Monday, January 25, 2010

The Rose Report: On the Wheels of Love

Just when you think the show couldn’t possibly get better…it does!!! Taking a nod from Rock of Love- Bus…the Bachelor goes road trippin’ up the California coast.

The lovely ladies are paid a visit by Chris at the mansion and told to go look outside….and they see…two RVs!!!! The girls squeal with excitement!!! The not so exciting part is that they are told they have one hour to pack. I gotta give it up to the girls…they pack great outfits with very little info to go on.

So after the girls have distilled their wardrobe to a week’s worth they are enroute to their first destination..a vineyard.

So here they set up camp. Yes camp. They have to live in their RV and Jake is just up the dirt road in his orange tent. Maybe they burned too much Bachelor budget with all the helicopter rides in the last episode, but everything was slashed and burned in this episode, the travel budget, the date budget, the food budget and even a rose…but we’ll get to that.

Date 1: One on One with Gorgeous Giggling Gia
Jake hands Gia a date card but tells her not to open it until he walks away from the RV Bachelorette camp…and she does..and it’s for her!!!!
So Gia has little time to get ready. Loved her outfit!! Who cares that she’s wearing stilettos camping..she looked fabulous. Meanwhile, back at the pup tent, Jake is getting ready outdoors. Loved the shot where Jake was shaving holding a make-up mirror (wonder if it was Jessie’s-the cosmetics manager). A short ride down the hill on his motorbike, he picks up Gia. Gia reminds me a little of Angelina Jolie. The jolie pretty part..not the kinda seems a little crazy part. Since camping is a big part of Jake’s life he wanted to see if Gia could handle it. She’s from New York..of course she could handle it…and she did with grand style. First a little hide a seek...cute idea..a little hard in a vineyard. Then Jake carried her through the vineyard –maybe stilettos not so good an idea after all. Then some mutual disclosure about how uncool each of them were in their adolescent years. Jake claimed to be Mr. Dateless in grade 9. Dude. It was grade 9. Who cares? What I find more disconcerting that he says he can’t get second dates at 31. Gia’s giggling seemed to be a bit much…what pushed this date over the edge was playing spin the bottle with two people. Then of course that was followed up by awkward kissing by Jake. After all that spinning and kissing – Jake had worked up an appetite for the special (budget) dinner he had planned. Funny thing is Jake said that she’s from New York so she was probably expecting steak but they were going to have hot dogs instead. Again, dude, she’s from New York….they have hot dog stands on every corner. Sigh. Maybe Jake’s flights don’t get to the east coast often. You know..besides her incessant giggling..i like Gia. Cool that she wants to adopt a child from China and that she joked about wanting a pot belly pig. Cute.

Date 2: The dirty date
Dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty. I think that’s the number of times the producers forced Jake to say dirty. I wanted to wash Jake’s mouth out with soap and send him to bed early. That’s not Jake’s MO. It sounded contrived. That’s not our Jake. was a dirty date literally. First camping, followed up by a group date in the sand which ended up with a dinner of ..wait for it..fruit and wine. Seriously. That was then followed up by Jake offering up a roll down the sand dune. He wondered why only Tenley took him up on it.
The Inn-credible time continued at the Madonna Inn. What was up with that place? If someone who gets design could let me know what is appealing about that place? The girls got showered and changed only to cram into some rosey-pink leather booth in a gaudy dining room and waited to be called up by Jake to accompany him into some bizarre themed room. The first room was named the Romance room. The only romance in the room was written on the door. Cue the awkward music as Ashleigh and her shorts tried to make moves on Jake. My fave quote of the show (so far) was from Jake “Sooo…what else?”.

Next Jake called on Vienna….but she pulled a stealth move and requested to go last. So ironically Vienna passed on the Austria room and Tenly opened her heart even more (is it possible) and expressed how it is painful for a woman longing to be desired. Yup, Tenly we just witnessed that with Ashleigh’s display in the Romance room mere moments ago.

