I figure if Rachel's going to throw down some Shakespeare, I'll do the same.
This show can be summarized by a few:
The empty vessel makes the loudest sound. (Lee is a huge lying ding dong)
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. (She didn't trust Lee, let him go, then Kenny)
It is a wise father that knows his own child. (Kenny loves his daughter, figures he's not got much going on with Rachel..and should go home)
There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. (Eric is totally going to let go and immerse himself in this even though his mom never showed him love, and he has never felt love)
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore winged cupid is painted blind. (not even sure what that means, but Bryan would probably say that).
The course of true love, never did run smooth. (Who would have thought that Will would have gone home...)
It really was a snooze of an episode.
What seems to be true on this show is that the negative people tend to go home...Lee and Kenny..and the optimistic (or infatuated) ones seem so stay.
Here's to good vibes only.
It was interesting that she had to ask Peter to kiss her.
Adam is really stepping it up..and I"m SO THRILLED that she kept Adam and Matt. I really like Matt for some reason..maybe becaue he kinda reminds me of Bret Contreras.
Two rose ceremonies tonight...no wonder i'm tired....
Not sure where they are off to next week...but until then..
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Monday, June 26, 2017
Round 1: Kenny vs Lee
Aww shucks there will be no shagging
The producers tried everything to see if there was going to be a connection with Jack and Rachel..first they shagged - a partner dance that originated in the Carolinas. The dates have not gone international...the shag would have been another dance of sorts. You could tell during the dancing that the chemistry was not there ..for Rachel. Like Peter, I have a knack for reading Rachel.
Then they shucked oysters and ate them. Apparently Cassonova had 50 oysters for breakfast every morning. Supposedly oysters are supposed to have some aphrodisiac properties...all I know is that they are the highest food source of zinc..which helps boost immunity.
I could tell Rachel was immune to Jack. Jack was saying how great everything was...then he tries to kiss her and she says "you'll get sick". Whah? did we know Rachel had a cold? She really was not feeling Jack.
At dinner it got worse..he was oblivious to her uninterested vibe. And started asking about her father and if he was funny..because Jack likes to joke around..then he say you get that from your father...not even asking about Rachel's mother. Jack says he's like to take her away from this..and she said " what would do in Dallas"..his response..we'd just lie in bed and chill and talk. YAWN..a man without a plan. I felt uncomfortable for Rachel...so she pulled therose plug and told him that she wasn't feeling the X factor. Jack did not make it easy for her..so she had to offer to walk him out.
There was no van talk with Jack..likely because he didn't have anything interesting to say.
I've been so mesmerized by Peter's cute gap and confidence that I wasn't noticing he has really bad grammar...he has a difficult time with subject/verb grammar.
Now to some Country Grammar..not the Nelly type...i'm talking about Lee. He is just spouting off about Kenny. I don't know if the producers put Lee up to this. Lee sees this as a competition I think, and some type of Survivor/Big Brother type competition. So much negativity. Will tries to explain to Lee that black men may see being called aggressive as racially charge. Lee states "I don't understand the race card". Ugh. The guy asks no questions. Not asking questions is my #1 pet peeve, followed by public nail clipping.
Meanwhile Kenny is trying to keep the snake analogy alive-talking about Lee slithering..and he even uses the Eve/snake allegory...
Cocktail party (cancelled0
Rose ceremony
Iggy and Tickle monster go home.
Ticklemonster gets in one last tickle. Wow...how annoying.
Iggy sheds tears..and says he learned so much about himself! Good job Iggy.
They are off to Oslo!! (Rachel had to include Norway just so they knew where they were all going)
Rappeling and SO much attraction.
Bryan would not be my number 1 choice. He seems so needy and clingy..but as the date progressed, they really seem so into eachother.
They rapelled of a ski jump..and Bryan needed to kiss her mid-air.
Rachel is questioning why Bryan is still single. Ahem..that is a really dumb question.
1. the person hasn't found someone
2. the person doesn't want to date just anyone
3. the person might find most people underwelming.
those are some potential reasons why Bryan may be single:) well that and maybe he's too clingy and women find it cloying.
