Monday, February 20, 2012

Because of Chris' fireside chat - I won't buy a PVR tomorrow

To quote Kacie "What the f$#% just happened?"

To those (likely all) of you who have a PVR- this will not make sense to you.

..I was planning to watch the 10pm airing of the Bachelor on wasn't on!!?? what??? I got only 50% of the Bachelor on highlight on Monday was 50% discounted...Thanks the Chris' fireside chat with Ben to recap the hometown was very much deja-date. Kacey twirled a baton and talked about her superlative examples of true love...and Lindzi rode a horse..again..and sat 'round a campfire with her parent's and Ben..keepin' it country. It did appear through the white haze recap (why do they make they appear in a white haze ?_)

So here is the half I caught
For what it's Worth..I find Nikki entirely annoying. She has that voice..the Trista meets Ashley cloying, nasal-y, and syrupy saccharin..and she seems to repeat Ben's last 3 words in most of their conversations. Her and Ben played dress up again..not like a conquistador (his Puerto Rican get up)he got cowboy threads. And what's the Bachelor without a metaphor or four...Finding the right man is like finding the right pair of boots- they have to be the right fit. Deep.What happened to Nikki's striped top? She greeted Ben in a striped top- then appeared in a sequined top. After they sat on a bench and talked...they were off to see her parents and sister. Nikki's mom concluded that Ben was wonderful..and then Nikkie waxed fairy tale again....she sees weddding and she wants fairy tale again. The Bachelor has done very well in making this the most unrealistic reality show...ever. Then Nikki took Ben aside and told him again that she's in love with him.

Courtny-girl interrupted.

I think I know what i find odd about Courtney. When I watch her, it's like I"m watching very briefly interrupted satellite feed. She has rapid stop and start in speech. I'm wondering if her neurons don't fire properly..or maybe it's all the wine that she is non stop sipping on.
But Ben's in Scottsdale to visit Courtney's family. They have a lavish casa. complete with a lush backyard. Courtney and her mom look very much alike..and they also have very similar mannerisms. Courtney's sister seems normal, the dad seems like he just wants a dude around..and the mother initially had an icy disposition...very much like Courtney.
Courtney planned a big suprise for Ben! A backyard wedding!! Like Ben's dates to test the relationships' mettle(scaling a bridge, taking the plunge, climbing a temple), Courtney thought she would get over her fear of commitment by having a fake wedding ceremony (?)And this is how she was going to tell him that she loved him. Subtle. All the elements were there, decorated chairs, a bow tie, a bride in white, vows, a ring..and a JP...who was not there in a formal capacity..but to stand awkwardly while the exchanged vows. Ben does seem into her.

Back in an LA hotel...(were they kicked outof the mansion), Chris and Ben (thankfully) have a very thorough hometown recap.I almost felt I was there...kinda happy I missed Kacey's baton twirlin. Ben said all nice things, except about Kacey's mom's objection to them living together prior to marriage....

And the final rose does NOT go to..

wow..did you see the way she was staring at him throughout the rose's like she was trying to pentrate his thinking.

Kacey, ever the sweet girl..lets him walk her out. They sit down as they always do. Ben hasnot much to say..except I'm sorry this is heartbreaking and she says I don't want you to be heartbroken...the proceeds to the limo and cries like there's noone watching..even lets outsome cuss words. And she asks the useless questions..'why I am not good enough', 'what the f#$% happened?'. Hmm Kacey..some unsolicited advice-it's not you and remember..this is not normal dating..he's openly dating3 other your knowledge.

Maybe to help soothe the relations among the girls...they are off to the most peaceful country in the world. Switzerland!!! I'm sure there will be more mountains to climb...but more importanly...its' the FOD!!!!

until next week...
Oh!! It's my birthday next week- so no rose report...if you'd like to do a guest post...i'd be happy to post:):
happy birthweek to me..and until next time..
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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