Monday, June 18, 2012

Dobro dosli u Hrvatsku!!!!! Welcome to Croatia!!!!!

On the heels of the Croatia's sad sad loss to Spain-having the Bachelorette in Dubrovnik made a day a week better.  I catch the Bachelorette in time to catch Travis having his dupa (ass) dumped in Dubrovnik, speaking of ass- i was getting kicked albeit in a meditative way at yoga.

Dovidenja (until we see eachother again) Travis. Well Travis was mighty upset. So upset that he.....tossed his umbrella when it was raining. Hmm littering at a UNESCO site- littering is never cool, save for a heritage site.

I settle in for the group date excited to see what Croatian date will  unfold. Well the geniuses (or genii?) decide for the ultimate authentic experience-a Disney Pixar preview followed by Highland games? Whah? Even if the producers don't have the good fortune of knowing a Croat someone in ABC land could Wiki it? Eeek. They coulda rode a magarac (well actually they did end up doing that), played soccer, handball,  did shots of slivovica, learned to dance Lindo, made sarma, kulen or cevape, vino or olive oil or be seranded by tamburasi..but nooooo produce placement won out. But.the Disney Pixar movie and highland games it was..and they imported a Scotsman. Sigh. disappointing. I'm happy that Chris won the bravery award. I liked his zeal and effort. I still am on the fence whether I find him good looking-sometimes he's exceptionally so..and sometimes he looks awkward..ah well..don't we all:)
Sean...sigh...the guy that broke the big log by throwing it:) Sigh...I wish I could watch that over and over. Sean is dreamy for a blonde guy:)

Arie takes the lead by taking Emily for a walk..and does a romantic wall kiss. Nicely done. Jef..I waffle about him...some times he looks prepubescent..and then sometimes he's eloquent and self assured. He has done remarkably well at keeping his hair coiffed and voluminous in the elements.
Chris gets the rose on that date! Woot! I'm hearting Chris..actually I feel like I'm developing  a few connections with the guys. Alas..not my journey...back to the reality that its a reality show.

Next. Ryan. Gets the one on one date. The guys are not overly fond of Ryan's very precise grooming habits of leg shaving and finger hair plucking. Ryan takes the wheel to drive away on the date...pissing many Croat drivers off.did you hear how many honks he got...and I'm certain it's not because they were fans of the Bacheor program.

Ah shucks. They're off to get oysters. Please allow me..but I did try oysters for the first time in Dubrovnik and they were mightly tasty and more palatable than I imagined..but Emily didn't like him..and the Croat on the boat..told her to spitthem out:) Ryan encouraged her to eat them for the aphrodiasic quality. She chose to spit. I say that was foreshadowing:0)

After that they change and Emily looks a little bit like a trophy I must say..a bit like an Oscar really. Props to her for walking on those slippery stone streets in heels.Ryan kept bringing out the trophy reference. I can't speak about how much disdain I have for him. Idid learn that he likes to write. This time he wrote a list!! of 12 things! That he wants:)

Emily surprises me. She actually does seem genuine and self assured. I loved that she said that he makes her feel like she needs to be perfect, and that she noted his top things don't match hers. I totally give her credit for breaking up with him despite feeling chemistry. And she did have me thinking that Ryan was going to sway her and try to convince her to give him that rose. How awesome that she didn't!!!! I enjoyed his soliloquy in the car...and his main concern that the producers don't make him look arrogant. Not much in there about Emily.

Rose Ceremony. What was up with Emily's dress? What was that made of ? Recycled juice boxes? and the odd strap across the back. Odd.
There's a Hail Mary and Emily decides to award an extra rose. I thought both John and Doug were going down!! Either the producers are stellar or Emily is full of suprises.

I say Zivjeli (cheers) to Emily...and on to Prague..
until next week...ja volim ovaj program!! (I love this show!!!)

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