I wasn't wearing a cardigan...but I felt like packing it in after hour 1 of the show tonight. This is likely the most boring episode ever. People keep saying Ari is such a good kisser..but I felt his laugh was getting annoying....
Here's what stood out to me...
This episode was comparing a Seattle casino resort to Vegas. It tries really hard, but gets bad entertainment, keeps trying to make everyone have fun....but it just seems so budget. Wrestling and dog training..so many opportunities for bad smells, too much proximity, too much panting..and previously enjoyed costumes with poor attendance at both shows.
- Kenny was in fine form..and I loved how he jumped the ropes. Good job Kenny!
- Why was Ari wearing black sneakers with a tie?
- Why did the Glow girls overact in their teaching the girls how to overact in the ring?
- The 'sexy costumes' looked cheap..as did the stage make up.
- When you're in your head and there is poo all up in your head, you are going down...and it ain't pretty- even in you are in a gorgeous environment like Napa or you create a lovely setting with a day bed an telescope..if you talk sh!t to yourself...your life mirrors what's in your head.
- Bibiana is not crazy...she just doesn't believe in herself.
- Krystal may win for most annoying commentary/Ari expert.
- Even if you are in a beautiful place like Napa, with a guy who seems amazing, you can still have a date that feels so lonely. That Napa date had lonely vibes. The best thing about that dates was the date card You had me at Merlot. (I gotta use that one day:)
- Dogs are not always your best friend.
- Go with you gut-don't listen to what people say. Annilise shoulda hit the highway after the dog date OR when she was assigned the role as pooper scooper.
- Who is the woman with the dark liquid lip and the white dress? She aggressively makes out.
- Becca- the one who doesn't care if Ari takes or leave her is winning. Because she doesn't let Ari determine her self esteem.
- I think Ari has small hands and gets manicures. His nails look so much better than mine. Damnit.
- A date in a trailer park, is still a date in a trailer park...even if they are Airstreams. Even if you drank cold pressed green juice out of a Mason jar..you are still in a trailer park.
- Ari seemed tired tonight..give that guy a cardigan and let him go to bed.
Make that two cardigans..I'm out.
Until next week, I LOVE THIS SHOW !!! (even if it was boring tonight)
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