They got sit at dinner. Rachel has perfect yellow/gold eyeshadow...Her lashes are overkill but that eyeshadow game is strong.
She gives Bryan the rose..and they kiss and kiss and kiss.
Eric's insecurities are coming out...he thinks Rachel is not into brothers. Anthony gives rational, sane, calming advice. I like brother Anthony:)
Mean while Lee really takes to adding shine to his boots and hair..and does some bicep curls in the gym..with his boots. Not sure if he is making gains.
Group date: Handball
The boys played handball. Will played the best. Peter played with Rachel on and off the court.
Josaih is all sugar. So sweet it seems disingenous...AND Rachel called him out on not asking any questions. Go Rachel!! I'm on Team questions too!!!!
2:1 One stays one goes
Not surprising Kenny and Lee get a group date.
The elimination dates always seems to involve the elements. They helicopter into Viking territory..where there are bog like conditions. In order of who dressed the warmest from most to least: Rachel, Kenny, Lee. Well..reptiles are cold blooded creatures..maybe Lee didn't need layers to keep him warm..he had a hoodie like shirt that was unironed...Kenny seemed to be a bit cold..as was Rachel in her parka and gloves. Gurrrrl, you would not survive an Edmonton winter.
Kenny and Lee each have 1;1 time. Kenny gets a bit more time as Rachel needs to clarify if Kenny got violent with Lee and if he has a dark side when he drinks. This sets Kenny off...and Rachel needs time to think..and Kenny walks down the hill laughing maniacally at snake-man Kenny and says something nonsensical like "He's going to be washed under the tide or realness that is Kenny".
What is going to happen?? the previews show Kenny with a bloody eye..but his leather jacket is not on...Is Kenny going to knock some scales off Lee?
Untilnext week tomorrow....I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!
The producers tried everything to see if there was going to be a connection with Jack and Rachel..first they shagged - a partner dance that originated in the Carolinas. The dates have not gone international...the shag would have been another dance of sorts. You could tell during the dancing that the chemistry was not there ..for Rachel. Like Peter, I have a knack for reading Rachel.
Then they shucked oysters and ate them. Apparently Cassonova had 50 oysters for breakfast every morning. Supposedly oysters are supposed to have some aphrodisiac properties...all I know is that they are the highest food source of zinc..which helps boost immunity.
I could tell Rachel was immune to Jack. Jack was saying how great everything was...then he tries to kiss her and she says "you'll get sick". Whah? did we know Rachel had a cold? She really was not feeling Jack.
At dinner it got worse..he was oblivious to her uninterested vibe. And started asking about her father and if he was funny..because Jack likes to joke around..then he say you get that from your father...not even asking about Rachel's mother. Jack says he's like to take her away from this..and she said " what would do in Dallas"..his response..we'd just lie in bed and chill and talk. YAWN..a man without a plan. I felt uncomfortable for Rachel...so she pulled the
There was no van talk with Jack..likely because he didn't have anything interesting to say.
I've been so mesmerized by Peter's cute gap and confidence that I wasn't noticing he has really bad grammar...he has a difficult time with subject/verb grammar.
Now to some Country Grammar..not the Nelly type...i'm talking about Lee. He is just spouting off about Kenny. I don't know if the producers put Lee up to this. Lee sees this as a competition I think, and some type of Survivor/Big Brother type competition. So much negativity. Will tries to explain to Lee that black men may see being called aggressive as racially charge. Lee states "I don't understand the race card". Ugh. The guy asks no questions. Not asking questions is my #1 pet peeve, followed by public nail clipping.
Meanwhile Kenny is trying to keep the snake analogy alive-talking about Lee slithering..and he even uses the Eve/snake allegory...
Rose ceremony
Iggy and Tickle monster go home.
Ticklemonster gets in one last tickle. Wow...how annoying.
Iggy sheds tears..and says he learned so much about himself! Good job Iggy.
They are off to Oslo!! (Rachel had to include Norway just so they knew where they were all going)
Rappeling and SO much attraction.
Bryan would not be my number 1 choice. He seems so needy and clingy..but as the date progressed, they really seem so into eachother.
