Monday, February 11, 2013

Please don't take my sparkle away

It's a's a's a seaplane!!!!
The girls are off to the US Virgin Islands!!
and they deplane to the Bucaneer..the lovely sponsor hotel. Here Sean has to do some whittlin'. He has to shave two girls off..down to the final four and the hometowns....and how does one make such a decision??? By dating of course!!

Ashlee's one on one.
The date card arrives. Another thing that can be relied on (as you know there will be roses, candles, a limo, Chris and dinners) that everything on the date card is read..even the punctuation. For example "Ashley, let's get carried away DOT, DOT , DOT". Tiera provides some tasteful commentary about Ashley being a cougar at 32. Oh Tiera..why is noone nice to you?? I do not recall Ashley making cougar-esque sartorial choices. I don't think she has one animal print in her suitcase.

Pack your blindfold Ashley because Sean is going to carry you away. First up...they must swim up to the boat..then then ride to an island..where they must jump off and swim to shore. There is significantly more calories burned on this Bachelor than others. They have a romantic time...they cavort oceanside..then in the ocean then back again on the sand...all for a lovely video montage. Then they have a dinner in the dark..and Ashlee reveals...that she was married a long time ago..when she was 17!! so she would stop arguing with her mom. Interesting rationale. How does Sean take it? Like the Bachelor champ he is..and tells her she's perfect just the way she is. Sigh..when will Sean do something wrong (well except for that Lake Louise sweater and his one pair of bad swim trunks..but that's all superficial stuff...all that clothing can be peeled away....oh and replaced with better clothign choices..pardon carried away for a second)
Sean and Ashlee end the night kissing... Does she keep her hand in her pocket while kissing Sean?

Group date: Love is on the Horizon

It's time for Up at At 'em at the Buccaneer. Sean rouses the group date girls at 442 with cameras in tow. Of course he says they look better than he does. Catherine the champ is the lowest maintenance of them all..and says she just has to pee and she's ready to go. however she  must have applied the black liquid eyeliner mid-pee..because she did have make up on.

The all get into a jeep and go watch a very pretty sunrise. Dez is taking most of Seans' attention during the day. And the other two girls feel like the 3rd and 4th wheels on the date. After the sunrise..then drive all the way to the other side of the island to play in the sand...All have some one on one time and do some personal sharing. Lindsey keeps surprising me...she looked great sans makeup..and they have a certain chemistry. Catherine does some sharing with Sean about her dad's battle with depression. Heavy. Sean is lovely and supportive. Sean could seriously lead weekend courses on how to be a great date...And Dez tells Sean how she wants what her parents have. Then she it nerves or feelings for Sean.
They all miss the sunset for some reason..well they can't see the sun.

Tiera- Street Date
Tiera is not thrilled that she has a city date. She'd rather be on the beach frolicking thant battling the het and insects.The girls are appalled that she isn't thrilled just being in Sean's presences. We've seen Bachelor street dates before. The pair go shopping and usually there is one ugly piece of artisanal jewellery purchased. That woudl be the shell necklace Sean bought for her..but he bought her an eternity bracelet. Tiera is thrilled with it..well..given that Sean finds symbolism on his dates...i would have been excited too.

Oh..another part of the street date is a happenstance special event. This time it is a random parade..with noone lined up street side. Tiera loves a dancing parade and gets her bouncy groove on. Sean tries to keep up..and is thrilled Tiera is having a good time. Maybe all the vigourous dancing keeps the bugs away.

Tiera though feels a distance and this worries her. Sean tells her over dinner that he has heard she is not friendly.Tiera makes sure to tell Sean how she's feeling. Sean likes that stuff..but in her head..there is some croix that's gonna hit the fan back at the Buccaneer.

Lesley's boring date
I like Lesley..she's funny. Sean wants to see if the relationship can be sped up a what does he choose to do? Have a chill date. By Sean's dating standards they need to overcome an obstacle, but this going to be 'chill' and they are going to pick fruit. I got up to get laundry at that point. It was more entertaining watching my towels in the spin cycle. Slow and awkward dates happen in real life..but do not make for good reality TV.

Special Guest: Shay!
Whoa..Shay is on the of Sean's coveted family members..the woman responsible for signing Sean up for the Bachelor (doubt it...but whatevs).
Shay looks like a very certain person..and Sean looks up to her. Maybe becasue she's sure about everything. I couldn't really listen to her. I think I was distracted by her swaying cherry-like earring cluster. That puts costume in costume jewellery.
Sean is confused about Tiera..and t hinks Tiera should meet Shay.
How serendipitous that there is a showdown at the hotel. Tiera is on a tear- she goes for round two of Ashlee being a cougar..saying If I was 32 I wouldn't want to be here gossiping with 20 year olds. Ashlee is pretty but she can't use adverbs or adjectives properly. Tiera went with more ageist comments Ashlee commented on Tiera's facial expressions. Tiera "I can't help my face..I haven't had botox"
 Sean finds Tiera weeping..tries to console her..tells her he wants to introduce her to someone. Tiera doesn't even care who..she keeps crying. She makes sure to tell Sean she is emotional because she cares and has a big heart.
Sean leaves the room to collect himself and ruminates on what all-knowing Shay told him "If she can't get along with other girls..there's a problem there".
Sean tells Tiera she shouldn't stay because he cares and its not good for her. Sean is a spin doctor.
Tiera tells him he obiviously doesn't care enough if he is letting her go. And off she went in a blue mini van!! And she is telling herself looking outside the window "they will not take Tiera's sparkle away"...No they won't ..but the mini van is taking you to the airport.

Cocktail party - it ain't.

Sean comes out to tell the ladies that he realized Tiera was not meant to be his he does not like drama. And then he says that he knows what he wants . He feels sure as Shay!

Rose Ceremony
Lesley is gone! Weird? Not really. You know what's weird..Catherine's reaction. This is a Bachelor first..she is crying because she is staying!! She feels that Lesley has more in common with Sean than she does.

Next week..hometowns!!!
Until then..I LOVE THIS SHOW!!

PS Did you see the previews for next week..looks like Dez's brother and Sean are going to rumble.

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