Monday, February 2, 2015

Hey Hey Hey - to finding love in Sante Fe

You know..everyone is caring what Chris is thinking.
I think to be a bachelorette, one must suspend any critical thinking (of oneself..they are quick to be critical of others) and worry about what Chris is thinking.
The Bachelor is like a weird can't leave, you have supervised outings and the warden (Christ) and his helper (Chris H) get to decide when you leave.

The girls head to Sante Fe!! Three cheers..hey hey finding love in Santa Fe
Which is not a different country - Megan. Yeesh.

Love guru.
The first on one one is with Carlie..the cruise ship singer...she reminds me a bit of a cross between Katie Perry and Amy Poehler. I like Carlie.but Carlie has been wounded in love.
They go meet the love that really a thing?
Carlie and Chris get suited up in white garb (Carlie's has  draw string) and the love guru makes them  unpant, i men unmask, blind fold and breathe on each other. I felt just as awkward watching this as I do when Ashley I and Chris kiss.
They did bare (not literally) a lot to each other...pretty intense conversation for the Bachelor..she telling Chris she felt unworthy of love and Chris saying he wasn't sure someone would want to live on a  farm. Pretty honest...Gotta give it up to the love guru..maybe the burning sage did something after all.
Then it turned into a typical bachelor date when they went off to a room and sat/lounged by a fireplace surrounded by pillows that was a spot that was conducive to lying down. They remained upright and honest. I like Carlie..too bad she needs to get validation from a dude to feel's understandable but hard to hear that someone else's opinion will influence what she thinks of herself.

Carlie gets the rose!

The Rapids date that was the LONGEST DATE EVER
what  snore.
They rode rapids.
Jordan came back at the cocktail party (gasp) long is the ride from Colorado to Sante Fe.
Everyone is steaming mad that Jordan is wrecks the cocktail party. They are all wondering What is Chris thinking??
As if seeking re-election - Chris doesn't want to disappoint the he ejects Jordan..and she's sent packing.i mean..driving (her suitcase was probably still in her trunk)
Fave quote of that date: ashely "my mind is boggled"

Britt -

One of the most fascinating facts of the night was that Britt doesn't shower.  That is the most fascinating question of the evening. I can understand multiples days of not hair washing? But non showering. Is it an aesthetic thing? Does she think it will dry out her skin? Is she big on water conservation? She also sleeps with her make up on. But if she doesn't would she remove it??
She gets a surprise wake up call. The night before she was crying because her date card said something about being sky high.and she has a huge fear of heights. Chris wakes her up..she rushes around to find clothes..and puts on dirty socks (ewww...but she doesn't wash so it doesn't matter).
How does she look so good without showering. Like really. For someone who was so scared of heights she was ecstatic of a a hot air balloon ride. Last time I checked those go pretty high..and you are flying around in a basket. Well, they have a romantic time.hopefully Chris is upwind of Britt. They kiss. A lot. the hot air balloon attendant must just be focusing on the flame. Not of lot of options for him in the basket.
After the hot air balloon ride..Chris takes her to his room..where they crawl clothed into bed..and 'nap'. Well hot air balloon rides are pretty tiring. Oh they had coffee and snacks too.

Kelsey's story
Kelsey tells Chris she is a widow..and creepily gives a monologue on camera how this is her love story too. Is she lying about being a widow? She seems very intent on having limelight and having this being told in story books. So she's a guidance counsellor. Really?
It seemed weird that she wanted to make out with Chris after she tells him this story.

I think the Bachelor skimped on psychological testing for this batch of contestants.

Cocktail Party

Scratch that. Chris knows what he wants and he announces the conversation he had with Kelsey made him reflect on things. Kelsey (who i'm certain is wearing Stella and Dot earrings) seems very assured that she is not going home..until Chris cancels the rose ceremony. She gets up..and then goes and has a panic attack.

Rose Ceremony

That's ceremony! We need to attend to Kelsey's panic attack...
What happens..I guess we find out next week..
Until then,

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