Then it was Ali’s turn…you know..everyone complains about Vienna..but I feel I must complain about Ali..all she does is pick on Vienna. It’s getting tiresome.

Date #3: Instant Death Date
Mama Ella vs Stewardess Kathryn. Ella made a remarkable transformation from the campground to Jake’s cabin date. She looked very pretty…I wonder if she smelled like campfire though. I’m not sure why Jake gets lost in Kathyrn’s beauty…sometimes I think Jake throws compliments out when he’s not sure what to say. Not a bad strategy..who doesn’t love a compliment?
You much fun as I poke a gotta hand it to him for being Straight Up (because he really wants to love you forever oh oh oh and he’s not just having fun…that was a little Paula Abdul sampling..for the 80s crowd)…anyway he cut ‘em both loose because he wasn’t feeling it. Jake truly is following his heart. Oh..this was the only date where there was a nice dinner..didn’t look like anyone touched their food though.
So he sent them both packing. Well, not literally, the anonymous baggage handlers would pick up each woman’s luggage at the RV base camp. In the limo interview, Ella ominously wishes that Jake doesn’t crash and burn in this process. Soon after, Jake throws the rose he was supposed to award in the instant death date in the fire. Oh the drama!!!!!

Cocktail Party: What would Chris Do?
The drama continued later in the party. What escapes me is what Jake sees in Corrie..well besides the awesome conversation they had that went something like this:
Corrie to Jake “do I give you give you any feelings of awkwardness”
Jake: “No”
(Rose Reporter to self…that’s because you are awkward all the time Jake)
Corrie “If a guy likes a girl he should feel nervous or awkward or on his toes”
Jake: “I’m on my toes”
CorrieL “I want you to like me”
Jake: “I do like you”
Corrie. “I like you too”
Jake: “I need to get to know you”
Corrie: “I want you to get to know me”

….and it went on…
More awesome conversations went on…one girl went on to say “I’m scared and petrified at the same time” Thankfully Christ came to clink the glass and to whisk Jake away to what I’m guessing was a modified deliberation room.
Jake is back with his charger plate full of roses to give out…and then….Stop the petals…Jake needs a consultation. The Rose Cam (thanks Mare) follows Jake out the door because he must find Chris. Chris delivers in this surprising turn of events. Chris is not just the glad handing, card giving, glass clinking bearer of “take a moment and say your good-byes”, he listens carefully to Jake..while Jake asks “Chris what would you do if you were me”. Ummm Chris is married…but regardless Chris uses reflective listening to ensure he adequately captures Jake’s angst and steers Jake to a new course of action. They will remove one rose..and Jake will send two women packing. Phew. .crisis averted…perhaps even a few tears. Jake looked like he was going to cry.
You know..Jake is taking this very seriously..and props to him for now stringing anyone along.Way to go Jake.

Next to San Franscisco…..until then…I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Rose Report: The 3 Rs of the Bachelor

For the seasoned bachelor fans, you start to see the formula of the bachelor
Reduce: the number of women gradually
Reuse: the date ideas
Recycle: the notion that this process yields true love

My favourite definition of recycle is: to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature of:

And that’s what our bachelor is here for…to transform from single Jake to one who finds his true love.

As the stomach turns…
The first date..showed a lot about Jake. Jake picked up Vienna on his motorbike. The motorbike ride is a bit of a metaphor for the show. Jake –protected with leathers, helmet and Vienna hops on the back with her tank top and helmet, vulnerable to his decisions and must trust in this process.