They rapelled of a ski jump..and Bryan needed to kiss her mid-air.
Rachel is questioning why Bryan is still single. Ahem..that is a really dumb question.
1. the person hasn't found someone
2. the person doesn't want to date just anyone
3. the person might find most people underwelming.
those are some potential reasons why Bryan may be single:) well that and maybe he's too clingy and women find it cloying.
They got sit at dinner. Rachel has perfect yellow/gold eyeshadow...Her lashes are overkill but that eyeshadow game is strong.
She gives Bryan the rose..and they kiss and kiss and kiss.
Eric's insecurities are coming out...he thinks Rachel is not into brothers. Anthony gives rational, sane, calming advice. I like brother Anthony:)
Mean while Lee really takes to adding shine to his boots and hair..and does some bicep curls in the gym..with his boots. Not sure if he is making gains.
Group date: Handball
The boys played handball. Will played the best. Peter played with Rachel on and off the court.
Josaih is all sugar. So sweet it seems disingenous...AND Rachel called him out on not asking any questions. Go Rachel!! I'm on Team questions too!!!!
2:1 One stays one goes
Not surprising Kenny and Lee get a group date.
The elimination dates always seems to involve the elements. They helicopter into Viking territory..where there are bog like conditions. In order of who dressed the warmest from most to least: Rachel, Kenny, Lee. Well..reptiles are cold blooded creatures..maybe Lee didn't need layers to keep him warm..he had a hoodie like shirt that was unironed...Kenny seemed to be a bit cold..as was Rachel in her parka and gloves. Gurrrrl, you would not survive an Edmonton winter.
Kenny and Lee each have 1;1 time. Kenny gets a bit more time as Rachel needs to clarify if Kenny got violent with Lee and if he has a dark side when he drinks. This sets Kenny off...and Rachel needs time to think..and Kenny walks down the hill laughing maniacally at snake-man Kenny and says something nonsensical like "He's going to be washed under the tide or realness that is Kenny".
What is going to happen?? the previews show Kenny with a bloody eye..but his leather jacket is not on...Is Kenny going to knock some scales off Lee?
Monday, June 19, 2017
one long week later
and it's baaack..
I thought last week's hiatus was due to the Bachelor Paradise scandal...which i haven't kept on top of...but it involved Demario, Corinne, a pool and ETOH. Not sure if there will be paradise this year...but that show seems like a claustrophobic two star resort with a lot of levels questionable hygiene.
The Bachelorette has its clautrophobic moments...especially when the guys have to staying a suite hotel all together..drinkign alcohol and putting their feet on the table.
But I"m happy they're back:)
We came back to a replay of Eric reminding Lee that is his (Eric's) name is in his (Lee's) mouth.
Most of the guys are staying out of it...especially Dean looking perfect adorable in his flowery shirt and shiny white teeth.
I'm starting to feel like I need an anti-emetic when Bryan speaks. He shovels so much romance it makes me say "ugh" out loud..to my TV. Rachel kinda encourages it..I know she's all about that 100, but she tells him you're too good to be true. Then Bryan says it's a fairy tale, then she says no it's not..then he says it's not...but follows it up with "you're my future, my focus is on you".
Meanwhile Lee is gloating at how angry he is making everyone...Dean states that it's racial..Dunno if it's racial or Rachael...I think Lee just wants to emerge victorious... Lee does win with phrase of the night..."that won't put a tear in my beer"
hahahaha...that's funny...maybe he should write a song about it.
Maybe Lee just wants to be a shorter, less muscular Chad.
Meanwhile...Rachel has a lot of tears in her beer..because she's feeling the pressure ..and that she'll be judged on her decisions. She's feeling so much pressure that Chris H comes in to say.."tell me what you want, I can facilitate anything".
I actually believe that...Chris has amazing facilitation skills.
But all he does is cut the cocktail party short.
Sidebar: you know what else needs to be cut short..Rachael's eyelashes...If fake eyelashes were on steroids..that would be the ones on RAchaels lashes...I can't even tell you what colour eyeshadow she's wearing because those eyelashes are so distracting.
