Oh my...this show cannot get better. It has never been more entertaining. But this episode was overshadowed by the tattoo.
Did Jordin Sparks (or her songwriters) foreshadow this?Check these (abbreviated) lyrics to her song entitled "Tattoo":
I keep coming back for more
Keep my hand in the fire
Sooner or later I get what I'm asking for
No matter what you say about life
I learn every time I bleed
The truth is a stranger
Soul is in danger I gotta let my spirit be free
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you (I'll always have you)
How did they (the Bachelorette producers) let Kasey get a tattoo?? It's one thing to let Justin hop 2 miles to the Bachelorette's house...but they let Kasey loose in NYC to get a tattoo? Kasey obviously is a little out of touch with reality...with his random a capella (and off tune) seranades to her at the Night at the Museum. I thought the producers did some type of psychological screening of the candidates for the show...it just seems irresponsible for them to let him do that. Speaking of irresponsible..why didn't Ali cut him loose..just just left him on the shag rug in the middle of a dark museum alone with this thoughts to prove his worthiness to Ali. There should have been an intervention.
The show was overshadowed by the tattoo...seriously..the Broadway performance is just a dim memory. Speaking of that performance....Roberto seems less spicy and more saccharin...from caliente to cheesey...salsa to ketchup...he kinda seems like a performer...maybe even moreso than Justin (Rated R) R. And what is with Ali and Roberto needing to be suspended by wires to find romance. Real life will be a let down to them (heh heh).
Kirk is showing more and more promise. He (and his abs) shone a few episodes ago at the photo shoot on the beach. He was both caring and smooth in encouraging Ali to get some rest and was kind enough to walk her to her room and tuck her in AND he left early not to overstay his welcome. Excellent work Kirk!!
Who didn't shed a tear at Chris L's story about caring for his mom. Chris L seems incredibly kind and compassionate and family oriented. And the story of the rainbows..yikes...I'm reaching for Kleen-ex again.
The Sky is Crying.....a little Stevie Ray Vaughn shout out to Jonathan..I'm so sad Ali let him go...and his parting words..'you didn't even get to know me'. Okay, the guitar playing/seranade was horrible and entirely unnecessary...maybe I just feel a little sorry for Jonathan...I don't know if he was sad because he really liked Ali or that Ali didn't like him...awww Jonathan.....hopefully the weather clears and there are sunny skies in your forecast again...Jonathan made this show so entertaining....hopefully he still has his job in Houston when he gets back.
Who is Chris N?? The dude keeps getting a rose, but does not have one conversation with Ali. How does he keep staying on without proving that he's so into her, will care for her...or worse yet ..guard her heart?? He's clearly a dark horse in this competition...I mean quest for true love and marriage.
So, Bachelors get to cool their heels (and Kasey his wrist) in Iceland next week....why Iceland??? But really who cares...this is the best installment ever!!!
Until next week..... I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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