Jake is using bungee jumping to help cement a relationship-to overcome fear as a couple. He also said he’s looking for someone nuturing and someone to be the strong one. He and Vienna both admitted a fear of heights (how does a pilot have a fear of heights?)Bungee jumping was not Jake’s finest hour. He looked unwell as he gripped the bridge moment before his jump. Vienna was a champ…and I think she passed Jake’s test for a strong and nuturing women…and he sealed the head of over heels date with a kiss….Awww…who wouldn’t want a kiss with their stomach turned upside down. Speaking of stomach turning…is it just me…or do other people need turn away when they watch Jake kiss?? Oh…the Cloud Jake comment…resulted in another stomach turn on my part.

It ain’t no laughing matter

Making the bachelorettes or bachelors put on some type of entertainment for the bachelor is tried. These bachelorettes are really doing double duty for this show. The process of dating is funny enough, now they are asked to do a comedy show. Putting the petals to the mettle….It would take courage to do that. It was mainly awkward and horrible. Kathryn did well, by initiating a kiss with Jake. That’s what Jake wants..a take charge kinda women.

Back at the roof top rock star after party (that was a joke), the mood went from not so funny, to serious, to tears. First Jake launches into the fun saying…”I don’t want to take it to a serious level, but it is exciting that my future wife may be sitting keenly remind all the women that it is a competition. So Miss “Savin’ All my Love For You” Tenly gave a very teary recount of her story of a woman spurned. Jake comforted gave her the awkard kiss/smile combo and all was good again. The tears continued with Michelle who again proclaimed she was here for love, marriage and children…because ‘it’s her turn’. Then came the kiss of death. She asked to be kissed (good move because Jake rarely initiates)…the she humiliates Jake by saying “seriously that’s it”. Uh oh. Not the right thing to say to the guy who is ‘too perfect’. The mood changed..Jake hung his head. And the next thing you know….the girl green with envy is sent a back in the green taxi. don’t diss Mr. Perfect. Bad things happen. Jake holds Michelle’s hand down the elevator (dunno why) then gets her a cab. Jake comes back to the party to announce that the party did not go as he planned…and it’s time for Jake to get into his jammies and go to bed. This dating thing is tiring. But Jake is slowly reducing the numbers and counting down to true love.

We’ve seen a lot of this before
Ella…the lovely single mom from Tennesee had quite a few recycled dating ideas. She gets the second helicopter date in the show, she’s off to Seaworld (remember the Trista/Ryan date…where Ryan bought Trista a Shamu stuffed bear??) and then Jake brings Ella’s song Ethan along for her birthday…hmmm seen that before…I believe Jason did that for a bachelorette from the south too. I kinda share Ethan’s response to Jake….distant and slightly disinterested. But it did seem that Jake had the least awkward kiss with Ella. I think she might be what Jake is looking for nuturing, strong and mothering. She also seems this least petty of the girls..and she (as well as the Canadian girl) did not jump on the Vienna hater train.

I think the reduce and reuse strategy just might be helping Jake on his amazing journey. I love how he called Elizabeth on her duplicitous ways. Aw shucks Jake….clarifying Elizabeth ‘s non kissing strategy was a spiritual stab in the dark. As milk toast as our Bachelor is, I’m happy he sent Elizabeth away. I’ll drink to that….

Maybe, just maybe, this tried (but not always true) formula for love might work for Jake… in the end…there maybe a shiny something for a special lady.
Until next week….I love this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more thing..Velishia..the other girl that was cut loose…how can she be a homemaker..does that mean she is unemployed??

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Rose Report: Watching the Bachelor for All the Right Reasons

What a show!!! This show was extra special for me. While watching this episode…I was feeling the Rose Report might be brought to you by the letter A.

Airheads…for some obvious reasons
Awful…where Jake tucked his rose before presenting to Rozlyn
Airplane ….we all knew that Jake would fly at least once during this episode…
Awkward (the feeling I feel every time Jake’s kisses anyone or expresses his romantic sentiments and musings)
Amusement Park….because I was amused that it was called Six Flags…just thought the park should be called red flags….sooo many red flags that are so easy for viewers to see..but not our dear bachelor.
(in) Appropriate…Rozyln’s (again..reminds me of the kinda cheap hotel on the northside…but what is in a name) behaviour with the producer

As I was prepared to review how this show, as with the many before, was rife with the examples of Hollywood cliché romantic date and ‘shocking’ twists and turns in this quasi juicy episode I stopped and realized that Jake is here for the right reasons. He really wants to find someone to marry on this show..and he’s not just going through the (e)motions.

