Monday, June 7, 2010

This episode...Rated R for Really???????????????

Unbelievable. This show was jam packed with emotion, drama and romance(?)

The show started with not too much of a suprise..Ali chose Roberto for a one on one date. She chose for the two to be choppered over (in their yellow helicopter) despite her fear of flying. Those are mean producers. She did have a chance to be reassured by Roberto that it would all be okay. Phew. They made it to their rooftop date safe and sound.Except....they'd have to walk on a tightrope 20 storeys up over to that romantic date. Silly helicopter couldn't land atop the correct building that was set for the date. Hmm..who doesn't want a side order of nausea with a romantic dinner. Roberto is smooth..not only can he salsa and sweet talk (in
Spanish nontheless)...but he also glides with ease over the tightwire and manages to give a Ali a passionate kiss mid-air.

Ali and Roberto had a quick change of clothes (where did that happen?)..the sun is a about to set and Roberto says he wants to watch more sunsets with her. Then they eat and lie down on the rooftop...must have been chilly up there because Roberto kept his suit jacket on...that must have been a bit uncomfortable. But who cares?? Roberto got a rose...not a surprise.

Group date with the Barenaked Ladies
Sounds Rated R...but this group date had the most...Really?????? So the chosen ones get to shoot a video for the new Barenaked Ladies song Run Away..a song about a woman who is running away from love. Hmmm kinda the opposite for Ali....she seems very eager to find true love and to hug, kiss and cuddle her way to eternal love. The guys have various parts in the video and Ali is in all of them. The tormented writer..Frank is first and he's tormented in his part...9 takes in the video and he's slapped by Ali in each of them. John C...steps in the Ali's bubble bath and Ali quickly gets out. Then comes Jonathon...likely THE most awkward moment(s) in Bachelor history. He has a shot where he kisses Ali in the library. He starts the scene trembling...stage fright...maybe..but the guy is on TV daily. Houston..we have a problem. He can't kiss Ali...I think he kissed back of her ear. Anxiety reared it's nervous head and then he started to cry. Yikes. Ali then gives him a pity I mean passionate kiss in the next take. It looked quasi convincing...then he ended it by giving Ali a weird pat on the back followed by a few quick scratches on her back. To juxtapose...Kirk's scene followed...I'm not sure what was on the script but it looked like a scene on a fantasy overnight date. I think the producers yelled 'cut' twice..but the two didn't. It was a bit much. Has Ali even talked to Kirk before this. Not sure..but I know he did look fetching in the photo shoot from the last episode.
The wrap up party happened at a pool (of course). Much of the bachelor/bachelorette happens around pools, hot tubs and watery locales. This party would give Ali a chance to get to know the guys a bit better. Not much happened at the party, well especially for Jonathon who whispered to Ali that maybe they could go somewhere and have their real first kiss. Jonathan really has a junior high vibe going on. (and what was with his white least he paired them with his green zippered jacket instead of his white one). Kirk gets another passionate kiss from Ali and that sealed the deal and he got the group date rose.

Justin is in the entertainment no surprise that he's going to make an effort to stand out in the Justin sets afoot (literally a foot....the other is still in a cast) and determinedly hops for two miles to spend some QT with the cutie Ali. Does Justin really like her that much? Well it doesn't matter..because Ali is very impressed with him and presses herself against the sweaty wrestler in appreciated. Justin had the forethought to pack pictures (but not a water bottle ) on his journey to Ali. Justin's sojourn to Ali cuts into Hunter's date...

Barbequing Burgers with the Bachelorette
Not only is Hunter cheated with time...but also with the Bachelorette's budget. How much did this date cost. Hmm about $10 worth of food and maybe $2 worth of gas (and a cab ride:) and Hunter had to cook too. Hunter didn't live up to his name...he didn't pursue Ali enough...didn't profess enough affection..didn't make any moves. Ali really likes the moves and pursuit and effort. (not that anything is wrong with pursuit and effort)..but tick tock Hunter...Ali's gotta find love..remember she gave up EVERYTHING to be on this show. So Hunter left roseless in the big yellow taxi.

More and more drama
This series of the Bachelorette has had the MOST DRAMA EVER!!!! And they say the girls are more catty than the guys. We have lawyer Craig R self-proclaimed "bull$&6t detector" assessing that Justin isn't here for the right reasons. They guys, led by Kreepy Kasey, confronting Justin the pool about his reasons for being here. Poor Justin even shed a few tears (yeah right) because he was so upset that everyone was after him. The guys spent so much time talking about this...why didn't they bother to talk to Ali instead of eachother.
Steve tried to take initiative :) and made an impromptu picnic (read champagne and two glasses) with Ali during the cocktail party. That was cute and endearing.

Ali spent more time with Roberto and told him that Justin spent time with her at her house...and she was surprised that noone knew. She hoped that it wouldn't cause problems with the guys (yeah right)

Most surprising at the cocktail party were the choices that she made ...well maybe that's the second most suprising..what was with that dress that she wore? Speaking of outfits...some outfits are called effortless but Jesse's was literally effortless. I know the dude is from Peculiar...but he now has two he bought for the show and the one Ali gave him..why didn't her wear one??

Why keep Kasey? The weatherman?? What???? Why let Steve go?
This show is too much! Really.
Until next week....I (Really) love this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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