! God bless Sophie..she didn’t cry like a baby when she smashed right into Stephanie’s shoulder when they ran toward eachother on the beach.The producers, I mean Jason, flew Sophie in on the one on one date so that mommy and Sophie could be together. Awww..very nice Jason. And the birthday is celebrated at Lego land…metaphorically perhaps representing the building blocks of their future? I’m calling her Lady Stephanie her on in. She really is lovely…very syrupy sweet…but so lovely. I just worry that Jason’s reaction to her is so sedate. He doesn’t really dress up the dates…and he doesn’t seem that enthusiastic about her. Jason was very kind to Sophie and even organized a cake…and gave Lady Stephanie and lego rose. I kinda think she’s out of his league…he’s not gentlemanly enough for her. And she seems like she would be the heavily accessorized belle of the Bachelor ball.

Bust Loose
In another philanthropic move, the girls and Jason will make busts to fundraise for breast cancer. Great cause and great thought…and great visuals for the Bachelor program for wet plaster to be applied to women behind a coloured screen. Then the girls (well maybe just Shannon and Megan) expressed their not so bright side later on in the date:
Shannon “ I just like to stare at Jason”
Megan “Can a fetus breastfeed”
Megan again “The girls don’t understand half my depth” and “there are a lot of girls that are good conversationists”
Megan yet again “It’s been hard being here because I’m used to living my life to serve other people and having people thank God I’m in their life and making a difference” she’s like Meghandi. Seriously..get over yourself.

And the rose on the bust loose, bust a breast date goes to...............JILLIAN …YAY!! Go Alberta go…Jillian seems so congenial and interesting and funloving!!!

Barfly..I mean bar-fly…(we’re not talking about Shannon yet)
The next individual date goes to Natalie...Jason has to determine what type of partner she would be. To do this you’d think maybe a teambuilding exercise like camping in the woods or orienteering might be in order but he tries to establish her character by bedecking her in million dollar diamond necklace/bracelet combo, a jet (and helicopter) trip to Vegas. Against a backdrop of glitz and facades, Jason will try to see if Natalie is just a barfly looking to party or is she ready for a serious relationship. Jason says he felt like James Bond walking in with he’s obviously attracted by the image of her. When Jason tries to peel away the layers and asks what she loves the most.and she said she loves clothes…and bears…what???? So while Jason and Natalie suck back some oysters to hopefully get the love vibe going…Jason has another surprise..but first more alcohol…some champagne and another private music performance..Kate Bogel (who?)..Kate was cute..she coulda been a bachelorette. After some bad sashaying cheek to cheek….it hit Jason…he didn’t feel it..and then he pulled a Deanna..and lead Natalie to believe the date was going well…by holding up the rose, saying it was the best date, then he pulls the rose closer to him and says BUT…..then rejects her.
Somebody pass Natalie the humble pie…Natalie cannot believe she is rejected ..saying she’s stereotyped because of her appearance…..And whilst going through the rejection…dude from ‘rent-a-jewel’ came to taketh the million dollar diamonds away. So she gets mad in the limo sayingto the camera ‘ you don’t have a connection with me..who do you think you are God’ yikes….looks like Natalie’s gotta belly up to the bar back in the windy city and blow off the rest of her hot air.

Poor Shannon. I thought that all the bachelorettes went through a battery of tests to determine eligibility to the show…blood tests, psychological testing etc. I ain’t no psychologist..but it’s clear that Shannon is a little minute she’s saying she can’t get out of her funk..the next she’s whipped into in a lather about Jason. At the cocktail party..Shannon became progressively more anxious. Perhaps alcohol doesn’t mix with Ativan..but Shannon became physically unwell. Speaking of things that didn’t sit well …what was up with Jason quizzing the girls about the politics in the house and questioning what other girls motivations were? Other things that didn’t quite sit well were some of the cocktail Nikki missing Jason’s face.. …Back on the couch at the party..with tensions getting higher… Shannon makes a run for the bathroom..taking us to break for the tune of the toilet flushing. This show just keeps getting better. Back from the break…Jason visits Shannon in the powder room and gives her a hug and offers to get her something…eww..hope they had mouthwash in that bathroom..if it was Nikkis’ bathroom the mouthwash would be right beside the toothbrush. More nausea ensued (from me) during Lady Stephanie’s attempt to show gratitude to Jason by asking him to close his eyes and proceeding to kiss his cheeks and forehead..I had to close my was just too difficult to came across as maternal……nearly had to make a run for the WC myself. The this show really is too much. So Jason has a big decision to make in the deliberation room. Chris tries to stir the pot and highlights Jason’s confusion..then back in the Rose Room (first time I heard that term-the room where the rose ceremony occurs) there is one last chance to air grievances…which lead Shannon to run the toilet again..maybe that garnered her the sympathy rose.
Well…Jason finally made his decision..he cut Erica and Kari.
Well hopefully Shannon and my stomach settle in the next week to handle a new episode. Next week Shannon should be toasting with Pepto bismol instead of champagne…it’s kinda rose coloured after all….
Until next time…
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I keep next week the week that Dee Aww Nah comes back??)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Shaken and Stirred

The producers are shaking things up on set! While we do have the tried and true standbys of the pool parties, gratuitous six pack ab shots, plungeing necklines, candlelight, limos and dates with a cityline view....there are winds of change on this season of the Bachelor. Last week we saw those tricky tricksters give us the Bachelor Ballot box. This week they announce...not everyone gets to go on a date with Jason during the week....GASP!!! No group or one on one time for a few of the ladies as if tensions weren't high enough!

