I see Nick more than Chris Harrison...and I think Shawn might have had as much airtime as Kaitlyn.
We start with Shawn and Kaityn on the couch..(that will happen again). The suspense..does he know or doesn't he. I thought that situation is like what I've heard psychologists say...you reality is the stories you tell yourself. So interesting..both times Shawn and Kaitlyn had couch time..she was convincing herself
J, JJ and K
They sail to an island together...and sit on a communal blanket. Joe has 1:1 time with her..then JJ has time..where he discloses he cheated on his wife. Yeesh..this guy... She picks Joe..and both of them sail away..with JJ watching...
Joe has some one on one time with Kaitlyn..where he proceeds to make out with her whilst holding his drink. Really? You can't put it down?
Kaitlyn goes back to her room...but she won't be alone for long..Shawn has been ruminating and needs to share his cud. Round 2...about midway she realizes that Shawn doesn't know about the Nick rendez-vous. Then she changes her tone..and she gets on him about how much reassurance he needs. It's an interesting turn of events.
Cocktail party/Rose ceremony:
Yes..it is still mid-show..the show is not back on its regular cycle...
At the beginning she states she's nervous..and she has made mistakes (who hasn't sistah Kaitlyn)..
Both Bens get 1:1 time..and of course Shawn..
Tanner and Ben Z are kicked to the curb..the wrong side of the curb..since it's Ireland.
Road trip going' to Blarney and Killarney
On this road trip Kaitlyn picks Jared to drive with. I still don't see the Jared appeal..let me try:
...he's not needy (bonus), he can grow (patchy) facial hair, he looks good in a skinny suit, they could share hair product, he can calculate a 20% tip like nobody's business (okay..i'm reaching)....but I don't get it really get it. The other boys are in the big busy.
Shawn snores loudly:) he's still cute even though he's nervous and a snorer. Maybe breathe-right strips would work on him...i betcha he's look cute in Breathe-right strips (and that's it:)
Jared and Kaitlyn stop to kiss the Blarney stone. Jared strikes me as not very masculine, nor very reassuring.
At Killarney...
Chris pops in to tell her there are more shake-ups on this season...3 guys will be going forward, then FOD then hometowns. I wonder if that was purely budget cuts...the FOD will happen in Ireland...that saves on travel...then they go back to 'Merica. Chris says that she will get off camera time just to keep things even and to get to know the guys on a deep level. Oh Chris..so fair.
Date with Cupcake man
Note..this was the quietest helicopter date ever. Did they have silencers on the helicopter blades..are helicopters quieter in Ireland. It was such a smooth ride..well..until they go to the Cliiffs of Moher.
Chris....seems like a good catch on paper...I get why Kaitlyn gave him the heave-ho. Their one on one time seemed to last 8 minutes..and no sooner than he said he doesn't want to leave Nashville..that Kaitlyn broke down..because she doesn't get why she's saying no to the well coiffed, well groomed, well positioned dentist who arrived to the show in a cupcake (btw, I found it unprofessional that he arrived in a food that accelerates dental caries development. Shady dentist). Kaitlyn, I'll explain why you are saying no to him. BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE HIM.
Bad judgement call to leave the weeping Chris so close to the edge..the producers should have moved him further from the edge before interviewing him.
So now Kaitlyn is down to 5!! two more to go..
Until then