Monday, February 12, 2018

Showdowns before the hometowns

Call me shallow, but I'd take watching this showdown for a Neil Lane ring over Olympic Rings.

This episode wins for most non-English words spoken in a  Bachelor episode.
Grazi! Prego! Andiamo!Ciao! Cia bella! belissmo! gelato!
Now that we know Arie knows how to use Google Translate, we begin some dates under the Tuscan sun.

The first russare (means snore in Italian) of a date was with the non-22 year old Becca
She low-high dress on..super flowy. Like the randon words en Italiano, there was a random bread stand with a dude with an apron. The bought a picolino bread..then to another store to buy some fromaggio and vino. They talked, then twirled.
Ari did a lot of twirling in this episode.
Ari was reassured by Becca
She gets to rozzzzzzz (oops...almost fell dormire on that date)

Was pretty much mute again, because she's terrified. Spoke mainly in short affirming phrases. They're in the town of Luca..with walls used to 'fortress' the city. So Ari hits up google translate but not gram marly...and got all up into using a noun for a verb. I get that ripped jeans at the knees are literally and metaphorically cool, but didn't it look like Lauren cut circles out of her jeans at the knee? They grab some gelato..climb some stairs..and then play soccer with the kids..while Ari mainly kept the ball away from the kids. You da uomo Ari.

He's so attracted to her...but unsure..the moment she utters that she is into him he has to leave the table.. I'm like 'whah?" Does he need to scoreggia...Nope..he just got so nervous that he had to go walk in a circle by himself.

Lauren gets the rose.

Meanwhile..who's getting real..but Jacqueline..she's doubting her feels. She goes to talk to sounded like she was being all emotional and complimentary...she she wasn't feeling this. This Bachelor thing was not her marmellata.

Good decision Jacqueline! Good luck with your PhD. The girls are so shocked when she goes..Becca (22 year old) calls odds just went up. Some girls are crying. So weird.

This one didn't go right from the start. Seine looked so pretty..but the awkward carb laden family lunch of pizza and pasta...maybe didn't sit right. They go for dinner later..and I wasn't feeling any love from Ari to Sienne and she was all reassuring to him. Didn't work this time. She got sent home..but not without her scolding him for not telling her sooner.

The mini-group date:
Kendall and Ari seem so into each other. I still don't get the taxidermy thing..kendall gets the rose and then the most awkward dinner between Ari, becca and Tia...Beccau seemed super fake..and even when she was crying when she felt felt forced..she even showed Ari she is getting white's like she tried to get him to feel protective, then she showed him some sign of age with some white hair, then she challenged him have faith. It seemed fake..
Glad Tia got the rose. Props to Tia for letting Becca know  Tia threw Becca under the cheese cart by telling  Ari that Becca  isn't serious.
That girl from Weiner has got balls:)

Next week hometowns..From the previews, it looks like none's family is digging the Bachelor protocol. The good news is that Becca's mom now knows that Becca is not missing but is now back in the land of social media (didn't Becca's mom report her as missing?)

yeesh..what a journey so far..
Until hometowns...

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