Rose ceremony
Bryce and Diggy (I wish it was Iggy) are gone.
Why does she keep Jack if she never talks to him?
Next destination: South Carolina
I think the guys pack all their stuff...some of them have 2 suitcases..
They get to the resort..they are all in one room again..
Dean gets the 1:1
Dean is getting cuter..I am a little concerned with the integrity of his enamel with all the tooth whitening...but that is the only integrity i'm concerned about. He's all around fantastic, lovely, affectionate, vulnerable...(and a bad dancer..but hey none's perfect).
They ride in a blimp! (do we have those in Canada)..it looked fun..then they have dinner...where he shared his story about his mom dying...i wanted to crawl into my TV and hug him too. Rachel was sweet and said she didn't want to cry too..
Then they went to the awkward concert with unfamiliar artist, dancing on a raised platform situation.
Dean mainly swayed and then wanted to jump and throw just one arm in the air like he just don't care.
But he does care..about Racheel...and he got the rose.
Group date
They have a boat date!! Alex looked like he worked hard to gather his hair into a mini-pony. I wonder if he has man bun goals. Where the boys dance an have a push up contest..where I think the only guy that did pushups was Eric...Peter adorably recreates the Titanic scene with Rachel..i heart Peter even if he can't spell coitus. Kenny does some freestyle rapping...however I'm getting the sense that he's trying to show all his talents but they may not be enough...although I dislike Lee..I think Lee can see through Kenny's uber strong muscular exterior..and I think he's a bit weak on the inside.
There is a spelling contest. Josaih wins.
Confession.:Despite attending over 70 weddings I would have mispelled boutonnier. Besides that..the words were easy.
Josh said he is loquacious....i do think the used a thesaurus to come up with that.
Now is the party. Iggy is getting even more annoying...he either seems like he's trying to facilitate a focus group or tries to show some charm to Rachel...saying he's protecting her...and he also calls her sweetie (shudder). It gets gossipy when Lee throws down more smack about Kenny...Kenny tries to charm her with some freestyle...he seems like he's trying too hard again..instead Rachel asks about Lee...so Kenny takes Lee outside to talk..and then.....
with blood above Kenny's eye.
Does Lee cut him with the pocketknife that he carved the word enchanting to Rachel?
Until next week's double episode (monday and Tuesday week)
I thought last week's hiatus was due to the Bachelor Paradise scandal...which i haven't kept on top of...but it involved Demario, Corinne, a pool and ETOH. Not sure if there will be paradise this year...but that show seems like a claustrophobic two star resort with a lot of levels questionable hygiene.
The Bachelorette has its clautrophobic moments...especially when the guys have to staying a suite hotel all together..drinkign alcohol and putting their feet on the table.
But I"m happy they're back:)
We came back to a replay of Eric reminding Lee that is his (Eric's) name is in his (Lee's) mouth.
Most of the guys are staying out of it...especially Dean looking perfect adorable in his flowery shirt and shiny white teeth.
I'm starting to feel like I need an anti-emetic when Bryan speaks. He shovels so much romance it makes me say "ugh" out loud..to my TV. Rachel kinda encourages it..I know she's all about that 100, but she tells him you're too good to be true. Then Bryan says it's a fairy tale, then she says no it's not..then he says it's not...but follows it up with "you're my future, my focus is on you".
Meanwhile Lee is gloating at how angry he is making everyone...Dean states that it's racial..Dunno if it's racial or Rachael...I think Lee just wants to emerge victorious... Lee does win with phrase of the night..."that won't put a tear in my beer"
hahahaha...that's funny...maybe he should write a song about it.
Maybe Lee just wants to be a shorter, less muscular Chad.
Meanwhile...Rachel has a lot of tears in her beer..because she's feeling the pressure ..and that she'll be judged on her decisions. She's feeling so much pressure that Chris H comes in to say.."tell me what you want, I can facilitate anything".
I actually believe that...Chris has amazing facilitation skills.
But all he does is cut the cocktail party short.
Sidebar: you know what else needs to be cut short..Rachael's eyelashes...If fake eyelashes were on steroids..that would be the ones on RAchaels lashes...I can't even tell you what colour eyeshadow she's wearing because those eyelashes are so distracting.
