Monday, January 10, 2011

Deja view(ed)

Well not only is Brad back on the show again, but the dates were very 'in the date box' type of thinking and Ali and Roberto make a comeback too. We've seen these dates before...the amusement park, the studio date (where the acting 'may' be used for future promotional material) and finally the princess scenario. A bit of a yawn...but to be fair, this is regular Bachelor fare and as Starbucks says (as opposed to the Coffee Bean-whatever that coffee shop is) Enjoy the Ritual.

Amusement park
Well Ashley's outfit kinda looked like Carrie Bradshaw met Tinkerbell. I can imagine how thrilled she was to learn that she would have to hike down a dirt road to a creepy carnival in her shiny outfit and glittery shoes. That amusement park looked like a scene of a low budget thriller. Eerily enough Ashely and Brad share similar addiction/absentee father stories. Brad presents her with a rose and she accepts.

The Bloodletting begins
Here we see another group date where the scenes 'may be used for promotional material' this time for the American Red Cross. you think that the Red Cross would used the tawdry scenes in a national campaign. Melissa's cougar outfit was great -nice animal print. Her earrings started to approach the size of Michelle's. Are Michelle's jewellery choices for the visually impaired? was her 30th birthday..and it was a very angry birthday. She was sour the whole day..maybe her jewellery was too heavy. What was with Britt's about face to suck face with Brad. Too much Britt. Oh..after any Bachelor movie/commercial dates there is always the after party that is always BYOB (bring your own bikini). Melissa and Rachel start in on eachother at teh party. Melissa gets a rose for her birthday and does a weird happy dance in the pool.

The Princess date
Yup..seen this before too..the spa/fancy dress/romantic dinner/ seranade date. Brad wants to give Jackie a Pretty Woman experience..wasn't Julia Roberts a lady of the evening in that movie? Brad and Jackie don robes, rub some mud on eachother. Next off to the dress/shoe room. Not a shortage of glittery dresses. Jackie looks super pretty..and wait..insert jewellery product placement by Neil Lane. .i wonder if they ar the ring sponsoer for the Bachelor. Then off to the abandoned stadiume where Jackie reveals her lean dating resume. Brad is scared but still presents her with a rose. Then Train performs (maybe that's why the date card said.get your love on track). Train crooned Marry Me... hmm a bit premature.but if Brad picks her at the bet there will be a video montage this song.

The Cocktail Party
Ali and Roberto are back to help with decisions. They both look lovely and Roberto didn't break a sweat. I'm not sure what type of psychological profiling questions they had for the girls..but apparently they helped out...I think the most sage advice either could offer would be: from Ali..'when making a difficult decision, sit down in the middle of the hallway' and from Roberto...'just dance it out brother..salsa will bring you together and release tension from the hips'. Back at he party Melissand and RAchel both cry and hug it out with Brad.but he doesn't pick either of them them. Emma gets Ali and Roberto's vote for 'here for the right reasons'. Marissa stays (yay!!). The Rockette Keltie got the boot. She went on camera to say this was her last kick at the dating can...then she says she's gonna stick to kickin'.

Well rose reporters..keep on kickin'...there will be no rose report next week as I will be away..but rest assured I will be watching it from the centre of the universe.
Until 2 weeks from tonight...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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