Monday, January 12, 2009

Shaken and Stirred

The producers are shaking things up on set! While we do have the tried and true standbys of the pool parties, gratuitous six pack ab shots, plungeing necklines, candlelight, limos and dates with a cityline view....there are winds of change on this season of the Bachelor. Last week we saw those tricky tricksters give us the Bachelor Ballot box. This week they announce...not everyone gets to go on a date with Jason during the week....GASP!!! No group or one on one time for a few of the ladies as if tensions weren't high enough!

The first pool party came with a single rose delivery(which meant a one on one evening date with Jason!!) While Jason made valiant attempts to get to each of the ladies...his Attention Deficit came out a bit. Anytime the ladies called or threw an ice cube to get his attention he'd respond. I'm starting to think that Jason is a love and attention-starved man who sees his past relationships as failures rather than learning opportunities. Could he be a man who views his champagne glass as half full? Is his rock solid, sculpted musculature (sigh..) compensating for an underdeveloped and soft sense of self????

Okay...back to pool party #1...he spends time with a lot of ladies but Lady Stephanie (and her alcoholic offerings) are rebuffed. Stephanie, being her gracious self, takes herself and the drinks and retreats to sit beside Nikki...the do gooder who is only looking out for Jason and Ty's best interest.....and the single rose offering goes to our girl from Alberta!! Hot Dawg...Jillian's got a one on one date!! Go Peace River!! Jillian quickly gets ready and they have a lovely date at a concert hall. Jillian shows much gratitude (awwww nice Canadian)..but there's more...Robin Thicke is there and he performs only for them. Then a cringe-worthy moment..So You Think You Can Dance Jillian...nope. Stop...cut. Thankfully the next ditty was a slower one and which involved much less movement...then they shared a kiss...not the most passionate....but hey..the band was watching.

Bills bills bills
Somebody's gotta pay for the bachelor/bachelorette pad the next date is sponsored by Good Year. Nothing says romance like blimp...well especially a ouija blimp that can answer your dating questions. After the blimp says hi to Melissa and tells her that a kiss might be on the horizon...the lucky couple gets to go on a blimp ride. So they don their headsets and gaze at the amazing L.A. lights...Melissa fits Jason's bill...and gets the rose. She escaped instant death elimination date.

Dress up and.....another pool party!!
The next group date goes shopping!!! They get dressed in new outfits and take a short walk down a back alley then they are at a boutique hotel..with surprise..a pool!! I think the girls must carry bathing suits in their handbags. So after the girls are in the outfits for 1/2's time to frolic in the pool. I guess the date creativity was all used up with the interactive to make the pool party a bit more interesting Jason decides to have a talent contest. He tries to channel Jesse's coolness by saying he's going to have a beat box competition which turns into Jason doing a breakdance routine...huh?? This guy has not street cred. He lives in Seattle...not the Bronx...maybe he shoulda tried...umm....a coffee tasting?? Dunno...but after an uninspiring synchronized swimming routine (notice noone submerged... I mean who wants to wreck their hair and makeup doing a synchro routine)....Molly (the sleeper!! yikes...the girls are using terrorist analogies to describe other girls) takes Jason away to show him her other talent...of being a great kisser. Well...some people sing, some write, some twirl batons...but hey...looks like everyone has a talent. Well...Molly flexed her tongue muscle and received a rose!! So Jason drops off the girls back home and says his goodbyes...but guess who snuck into the back seat of the stretch limo escalade to a brief conversation???the Brazil Nut !!!Raquel startled Jason...and wanted to tell him that she wanted to stay...okay..thanks Raquel..What was up with her soliloquy about till death do us part..but not really. She wants a man who loves her so much that he would never find happiness in the event of her untimely departure. Yikes....where's the vision board lady...sounds like Raquel follows the laws of fatal attraction.

Well...Jillian, Melissa and Molly are safe from elimination. Lisa had to go be by her grandmother's side (good move Lisa..and godspeed to your grandmother) two ladies need to be eliminated. There's the usual hijinx at the cocktail party. Ericca and Megan get very cross at eachother. Stephanie is very much the portrait of a lady and does not get involved in any of the house shenanigans. Even after she brings many bachelorettes to tears about her story of loss, she consoles them and brings them to the present and wants to let people know that she wants to focus on Jason. Speaking of focusing on Jason...Sharon the hygienist really wants to sink her teeth into Jason. She is in hot trivial pursuit of him. Jason revels in the attention and adoration...and I cannot help but be fixated on the shininess and toothiness of Sharon's smile. Oh..and do you think Sharon thinks Jason is cute?????

Well....Jason gets summoned to the deliberaton room. Maybe Chris Harrison thinks that this 8 year Bachelor gig will get him a spot on Dateline because Chris switches gears from Bachelor facilitator to interrogator in the Deliberation Room and asks Jason hard hitting questions about each girl. Maybe it helps Jason distill his thoughts about who will be the girls to go.

We bid a fond arivaderci to Sharon the unemployed spanish teacher and Raquel the Brazilian beauty. Maybe Raquel can finally teach Sharon how to salsa and Sharon can help Raquel with any immigration issues....that law of attraction draws just what you need into your life!!! It all comes full circle on the Bachelor.

Until next time...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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