Monday, May 18, 2009

The Rose Report- Purple Reign

It's baaacck!!! My most favourite show ever!!!
And appropriately on this most regal holiday..Queen Victoria Day.

It's all back..the roses, the limos, the flickering candles..and the white wine. Jillian-originally hailing from Peace River AB, now in Vancouver BC is looking for her Prince.

To begin there was a montage of the many faces of Jillian-using some cliched pop culture references to help us understand our new Bachelorette- the "Sex and the City " Jillian with her love of shoes, the Jessica Simpson-esque shot of Jillian washing her car in high heels and short shorts and finally a replication of a moment of the orginal Bachelorette-Mary Tyler Moore- with Jillian throwing her beret up in the air as if to say she's made if after all. ( I think the latter was a nod to the feminist bachelorette viewers...this show really can appeal to everyone:)

Well Jillian did make it from Canada to Cali....and looks like Jill's bombing around LA in a purple convertible, her perfectly coiffed hair blowing in the wind. Jillian looks fabulous, fit and fantastic for guessed it..'amazing journey to fine true love'.

Back at the Bachelorette Ranch, Jillian gets to meet the 25 men who will vy for her heart...and those elusive roses. As a seasoned Bachelor/Bachelorette viewer- I think the pickings are slim (but muscular) this round:)

It's Bonus Time at the Bachelorette. In a twist, Chris announces late in the cocktail party that there are five extra to choose from. So this means that after this show, the # of bachelors left is 20 vs. the usual 15.

Purple did seem to be the colour of shirt/tie choice among the Bachelors. Maybe it's a trendy colour this year in menswear or maybe some guys found it was Jillian's favourite colour.

Here's a sampling of Jillian's subjects:
Juan...seems kinda smarmy and works with his mommy. Broke out some Spanish (his lineage is Argentinian) to impress Jillian upon their first meeting. Dude, she's from Canada, perhaps try something en francais.

Simon..the soccer guy from England...I wonder why the show put subtitles on when he's speaking..note to Bachelorette's the same language...and the British invented it.

Wes...(a budding Bachelor Idol)..comes with a guitar by the pool and a song in his heart for Jillian. Something tells me he's looking for a record deal.

Tanner P aka foot fetish guys...I can't say I've ever felt more creeped out than by Tanner P, As if his shiny, embossed sports jacket wasn't enough. His ramblings about what makes a perfect foot and how feet are so important made him sound very unbalanced. Did they phase out psychological testing for Bachelorette participant hopefuls???

Michael: the breakdance instructor...well he sure can move it, move it. His wardrobe likely has a lotta lycra in it given all the moves he has to bust all day long, but did he borrow his clothing for the show? It looked like he was wearing a woman's button down (purple) shirt and the jacket seemed a bit small for him.

Mathew (spelled Mathue)...his cowboy hat was mint. When he took it off upon approaching Jillian for the first time, I thought he did so to either to :
a) show some type of homage to the Bachelorette
b) present it to Jillian because she's a country music fan.

The correct answer is

c) none of the above. He did so to show her the wicked cool autographs on it and then he pulls out a Sharpie and asks her to sign it.

My two leading favourites are Ed, the IT consultant. He seems fairly laid back, confident and well spoken and Dave the trucking contractor. Hmm..what exactly is a trucking contractor. They both seem endearing...but there are many, many episodes yet to come:O) Things are not always as they appear.

My alltime Bachelorette premiere moment was at the very end, by lawyer Stephen. Stephen seemed very proud of his recent graduation from law school and did appear quite confident. Well, his mood soured and his temperament turned quite dour when he turned up rose-less.
Fresh out of law school you'd think he'd have chosen more eloquent closing statements on exiting the Bachelorette compound. All he could come up with was.."Maybe it's a country city thing, maybe she likes country guys and I'm a city guy ..maybe she's into jumping into hay that what they do in the country..i don't know what they do in the country". I'm no lawyer, but if you don't have evidence to support your argument, then I think it's best to say nothing.
The best quote of the night goes to Stephen; "Maybe she doesn't like awesome guys".

Good to know he left with his ego intact.

The previews for the next shows look so juicy. It's gonna be a great season.
Until next time...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment: said...

I liked the fact one of the guys (Tanner P.) has a foot fetish. I think that's really cool. I also have a female foot fetish. I even have a blog about it at if you want to see it.