Rose ceremony
Bryce and Diggy (I wish it was Iggy) are gone.
Why does she keep Jack if she never talks to him?
Next destination: South Carolina
I think the guys pack all their stuff...some of them have 2 suitcases..
They get to the resort..they are all in one room again..
Dean gets the 1:1
Dean is getting cuter..I am a little concerned with the integrity of his enamel with all the tooth whitening...but that is the only integrity i'm concerned about. He's all around fantastic, lovely, affectionate, vulnerable...(and a bad dancer..but hey none's perfect).
They ride in a blimp! (do we have those in Canada)..it looked fun..then they have dinner...where he shared his story about his mom dying...i wanted to crawl into my TV and hug him too. Rachel was sweet and said she didn't want to cry too..
Then they went to the awkward concert with unfamiliar artist, dancing on a raised platform situation.
Dean mainly swayed and then wanted to jump and throw just one arm in the air like he just don't care.
But he does care..about Racheel...and he got the rose.
Group date
They have a boat date!! Alex looked like he worked hard to gather his hair into a mini-pony. I wonder if he has man bun goals. Where the boys dance an have a push up contest..where I think the only guy that did pushups was Eric...Peter adorably recreates the Titanic scene with Rachel..i heart Peter even if he can't spell coitus. Kenny does some freestyle rapping...however I'm getting the sense that he's trying to show all his talents but they may not be enough...although I dislike Lee..I think Lee can see through Kenny's uber strong muscular exterior..and I think he's a bit weak on the inside.
There is a spelling contest. Josaih wins.
Confession.:Despite attending over 70 weddings I would have mispelled boutonnier. Besides that..the words were easy.
Josh said he is loquacious....i do think the used a thesaurus to come up with that.
Now is the party. Iggy is getting even more annoying...he either seems like he's trying to facilitate a focus group or tries to show some charm to Rachel...saying he's protecting her...and he also calls her sweetie (shudder). It gets gossipy when Lee throws down more smack about Kenny...Kenny tries to charm her with some freestyle...he seems like he's trying too hard again..instead Rachel asks about Lee...so Kenny takes Lee outside to talk..and then.....
with blood above Kenny's eye.
Does Lee cut him with the pocketknife that he carved the word enchanting to Rachel?
Until next week's double episode (monday and Tuesday week)
Monday, June 5, 2017
My name is in your mouth!!!
I'm sure Mary J Blige is cringing somewhere...so much drama!! I'd venture there is MORE drama here than in previous Bachelor episodes.
First we start off with Demario..who is on the watered down driveway and wants to make things right with Rachel. He says that he heard a quote that She lends him an ear...but not an olive branch. Demario, denied...looks to the camera and says Damn.
I don't think he was being legit.
Back at the cocktail party..it looked like Dean was hugging Lee.
Meanwhile Alex was completing a Rubik's cube, Kenny was showing photos of his daughter..and Jonathan brought out the big hands....all the better to tickle her with. (when is the tickle monster thing going to be unveiled)
Blake continues to be annoyed by Whaboom.
Wham tells Rachel that Blake eats an banana over Whabooms bed at night. When Rachel asks Blake his defence? The diet defense. "Uh. I follow a ketogenic diet I don't eat bananas".
That makes me bananas. The guy is drinking alcohol. If he's so into enhancing fat oxidation, why is he drinking alcohol? Why am I getting worked up...yikes...I've found Blake annoying from Day 1.
Whaboom is a weird one too though.
They both get punted..and some other guy whose name I can't remember. When Alex got the rose he said something in Russian to her...a simple "Da" would have sufficed.
Blake continues his anger outside the mansion, expressing how fake Whaboom is and how W is there for the wrong and even oddly imitating him.
Someone give Blake some carbs.
Group Date
AHHHH!!! The ELLEN Show!!! My dream is to be on that show!! I love her so so so much.
The guys come through security and Ellen and Rachel talk about them. Ellen (just like me), does NOT like that the guy tickled Rachel on the first night. Yes..tickling is weirdly tortuous to me.
