Monday, July 20, 2009

The Rose Report: Men Tell All

It's at this juncture (the "Women Tell All/ Men Tell All") of the Bachelor/Bachelorette season that I have mixed feelings. On one hand, this show extends the season and on the other it recycles everything we already know.

So not too much to for a few observations

Was there a sale on tank tops for the studio audience? Lotsa plunging necklines in the audience...or maybe it's just a hot studio???

Why were two very important men MIA on the MTA???Reid and Wes. I guess only by having a previous 'engagement' that you can miss the show.

Never heard so many 'f' words on the show..ever. And not the swear word..but the folksy word for flatulence. Ewww.

Reid can say 'hola' but he can't hula.

Jason and Molly are quite annoying...or should I say the m and m team? Didn't sound convincing that they'd get engaged...but..'they've definitely talked about it'. What was on their matching t-shirts?

What exactly is the 'man code'? I don't know if anyone is really clear. Maybe men convince many people that women are dramatic and complicated...but judging from last night the gaggle of rejected men did not present as being unified by a code. This was the most dramatic MTA ever!!! The Tanners high-fived eachother on their cool names but one is often confused for the foot fetishizing tanner. Jake is convinced of his perfection. Most disagree with him. David still wants to pummel Juan.

The Shot That Was Heard Around the World
I cannot believe how much airtime was given to shot that Juan faked. Who really cares if Juan had the shot or not? It does seem that not drinking with the boys or fakin' it (drinking that is) is a major man code infraction. Juan does seem weasel-esque. Jillian compliments Juan's strength on dealing with the bunkhouse challenges and the best Juan can reciprocate is to capitulate on Tanner P's admiration of Jillians feet. Baseball Mike's explanation of Juan's inability to relate to the guy was that "all the guys here have been on baseball teams or in frats and Juan hasn't". I don't know if that has anything to do with it...or maybe I don't get it b/c I'm not an American.

A few shout outs to the stand outs:
Mike Stagliano..he was so sweet and lovely when he said that he learned a lot about love and about who I want to marry from meeting Jillian..awww.
Most Misunderstood ...David-when he had to explain that he wasn't going to physically harm Juan by saying "when I say I want to beat his (juan's) a$$, I don't really mean I want to beat his a$$ it just means I don't like him"
To the producers ..for the video montage of "Love Don't Come Easy"...that was sooo funny!!!
Funniest line of the night..Pizza entrepreneur Mark calling out Jake for "Pulling a Mesnick"...when Jake was dramatically bent over the hotel railing..chest heaving..being overcome with emotion. Remember last episode when Jason did the exact same thing over a balcony rail???
Silliest contribution by a studio audience member..(when commenting on Wes)..."if it walks like a snake and talks like a snake..that's not a guy you want to date"....huh???
Jillian....she did great..she was genuine and honest and looked fantastic!!
Chris...somebody nominate him for an Emmy category..he did a great job getting the guys to talk:)

This really is the best season's a series of comebacks..and no..not because Ed's tank tops are reappearing in the finale...and nope..Jake is not doing a fly by and Deanna doesn't have any last minute advice...but a minivan!!! Mr. "umm...I can't find the I doing okay?..this is hard for me...." Whatever will Reid say???

Until next week!! I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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