As Jake clumsily attempts to make connections with these women, maybe he feels like he’s a 14 year old trapped inside one fine 30 something year old body. Maybe that’s what’s with all the 80s references…the On the Wings of Love Song, Chicago’s “You’re the inspiration”. (Do you think Ali knew who the band Chicago was?). Regardless..Jake is in this for the Glory of Love (it’s a Hard Habit to Break :)

So Jake’s not so elegant with the ladies…even though he’s got some textbook dates….I did find his capable nature in safety-checking the airplane kinda hot..(safety is hot:), then him flying the plane…pretty hot too. He pretty much cooled off after that with his bad grammar “You did good Ali” and odd dance moves in the park.

He also jumps into serious relationship-speak with any one on one time he has with anyone. Just showing..he’s trying to vet out the serious know those here for the right reasons…for him, to fall in love with him and to marry him.

Now that is where our very earnest bachelor may encounter some turbulence while on the wings of love. All a girl has to do is tear up, tear him away from the girls or tear off some note paper and write him a little special note . What was up with the nanny’s note…what did she mean..’it’s naked and natural’..more like it was odd and uninspiring. Elizabeth the nanny cleverly threw down the ‘no kissing’ challenge unless Jake was serious. Hmmm I wonder if he/she or they will cave during the FODs. Elizabeth did say she was playing hard to get..and the only game Jake is playing is playing for keeps.

Speaking of playing…I don’t think Michelle aka Debbie Downer is playing with a full deck. She was packing and unpacking, crying then happy. Michelle makes me tired.

Then this it all came to a screeching halt. Chris came in and summoned Rozlyn for a talk on the patio. In the past few episodes, Chris has shone as a host. In Bachelors past all he seemed to do was clink the wine glass to cease the cocktail party, announce the final rose and ask the women/mean to ‘take a moment to say your good-byes’. But Chris has handled some difficult Bachelor sitches…Trevor not choosing anyone, the Jason /Melissa/Molly fiasco and now the lyin’, cheatin’, double dealin Rosyln’. He did it with grace, finesse and composure.

This is the moment where I saw that Jake was truly troubled about what transpired. I did feel for the guy. This is serious for Jake….and he felt a little dumb…as anyone would who has been duped or misled. Jake really believes in this show and what it will do for him. His naivete about a reality show is silly but just a little endearing too.

What I did find ironic is when Chris said to Roslyn that she had an inappropriate relationship with a staffer and that is not what the show is about. So Fantasy Overnight Dates are appropriate then?? This whole show is inappropriate…. But I guess everyone knows what the ground rules are. Just because there is transparency, it doesn’t mean the process is right or appropriate. But I’m no ethicist..I just love this show.

And I love it for all the right reasons…..

Until next time…I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Rose Report: First Impressions,Falling, Football and flight-y girls

It's the most wonderful time of the year!! Well, maybe the second most wonderful's favourite show ever! The Bachelor...and this time 'round we have Jake known for trying to rescue former Bachelorette Jillian from Wes' wily ways . Now Jake will have his time to shine. For the unintiated, Jake is a commercial airline pilot with killer washboard abs, an electric smile and sadly, he's been pegged as being too perfect. Sigh. He may be first in charge on an airplane but he certainly does not have a commanding way with words.

.."noone is engineered to be alone"

..."flying is a drug that bites you in the touche like love"

..."love is more powerful than flying"

Well..he ain't no Yeats..but given that this episode is named after a cheesey '80s love song (note song lyrics excerpt below) we can't really expect too much from the show..

