Oh my aching heart. This episode was filled with a little too much genuine emotion. Maybe the show could warn the viewers with a Rated R for Real. Yikes!
Four for fighting...
It's time that Ali visits the American Towns....the four hometown dates. First up to the plate is Roberto...
Robert-oh..is oh so cute. I could learn to love baseball if everyone was as adorable as Roberto in a baseball uniform. The stirrup style pant is not a flattering cut on most..but he looked most smashing. So Roberto picks her up on campus..and several times after that he swings her around in the air. Ali did a lot of jumping on this date...jumping up and down when she saw him..jumping when she saw him in uniform..and then some more hip to the hops when she was jumping around after the ball. What I don't understand is what happened to Roberto's career. The guy is in he 20s..what happened? Maybe life as an insurance agent throws less curveballs.
Back at salsa HQ, I mean Roberto's house...there seems to be a lack of first names. I counted two Olga's and two Robertos. Roberto Sr. seemed like he was going to be difficult...sweet how he called his son a real prize (well certainly he has the hardware to show for it in the trophy room). Olga Sr. gave Roberto Jr. a spanish blessing..and what better way to end the date that with...a group salsa dance!! Ah yes..Roberto did promise in Lisbon that there would be more moments like this.
Love is all around ...wet wet wet
Yup..at Chris L's hometown...there's a lotta love. Oh gosh...I nearly cried three times..and really this show is not usually this emotionally wrenching. I'm not sure how Chris is doing with his grief...but I just felt for the guy. So he's back in the Cape on 'his beach' with his cute dog Jenny. Ali arrives, looking very cute, for a very wet walk along the beach. Back at Chris' house they look at pictures and share hugs. Chris' dad comes, then the family. That is one seriously supportive and loving family. Almost felt a bit for Ali...like it was a lot of pressure to make Chris happy. Miraculously dinner appeared even though Ali and Chris didn't make it and dad wasn't home. Chris dad got very Viktor Frankl in his reflection "love is the only reality". Nice sentiment and someone pass the Kleen-ex...this juxtaposed to last week's Jake/Vienna shallow exchange had put me on an emotional rollercoaster. Well..to end this hometown on a sappy note and much more bachelorette-esque..Chris takes up Ali in his tower that is in his backyard. Right....this is the reality show I know and love.
Back to Life....However does Kirk want Ali
Over to Green Bay we have sporty Kirk with a zest for life. He runs to meet Ali and is thrilled to see her. He first takes Ali to see his dad, step mom and adopted sister. Mere seconds after coming through the front door, Ali is asked if she wants to go the basement....and that's where we see some excellent taxidermy. I'm not down with mounted deerheads but they did look remarkably lifelike. What was more off putting was the sharing of freezer space...foodstuffs alongside the soon to be stuffed. Over to Kirk's mom place..all I can say is pass the cheesey potatoes!! Grandma was clear there were two types of potatoes! Kirk's mom seems really sweet...a little in need to relinquish the 80s makeup..but so sweet and supportive of Kirk. And Kirk divulged to his sister..with the 90s style hair..that he was ready to settle down with Ali.
Save the Best for last
Sometimes the snow comes down in June
Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon
I see the passion in your eyes
Sometimes it's all a big surprise
'Cause there was a time when all I did was wish
You'd tell me this was love
It's not the way I hoped or how I planned
But somehow it's enough
And now we're standing face to face
Isn't this world a crazy place
Just when I thought our chance had passed
You go and save the best for last
I'm not sure what I love less this song..or Frank...What is up with Ali liking Frank? Is he a super awesome guy but the producers make him to be an insecure, emotionally labile, insolvent and uncertain guy? Is the power of editing that strong...or is love blind, deaf and dumb? I don't get the appeal of Frank. I don't get the apparel of Frank either. We've seen his cardigan before...but what was with the low cut drapey white tank top? Did his mom's laundry get mixed up with his? His parents seem emotionally stable, upbeat and fun. This apple fell really far from the tree but still lives in it.
Kicking Kirk to the kurb
Well...we all know the drill three roses, four guys..one has gotta go. Ali was really not feeling this rose ceremony...i almost thought she'd pick a rosette off her dress and give it to Kirk as a parting gift. Kirk was upset and angry..did you note that he didn't hold her hand. His parting words were curt, but not mean. He was also nice enough to produce a hug for her...which was selfish of her to ask..I mean she had 3 hugs waiting for her in the ceremony room. A litte ego came out when Kirk said usually was doing the cutting of ties in relationships but this time the tables were turned...that karma is a chameleon. It comes and goes. Maybe he should have worn a Yellow tie?
Until next week (in Tahiti!)...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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