Monday, July 5, 2010

Shortest Rose Report Ever

-Lisbon is beautiful
-The spontaneous salsa dancing with Ali in the middle of a road was a bit much...even for Roberto. And he promised her there would be a lot of moments like this....whah? like in Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond, Safeway???that would get weird.
-Does Chris L really like Ali? He seemed so awkward in this episode..the bracelet gift was very sweet...nice to see he waited to give her the bracelet. Too bad he was awkward because he's really funny.
-Frank announced he lived at home...and Ali was okay with it!! Y'know why?? She gave up her apartment to be on this show...she knows what it's like to be homeless.
-Happy to see Ty gone....who picks his shirts?? the stylist for Rascall Flatts??
Loved her dress for the rose ceremony:)

And as if the Bachelorette wasn't enough....there was a Jake/Vienna tell all.....

Jake Interrupted
Oh my....I felt like a fly on the wall in the office of a relationship therapist. I hope Chris Harrison renegotiated his contract over the years...he's gone from glass clinking, final rose announcing, Fantasy Overnight Date card probing interviewer....(move over Larry King...this may be your replacement..thx Mare)
That exchange was hard to watch..initially I was on Team Vienna...only b/c Jake seemed so fake...but when she announced that she was staying in LA she lost some of her cred. What was very disconcerting was how he sternly told Vienna not to interrupt him. The guy has some serious issues...well that was evident when he cried after being booted off Dancing with the Stars. Vienna...sounds like she needed some TLC from Jake...she did need some blending pointers on her eyeshadow. Oh well....another failed pairing....why did they insert it at this this some foreshadowing that Ali does not find love????

Until next week...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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