Monday, July 24, 2017


This was a snooze-fest. Don't get me wrong,  I always look Mondays...but this episode just plodded along-almost needed a coffee.
Because of Rachel's pregnant sister, the hometowns happened before they went to Spain.
Why wasn't Rachel's dad at the hometowns? Does he not agree with this? Rachel's mom seems tough enough for both of them.
Constance's husband Alex wasn't as annoying as the last time he met Rachel and Nick, but there's this undercurrent of anger/rudeness that Constance and Alex have.

This may be my first rose report in bullet points

  • ah....I remind myself of my mom when I write this..but get why my mom always told me not to swing my arms so much when I walk...I don't get why Rachel swings her arm so much..or maybe she's flailing to keep balance when she's on heels...Rachel..I didn't like when my mom told me..but you gotta stop swinging your arms so much.
  • before they head into Rachel's parents' large, fancy house, he says he's falling in love with her
  • surprise! she's falling in love too..(but she was also falling in love with Dean last week)
  • Peter gave a soliloquy at the dinner table where he outlined his journey, how he has taken time to develop with Rachel. This shut the Linsey family down for questions.
  • Peter said he couldn't ask Rachel's' dad for her hand in marriage..but that he wasn't at the stage, Ugh...the mom is right there...the mom is also a parental representative. how archaic.
  • Rachel's mom says she speaks for Rachels' father when she liked his honesty. For the record..I like it too..if the dude isn't ready to propose why do it? Because Rachel decided she wants a marriage at the end of this. Seems so weird to predecide that you are going to get married. The only things i totally predecide is what items I'm getting at the Sephora VIB rouge sale at 20% off. There is some serious thinking and list making involved for that.
  • Like Rachel's journey:) i feel like my affection for Eric is building. 
  • I'm still not sure if he just wants stability and is amazed with Rachel or if really is falling in love with her. Either way that guy is (insert 100 emoji here)...And I like that.
  • Eric gets grilled about family, and that he's never loved anyone.They are all shocked.why? Maybe he was self aware enough to know he wasn't in love with someone before.
  • Eric just seemed super present and so so real

Back at the house..Peter tells Eric he can't stand Bryan..somehow i'm like Peter a lot more..I feel the same way about Bryan. I don't get all this charm that Rachel sees. I see him a saccharin (artificially sweet) and when he said he got his doctorate. Yep. (eye roll)


  • the family grills Bryan. Bryan refers to Rachel as a pronoun instead of by her name. That annoys me. He annoys me. Use her name. 
  • they move the dining room table where the meals are pre-served on a plate and 1/2 plate appears to be grains and not vegetables
  • Bryan gets uncomfortable with the questioning and excuses himself from the table. He couldn't handle the el calor.
  • He asks Rachel's mom for permission to marry her
  • Hmmm...what is one nice thing I could say about him?? Oh!! he could translate Despacito for me!!

I'm looking at my watch and I'm are they going to fit in 3 FODs? ( fantasy over night dates?). They don't. Grr.


  • Helicopter ride.
  • I think Eric yells out because he's nervous. He can't process those feels so I think he yells randomly. I should try that.
  • I like Eric even more...he's all vulnerable and self-aware and lovely. 
  • Go Eric.
  • He gets the date card..he reads the card aloud. He thanks Chris Harrison. That was adorable.
  • They have the FOD. 

  • They go to a vineyard
  • Rachel gets serenaded by the owner and the song does not translate well subtitled ...something about Americans and carnations . dare they talk about carnations on the Bachelor. It's likely a thorny issue on this show.hahahahahahaha
  • They get a key.not to a fantasy suite..but to a locker with wine in it..and it's unclear what it's for. Do they keep all the wine? If Bryan was there he could translate.
  • Rachel gets a flower from a random cute brunette girl. Brunettes are THEE cutest:) then all get led over to a big barrel and they stomp grapes.
  • Back for the evening portion of the date..they have a weird conversation. Rachels doesn't see the engagement as marriage and Peter does..but Rachel didn't come here for a boyfriend. What is going on here? To me, it sounds like Rachel is trying to manipulate a proposal. So weird. I don't understand why they are at an impasse.


Next week is MTA...I will be enjoying 24 K magic with the cutest nephew in the WORLD and he's way more mature than most men on that show.

Until two weeks from now!!!!

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