Monday, January 18, 2010

The Rose Report: The 3 Rs of the Bachelor

For the seasoned bachelor fans, you start to see the formula of the bachelor
Reduce: the number of women gradually
Reuse: the date ideas
Recycle: the notion that this process yields true love

My favourite definition of recycle is: to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature of:

And that’s what our bachelor is here for…to transform from single Jake to one who finds his true love.

As the stomach turns…
The first date..showed a lot about Jake. Jake picked up Vienna on his motorbike. The motorbike ride is a bit of a metaphor for the show. Jake –protected with leathers, helmet and Vienna hops on the back with her tank top and helmet, vulnerable to his decisions and must trust in this process.

Jake is using bungee jumping to help cement a relationship-to overcome fear as a couple. He also said he’s looking for someone nuturing and someone to be the strong one. He and Vienna both admitted a fear of heights (how does a pilot have a fear of heights?)Bungee jumping was not Jake’s finest hour. He looked unwell as he gripped the bridge moment before his jump. Vienna was a champ…and I think she passed Jake’s test for a strong and nuturing women…and he sealed the head of over heels date with a kiss….Awww…who wouldn’t want a kiss with their stomach turned upside down. Speaking of stomach turning…is it just me…or do other people need turn away when they watch Jake kiss?? Oh…the Cloud Jake comment…resulted in another stomach turn on my part.

It ain’t no laughing matter

Making the bachelorettes or bachelors put on some type of entertainment for the bachelor is tried. These bachelorettes are really doing double duty for this show. The process of dating is funny enough, now they are asked to do a comedy show. Putting the petals to the mettle….It would take courage to do that. It was mainly awkward and horrible. Kathryn did well, by initiating a kiss with Jake. That’s what Jake wants..a take charge kinda women.

Back at the roof top rock star after party (that was a joke), the mood went from not so funny, to serious, to tears. First Jake launches into the fun saying…”I don’t want to take it to a serious level, but it is exciting that my future wife may be sitting keenly remind all the women that it is a competition. So Miss “Savin’ All my Love For You” Tenly gave a very teary recount of her story of a woman spurned. Jake comforted gave her the awkard kiss/smile combo and all was good again. The tears continued with Michelle who again proclaimed she was here for love, marriage and children…because ‘it’s her turn’. Then came the kiss of death. She asked to be kissed (good move because Jake rarely initiates)…the she humiliates Jake by saying “seriously that’s it”. Uh oh. Not the right thing to say to the guy who is ‘too perfect’. The mood changed..Jake hung his head. And the next thing you know….the girl green with envy is sent a back in the green taxi. don’t diss Mr. Perfect. Bad things happen. Jake holds Michelle’s hand down the elevator (dunno why) then gets her a cab. Jake comes back to the party to announce that the party did not go as he planned…and it’s time for Jake to get into his jammies and go to bed. This dating thing is tiring. But Jake is slowly reducing the numbers and counting down to true love.

We’ve seen a lot of this before
Ella…the lovely single mom from Tennesee had quite a few recycled dating ideas. She gets the second helicopter date in the show, she’s off to Seaworld (remember the Trista/Ryan date…where Ryan bought Trista a Shamu stuffed bear??) and then Jake brings Ella’s song Ethan along for her birthday…hmmm seen that before…I believe Jason did that for a bachelorette from the south too. I kinda share Ethan’s response to Jake….distant and slightly disinterested. But it did seem that Jake had the least awkward kiss with Ella. I think she might be what Jake is looking for nuturing, strong and mothering. She also seems this least petty of the girls..and she (as well as the Canadian girl) did not jump on the Vienna hater train.

I think the reduce and reuse strategy just might be helping Jake on his amazing journey. I love how he called Elizabeth on her duplicitous ways. Aw shucks Jake….clarifying Elizabeth ‘s non kissing strategy was a spiritual stab in the dark. As milk toast as our Bachelor is, I’m happy he sent Elizabeth away. I’ll drink to that….

Maybe, just maybe, this tried (but not always true) formula for love might work for Jake… in the end…there maybe a shiny something for a special lady.
Until next week….I love this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more thing..Velishia..the other girl that was cut loose…how can she be a homemaker..does that mean she is unemployed??

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