ON THE WINGS OF LOVE (Jeffrey Osborne)
Just smile for me and let the day begin You are the sunshine that lights my heat within I'm sure that you're an angel in disguise Come take my hand and together we will rise
On the wings of love Up and above the clouds The only way to fly Is on the wings of love On the wings of love Only the two of us Together flying high Flying high Upon the wings of love

..'kay..that's enough of On the Wings of Love..I was starting reach for an air sickness bag....back to the show!!!!

The first episode of this show is my fave! I love the insight into Jake's life. Jake, like many Bachelors before him, spends a lot of his life shirtless :) building, thinking, running....
Jake also dons his aviators and leather jacket and rips around the city on his motorbike (and his really large helmet..way to go first). I think the producers were trying to bad boy him up a bit. Guess the limos were all booked in Malibu because Jake had to ride over to the mansion (with his leather jacket over his suit jacket) to meet. Judging from his outfit, I think the budget line for Bachelor suits was eliminated. What was up with his matter...remember he'll likely take his shirt off soon.

First Impressions...
The ladies in the limo all seemed to have odd little tricks to get the Jake's attention..but by doing so it just makes them equally as difficult to distinguish. The double headed coin, the dirt in the palm, the broken picker solution(what's a broken picker??), the aviator glasses, the nose trick, jelly beans..wha??? What was memorable was the assortment of very very shiny dresses. There was a lot of everything, cleavage, leg, crinolin, glitter and my personal fave..the full length green sequined dress. Some girls were just stunning...Rozlyn (which apparently means little rose..but when I hear Rozlyn..I think the northside hotel..shout out to my northside peeps)...and the nanny was gorgeous too.

A few notable girl fell right into Jake coming up the slippery stone sidewalk to greet Jake and the second one was the girl in the yellow flowy dress..who proclaimed "i'm already falling for him" shortage of cliches....too much..this show is too much.

What better way to get Jake's attention but to throw the pig skin around. The nanny brought out a football to see how Jake could throw a ball....apparently you can tell alot about a guy by the way he throws a football. That foray into football led to a spontaneous game of touch football. Call me paranoid, but playing football in long dresses on cement seems a little dangereuse for me. I think Jake should supplied some heavy duty helmets for them. Good thing there were not bachelorettes hurt in the filming of this episode.

Flight-y girls....
Well no shortage of examples. The most obvious example is the teacher who transformed into a stewardess. The stewardess cap did not fit her head (because she's so brainy she said)...turns out she's getting a PhD....good for her. Another indication that education does not mean one always makes smart choices.
But who comes to help Jake sort out all his choices....but the sober (literally) second thought of the Bachelor but the Ed/Jill panel!!! Jill's looked lovely in her sparkly dress which personified her disposition. Ed (thankfully he wore a suit and not his signature tank tops) gave some excellent advice to Jake that he did not take. Ed...very wisely said that he didn't get a good vibe from Michelle (who seems a emotinally labile and certain that Jake was for her). Jake sees sincere in Michelle...I see someone a wee unstable.
Oh my...then there was the airplane girl....who told Jake to lie down on the floor and then he supported her lying horizontally with only his feet. I was confused watching that. It looked like some crazy chiropractic intervention..but apparently it's called 'playing airplane'.
Tenley aptly made a top 10 list about her personality traits. Nearly reached for the sickness bag again when she said was a 'cuddle bug'. Seriously..who talks like that?
The most spacey monologue was done in Cambodian by Chammy. I won't repeat it......this blog is rated PG 13(Pretty Good 13 posts)..I mean....PG-13 rating...Glad to hear that Chammy hit the highway.

The only thing I that really suprised me was that Jake didn't pick the Captain in the airforce. She seemed sweet and genuine. Maybe Jake is right....nice guys (and girls) don't finish last..they just have to wait a bit longer....

Until next week bachelor faithful...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!