The first pool party came with a single rose delivery(which meant a one on one evening date with Jason!!) While Jason made valiant attempts to get to each of the ladies...his Attention Deficit came out a bit. Anytime the ladies called or threw an ice cube to get his attention he'd respond. I'm starting to think that Jason is a love and attention-starved man who sees his past relationships as failures rather than learning opportunities. Could he be a man who views his champagne glass as half full? Is his rock solid, sculpted musculature (sigh..) compensating for an underdeveloped and soft sense of self????

Okay...back to pool party #1...he spends time with a lot of ladies but Lady Stephanie (and her alcoholic offerings) are rebuffed. Stephanie, being her gracious self, takes herself and the drinks and retreats to sit beside Nikki...the do gooder who is only looking out for Jason and Ty's best interest.....and the single rose offering goes to our girl from Alberta!! Hot Dawg...Jillian's got a one on one date!! Go Peace River!! Jillian quickly gets ready and they have a lovely date at a concert hall. Jillian shows much gratitude (awwww nice Canadian)..but there's more...Robin Thicke is there and he performs only for them. Then a cringe-worthy moment..So You Think You Can Dance Jillian...nope. Stop...cut. Thankfully the next ditty was a slower one and which involved much less movement...then they shared a kiss...not the most passionate....but hey..the band was watching.

Bills bills bills
Somebody's gotta pay for the bachelor/bachelorette pad the next date is sponsored by Good Year. Nothing says romance like blimp...well especially a ouija blimp that can answer your dating questions. After the blimp says hi to Melissa and tells her that a kiss might be on the horizon...the lucky couple gets to go on a blimp ride. So they don their headsets and gaze at the amazing L.A. lights...Melissa fits Jason's bill...and gets the rose. She escaped instant death elimination date.

Dress up and.....another pool party!!
The next group date goes shopping!!! They get dressed in new outfits and take a short walk down a back alley then they are at a boutique hotel..with surprise..a pool!! I think the girls must carry bathing suits in their handbags. So after the girls are in the outfits for 1/2's time to frolic in the pool. I guess the date creativity was all used up with the interactive to make the pool party a bit more interesting Jason decides to have a talent contest. He tries to channel Jesse's coolness by saying he's going to have a beat box competition which turns into Jason doing a breakdance routine...huh?? This guy has not street cred. He lives in Seattle...not the Bronx...maybe he shoulda tried...umm....a coffee tasting?? Dunno...but after an uninspiring synchronized swimming routine (notice noone submerged... I mean who wants to wreck their hair and makeup doing a synchro routine)....Molly (the sleeper!! yikes...the girls are using terrorist analogies to describe other girls) takes Jason away to show him her other talent...of being a great kisser. Well...some people sing, some write, some twirl batons...but hey...looks like everyone has a talent. Well...Molly flexed her tongue muscle and received a rose!! So Jason drops off the girls back home and says his goodbyes...but guess who snuck into the back seat of the stretch limo escalade to a brief conversation???the Brazil Nut !!!Raquel startled Jason...and wanted to tell him that she wanted to stay...okay..thanks Raquel..What was up with her soliloquy about till death do us part..but not really. She wants a man who loves her so much that he would never find happiness in the event of her untimely departure. Yikes....where's the vision board lady...sounds like Raquel follows the laws of fatal attraction.

Well...Jillian, Melissa and Molly are safe from elimination. Lisa had to go be by her grandmother's side (good move Lisa..and godspeed to your grandmother) two ladies need to be eliminated. There's the usual hijinx at the cocktail party. Ericca and Megan get very cross at eachother. Stephanie is very much the portrait of a lady and does not get involved in any of the house shenanigans. Even after she brings many bachelorettes to tears about her story of loss, she consoles them and brings them to the present and wants to let people know that she wants to focus on Jason. Speaking of focusing on Jason...Sharon the hygienist really wants to sink her teeth into Jason. She is in hot trivial pursuit of him. Jason revels in the attention and adoration...and I cannot help but be fixated on the shininess and toothiness of Sharon's smile. Oh..and do you think Sharon thinks Jason is cute?????

Well....Jason gets summoned to the deliberaton room. Maybe Chris Harrison thinks that this 8 year Bachelor gig will get him a spot on Dateline because Chris switches gears from Bachelor facilitator to interrogator in the Deliberation Room and asks Jason hard hitting questions about each girl. Maybe it helps Jason distill his thoughts about who will be the girls to go.

We bid a fond arivaderci to Sharon the unemployed spanish teacher and Raquel the Brazilian beauty. Maybe Raquel can finally teach Sharon how to salsa and Sharon can help Raquel with any immigration issues....that law of attraction draws just what you need into your life!!! It all comes full circle on the Bachelor.

Until next time...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!