Ellen tickles him as soon as she sees him and then hugs all the other guys.
The guys turn out to be entertainment and have to dance shirtless for dollah bills. Alex finds his inner Cossack and unleashes his Russian prowess across the demographics of Ellen's audience. Speaking of graphic..what kind of print was on Alex's pants. Mind you..i was too mesmerized by all of his abs to pay attention to his pantsTickle guy can't dance though. Next we learn that Alex peed in the pool,and we learn which guys have kissed Rachel which is making Fred all nervous.
After the show..Fred tries to step up his game and asks Rachel for permission to kiss her..then does it...I'm cringing outwardly as a I watch that kiss go down. The kiss went down for quite a while.and i was wondering if Rachel was into it. Freddie did get super vulnerable...
Alex said Nyet to his mother's advice of not kissing Rachel..and kissed her...it seemed super awkward..What is not awkward is the Peter/Rachel chemistry. Peter is dreamy.
Rachel takes the rose and Freddie to another room..where she tells Freddie she still sees him as a boy..and he leaves...poor Freddie.
Meet me at the Rodeo
Rachel meets that tall drink of water Anthony downtown..where is seems she has to explain the Rodeo metaphor slowly to Anthony. Anthony mounted that horse and they moseyed along..stopping in to do some shopping at get some Automated Cupcake delivery. Seemed like a super attention seeking date..however that's L.A though..too glam to give a damn.
They got off the horses and dined on a hilltop with an incredible view. Anthony seemed super grouded..Rachel dug it..and then they had a quartet mini-concert..where I"m not sure if Anthony was feeling the feels but he was coppping the feels.
Sometimes in a relationship the women take charge....
sigh...this is the relationship propaganda that gets propagated in this show...it's a power struggle..sometimes the woman is in charge...yeesh..but back the romance...Rachel's friends are the former bachelor contestants..and she trusts these women to help her. These girls plan a mud wrestling competition. Seems super classy. I don't think Corinne would have much to do for this date.
My biggest question on the date was what was Rachel's top made of and how did the strings stay taut. Must be a body suit..and would make for bad tan lines.
Not surprisingly Kenny wins most of the fighting..but Bryce wins the whole thing...and Kenny was gracious in defeat. Maybe prominent jawbones are correlated with wrestling ability. I'm a bit distracted by the prominence...but they soften when he talks..he seems like a really sweet person.
It was funny that the boys had to shower off in the alley beside the bar. reminded me of some precarious bath situations I had on the farm in Croatia in the 80s. At least there were no chickens running around in the alley.
At the debrief/after mud wrestling party...Kenny comes clean that he was a Chippendale dancer..but it was 'mainly choreography'. I'm wondering if a switch went off in Rachel's mind that I can't date a Chippendale dancer/wrestler....Kenny also demonstrated some moves that I'm guessing he thought she would find appealing..he even wore a special t-shirt that tore off neatly...Not sure if the bump and grind was stimulating her mind.
Rachel took Eric aside and had her head on his chest...she's got it bad for Eric physically...must say with her eyes closes..her slate sparkly eyeshadow was gorgeous..props to the make up artist. Eric told her how vulnerable he is. Adam unfortunately wore a burgundy leather jacket..Adam..so cute..bad jacket choice. Lee spouts off to Eric that he has a lot of potential but he has no love experience...Lee is being an a$$..he's really just making issues....shouldn't he go write a song for Rachel..he really could be more productive.
Eric gets the rose!!
Back at the cocktail party...Lee and Iggy tell Rachel that Eric was doubting how genuine Rachel was. So rachel find Eric and gives him a chance to explain...Eric is such an intent listener..but he looks like he's going to explode...This make Eric call a meeting of the men...telling them to mind their own business...Lee says that Eric is the one with the issue..which makes Eric jump around and yell My name is in your mouth. I totally agree with Eric...get his name out of your mouths:) If I was Rachel ...i'd wonder why everyone was so concerned with Eric and not with being 100 about their own relationship.
Then the show ended...
Whose name will be in Rachel's mouth next week?????
Until next week..
I love this show!!!!!!
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