This will be an incomplete Rose Report as I was sidelined by some work that I had to tackle and said a Hail Mary had to scramble to get home as soon as I could so I could roll out a Rose Report. Okay so that sentence was all the football terms I could get into a sentence in honour of the upcoming Super Bowl.
Do I care about the Super Bowl..not really....this show is my kind of entertainment.
So it looks like I missed the first individual date...and caught the show in the middle of the most insensitive date in Bachelor history. So even if Brad didn't know..waht was up with the producers having a NASCAR date in the first place? Apparently the Bachelor is borrowing a page from the Biggest Loser playbook and now breakthroughs that happen on the show are necessary (and not just the breakthroughs that happen over 3 years of therapy). So this was Emily's intervention to help her move on. Brad astutely noticed mid date that Emily was having a forced smile. Gosh all that time in therapy was helpful! So Brad pulls her aside (once) to check in..and Brad does little but to listen. It would have been cool if Brad at least showed exasperation with the producers ...but he did nothing. Then I was confused again when it was mentioned that the fiance crashed on a race track..i thought he crashed in an airplane. Regardless. Emily has to reassure Brad that all is okay.
Emily rips around the track..and interestingly she does two laps for Ricky and one for her..and no lap for Brad.Nicely done Emily!!:)
Shock of all shocks....there is an afterparty!! With a pool!!!! And there is crying!!! Emily gets more time with Brad!! And girls are jealous! Didn't I see this for the last 4 weeks? Is there a writers'strike at the Bachelor?
Oh...and Emily got the rose. There is a writers' strike at the Bachelor.Very little orginal material Oh! Chantal O used the L word on the date..nope..not Limo...Love...yikes!!! That was a little premature...
Are you ridiculous tonight?
That was one of the most ill conceived non sensical dates. Okay...we've established there are no new ideas on this show.....remember Ali and Roberto in the Lion King on Broadway?
But this date has the double Ashely's who look alike and they have a duel date till the death (remember one stays one goes). So then get to the date..they are all dressed put on casual clothes to 'rehearse' and then Brad is told he has to pick one for the leading lady...then the women put their dress clothes back have a meal before a doing a performance where they will be hoisted on cables...50 feet above the crowd..oh and the trio will be dining together where he will award to rose. Now if that doesn't whet your appetite...not sure what would. He chooses the dancing dentist..who then can't hid her smirk then kisses the rose and points it to the spurned Ashley's direction. Weird. It got weirder..nope..not that Brad and
Ashley had a to share a dressing room (nice gold stars), but Brad looked creepy with his make up on...and what about the juxtaposition of sad Ashley S driving around Vegas in the limo against the scenes of the other Ashley living her dancing dreams to the tune of Are you Lonesome tonight. Gotta say..the most confused look of the night was when the creepy suitcase guy had to pick up a suitcase...he was like "hey..they both say Ashley on I being punk'd?"
Hey..we can't go for the two hours without talking to a therapist. Brad rings Dr. Jamie to ask what he should do with all the crying girls. apparently Dr Jamie says) can't be responsible for anyone else's emotions...Dr. Jamie also reminded Brad he is on a mission...and he must not deviate. Love is a battlefield. And it will be littered with rose petals.
The cocktail party.
Well...Brad gives Alli some special the form of chocolate and wine. Marissa gives Brad some notes to read (seems a bit like a last ditch effort) and Michelle just is a nut job and tells him to get rid of some girls (it is indeed a battle field..and Michelle is out in the trenches and advises Brad what strategic direciton to take). But I think Brad likes it he loves he wants some more of it..he tries so hard..he can't rise above it...and who does he give the first rose to???Michelle! Don't get it. Marissa nd Lisa are turned loose. I'm surprised that Marissa cried...hmmm wonder if that will affect her street cred as a sports person..and Lisa??? Did she ever speak during the show?
Well given the writer's strike..we'll have to rely on the lovely exotic backdrops..of Costa Rica..and South Africa. And did you hear.that suddenly this show's description goes from most shocking to the most controversial show ever...
Until next week...
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