Monday, June 1, 2015

So much drama-this episode is for the birds

This is where I think that stereotypes are wrong. This is the most dramatic bachelorette in history..
Kupah is still on this show for not a good time, nor a long time. Kaitlyn has a chat with him when she hears all his yellin' in the courtyard. He is one angry bird. More birds later in the show..
And did he say the word chlamydia?

I thought they did testing prior to the show.

But Kupah is Kaput...she awards roses..and why does she choose Tony to stay? That must be a producer pick.

Most of this episode was much ado about a lot of men chirping and there was some serious preening going on.

Group date: Note..there will be some violence in this date....It's not rated T (for Tony).
Some sumo wrestlers awaken the men from their slumber. The men don some garb..but not a lot..and get a sumo lesson...then proceed to get taken down. Even Tony couldn't locate his inner warrior.
I thought it was funny that guys commented on the lack of Tony's butt.I'm not sure it makes me feel better, but it always seems that women are critiquing other it is a bit refreshing when the tables are turned. It seemed that this sumo event really annoyed Tony after he lost. I lost count how many monologues he had about his warrior spirit, his loving nature, peace and his bonsai trees.  For someone so peaceful he got so very angry..and seemed to direct it at Kaitlyn's choices of dates.  Some people were a bit more comfortable with the event..Joe..just let it all hang out.and Clint just wanted to bulldoze people.
Shawn gets the rose!!

Tony does not go on part two of the date..instead he chooses to leave on his own terms. He puts on a few that was an ugly fleece. He met Kaitlyn to let her know...He's gone.thankfully...his monologues were getting so repetitive! Hopefully someone was watering his bonsai trees.

Is there bromance brewing??
With some good editing it seems that Clint and JJ are having a budding bromance. Clint is becoming less attractive.

1:1 of horrors..
No.not the bachelor mansion..but some studio..Ben and Kaitlyn must make their way through a locked room and get the passcode to exit. Let's say it together.."this date is a good test of a relationship"..blah blah..perhaps pigeons, pests, maggots and the anaconda were metaphor for challenges they would face in the seems more like the metaphor that Kaitlyn faces in the house trying to bumble her way to a happy and gas free exit.
Ben was pretty lovely during the ordeal..very supportive. His 1:1 time with her was lovely...I hope he cries one day:)

Group Date: Learning about love
Interesting name for the date. The only mention of love was from Ben H..who did a stellar job interlacing his task at hand with the bigger picture and included Kaitlyn...good lesson Ben..include the woman and that's all it takes.
Joshua was so funny saying that he learning everything from cows on the farm...
Did Kaitlyn ever tell the guys they were child actors?
Jared gets 1:1 time with Kaitlyn..back in her hotel room..that Jared has one very angular it might hurt to kiss him at the wrong angle..He doesn't seem super masculine..but I vote him as most likely to suit skinny jeans, single origin bean coffee and most likely to go to Coachella .
Ben gets the rose!!

Meanwhile the house villains are back at the house in their loungewear and perfectly coiffed hair squeezing each others back pimples (ewwwww). I'm not sure if they are into each other or into winning...JJ thinks he's a pretty scary dude. Pretty scary that he thinks he's appealing to women.

At the cocktail party...Kaitlyn is going to have a severe talking-to to Clint..i wonder once confronted if he will lose his swagger and chicken out and  eat  some crow or will this be his swan song???
until next week...

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