It’s Fantasy Overnight Date time!!! This means that Chris neatly writes the exact same sentiment ….Dear. Jake and potential Mrs. Jake…Welcome to the beautiful island St. Lucia…yadda yadda and Chris graciously offers the couple to forgo individual suites to stay in the Fantasy Suite…that is typically replete with some hot tub, jetted bathtub, rose petals….and dessert…no really there usually is dessert.
But first…to continue with the drama from last week…..
Does Ali live in a hotel?
Ali has a change of heart. She needs to find out if she can still pursue Jake. The camera has a shot of Ali lying in bed with a monogrammed housecoat…hmm couldn’t see the monogram…then there’s the shot of her overhead bedside lamp and the phone. What was up with the hotel room shot?
Date #1…Date on a dime with Gia
This didn’t bode well. I didn’t buy that Jake was trying to see if she could ‘hang with the locals because ‘she’s usually wearing $1000 dollar shoes’. She seemed very comfortable at the market…much more that Jake’s awkward groove/grinding dance moves with Gia. Not sure what’s more difficult to watch..the kissing or the grinding. That’s a question for the ages. So after Jake bought her a coconut and an unsightly heart necklace that she chose to wear on her wrist (Gia..she’s smarter than we think)..because she smoothly stated…I wear my heart on my sleeve. Hmmm I’m guessing if it was a Tiffany necklace that it might have made it around her neck. What was up with Jake’s puka shell number around his neck…seriously..that look needs to stop (along with frosted tips on guys..after the age of 17). Back to the date…so then they jump into the water…(Jake symbolically takes a plunge on all three dates) and then they dry off, have dinner…and then dessert…I mean the date card. The FOD suite was beautiful…many roses were harmed in the making of the FOD suites more romantic…rose petals in every room.
Date #2…Tenley
Tenley is tiresome and she needs to tend to her trepidation. She is repetitive and a annoying. She’s been hurt (got it), she has her heart open (got that ), she doesn’t just spend a night with anyone (she made sure we got that message too). So I’ll repeat (see Tenley is getting to me)…if she still talking about her ex..she’s not over him. When she spouts off about her sounds more like she’s trying to convince herself the most..not Jake and not us..the Bachelor faithful.The date was typical…helicopter ride, catered picnic (wasn’t the picnic basket cute)..oh and did you notice the blanket matched Jake’s wrist watch. They looked like they were picnicking on the set of Lost. Back to another part of the island..Tenley freshened up and they had a lovely dinner..the Jake kicked off his flip flops and asked Tenley to dance. Well at least he wasn’t busting the same moves he did in the market. He was pretty fly as this fly boy could get. Nice how he reminded her that he enjoyed dancing..right before he’s about to present the….FOD card. He said he was really excited by the card. Tenley reminded him how special this was..and off they the rose petalled suite. I’m sure Jake lead the way…because Tenley thinks Jake should lead her (yikes!!!)
Date #3: Pirate Booty
Yep..the last date….and it’s with Vienna. Vienna gets to set sail with Captain Jack..I mean Jake on the sails of love. Did anyone notice that the On the Wings of Love was put to classical music. I don’t know…is it Vienna till the end? Will she get the booty?? Jake did ask her what type of ring she wanted. But that could be the power of editing. So Jake and Vienna did all the cliché pirate moves…the patch, walking the plank…good golly Jake even had a fake sword. Those two are just so gosh darned playful. Jake recognizes she’s immature…but maybe they can grow up together. After the boat date…they had dinner..and guess what…Vienna is in love with Jake!!!! You can actually see it in her eyes…she does this eye glazed thing…and I think she feels something for him. She thinks it’s love..because she’s never been in love before….maybe it’s that crazy feeling you get when the guy you like is dating two other women and there are millions of people watching…
Ali wants back in the ring for a chance for the ring!!
So Ali gives Jake a jingle to see if there is still a chance. By excellent editing, the producers had me thinking that Jake was going to tell her to get on a plane and get her fine self over to St. Lucia. Mais non!! Jake has fallen for three women…and he tells her to keep her heart in San Francisco. What was the purpose of that exchange? Does Ali still care for Jake? Or are producers trying to suss out if she might be the next Bachelorette. History shows future Bachelor/Bachelorettes have some history of being spurned or rejected on the show (For the would be great to have a brand new person…no Bachelor baggage)
Rose Ceremony...a nail biter..
Yep..the nail biter bit it. Gia was gone. Gotta give it up for Gia…she did such a great job with Jake on the bench when he was giving her the Bachelor pep talk. I felt like telling Jake to put a cork in it…you just reject someone and then go on to tell her how amazing and how she set the bar so high. Gia was kind and gracious and exited on a high note. She really is beautiful on the inside out. She did have a wee bit of a meltdown in the escalade ride out…but noone’s perfect.
Next…Jake’s perfect family is coming to visit the Island..but before that…it’s Women Tell All.
Until Next Week…I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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