This was a sad sad episode.
After Nick lets Danielle go, he calls in Chris for a consult. Chris doesn't have time to put his flip flops on so he does it barefoot. Chris asks the exaggerated you want to pull the plug?
The girls are back in their room worked up in a a lather that Nick may call it quitsville.
Nick goes to their room..and says 'where is everyone' the whole room gathers in a posse. He addresses the room and says "I see what I want in this room" Somehow this is supposed to be flattering to everyone yet noone specifically. This show is spectacularly bizarre..and the girls are relieved..and to make them all feel better...there will be no rose ceremony...but there will be a flight to the romantic island of .......
What the? It's one letter off of bikini..but that's all i got for Bimini. It looks like a sad little island with some row housing for a resort...and a Hilton.
Go Deeper;Vanessa
The first 1:1 with la Canadienne. Vanessa's never been on a boat..but she looks pretty comfortable donning flippers and jumping in l'eau. They kiss underwater. And then they go sit at a dining table and Vanessa is supah-dupah confident that her and Nick and her are on the same page..until she says she's falling for him and he doesn't say anything..but says let's go somewhere...and then the date ends..(bad editing). Well Vanessa went deep..and Nick kept on the shallow end.
Both feet first
Whah? That's a recipe for falling on your face...this group date seemed like Kristina was in the lead..if you're taking how enthusiastically one massages suntan lotion into the other person. Nick announces they will be swimming with sharks. That's fun..Kristina sees one and gets out of the boat and Nick follows. Later there's a wine and cheese event..where Corinne is popping cheese cubes. She may be the only bachelorette who eats on the show. Kristina gets 1:1 time first. Somehow him and Raven have more chemistry..i think after she says her parents are together and madly in love. Madly be the operative word..if one or the other steps out of line.there's loose gun laws in Texas and we already know Raven gave the beats to a cheating ex..and the cliche goes that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, On this date, there's a rose for some reason. and Raven gets it.
Corinne's self proclaimed platinum is not even ranked. Corinne awkwardly walks over to the Hilton in platform heels. I saw my nine year old goddaughter walk around in my heels this weekend and she could run laps around Corinne. Maybe Corinne still had sea legs from the earlier boat ride..but she could barely walk in those shoes. She goes to visit Nick and wants to make him feel better. Nick ends up rejecting her ..saying he doesn't want to make the same mistake he did with Kaitlyn...oh Nick you and your kissing and telling. But good on ya for not going there..Bimini crickets!!! She thought she had this in the bag.
zzzzzzzz Danielle's date.
The only thing remarkable about the date was how perfectly arched her black cut off short were. I'm sure she got some kind of fancy shears at Michaeal's and methodically clipped those shorts...she likely had wayyyyy too much time on her hands on the show and thought she use some crafting skills on the shorts. the bike down a paved path..then have wicker container of beer. is that Bimini thing..were they not trying to promote a beer brand?? They go to dinner. not eat dinner..she shares her feels...nick doesn't have the same her walks her out. Danielle is wearing another very short short outfit (this one factory stitched) and she has to collect her things. The girls are sadnotsad to see her go. And true to the date card..she rode into the sunset.
short and sweet date:Rachel
They have a chill (read no cost) date. They have a beer. The bartender asks how they met. I don't think they get the Bachelor on Bimini..maybe the bartender does not care that a camera is filming this encounter. I think Nick is really into Rachel..and likes that she's smart and confident..She's never brought home a white dude. Nick is already self conscious that her dad will wonder if he's a ding dong. Rachel floats back to the room..literally an hour later..and announces it was amazing.
Corinne is beginning to unravel. This supports my theory that when people overtake their 'game', confidence's typically a ruse. (which may not lead to a rose:)
Loose cannon.
Nick..suddenly realizes he is not feeling it with Kristina..not sure when those feelings shifted..but he must tell her. So he tells her..and she hops into a black even enough time to get her shoes.
There are 4 girls left..and 4 roses..will they all get hometown? Will he cut another loose???
Until next week
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