Monday, May 14, 2012

Guess who's not getting a first impression rose

Well...I certainly would not get the first impression rose! I fell asleep waiting for the best show ever!! Why so tired? Well, I was cleaning out my closet. Literally and somewhat metaphorically- but that's a whole other blog:)It did feel good to pack up a garbagebagful. I woke up with only half hour of the show left. Nope, still no PVR so that means I had half hour of program plus commercials. Happy to see part of the show..but I love the first's like watching the first few episodes of American Idol... Emily came across as a very congenial, albeit a bit stilted and cliche. As Neil Lane flippantly said to Ben.."this ain't your first pony ride"...well, it's not Emily's first foray into reality TV..perhaps the weight of the show being on her shoulder's is different. But she did 'get advice' from Ali and Ashley a few months ago on how to be a Bachelorette...not that I"d put too much credence into the double A's advice. Emily is a lovely person and seems like a pretty person inside and out..however the dress looks like it was made for an Olympic skater. That faux beige backing that was to give the impression her dress was backless made me think she looked flammable..and not in the 'hot' way. I wish wish wish I saw all the guys and heard their stories. Stevie..the guy with the green shirt was green with envy of 'helicopter' dude. Jealousy is highly unflattering. He was chosen so he'll add to the drama. Doug..the guy with the 11 year old who wrote an open letter to Emily. The child has a future in advocacy or lobbying..and that letter was enough to win Emily's heart and to hand Daddy Doug a first impression rose. whoa...and Jef..the dude missing one f in his name..perhaps the second f was for the extra flouff in his hair. It's modern take on 60's or 80s male heartthrob hair. That guy must need serious product to make his air defy gravity like that. I'll makea note to check the humidity index in Charlotte. Speaking of hair..Michael..what was his story. Tough econonmic he forgoes hair cuts? His hair lacked style and didn't make a statement except- "I need a makeover". If he's growing his hair to donate it to kids with cancer..I take all my hair comments back:) Well..I don't have much else to comment on. Chris was nice to see him..i hear he's going through a divorce..he looks like he's holding it together. A look at future episodes look liek the show is making a foray into Europe...London is a stop...perhaps there will be some Olympic cross know with the rings and all. There looks like there will be a lot of drama..and men crying too!! it's going to be juicy!!! Oh..and some jerk refers to Ricky as baggage..and apparently sweet Emily drops an f bomb. The jerk probably deserves it. He knew Emily had a child before coming on this show. But speaking of real does feel good to clean our your closet:) Until next week... I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!

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