Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Kupah- the par-tay pupah...

First...I was 1/2 hour  late to the Bachelorette, ah! hate missing any part of it...then in the inconclusive  episode...what I did conclude is that this is one juicy season of the Bachelor!

Just sat down to cute Ben accepting the rose.
Apparently it was a boxing date..not sure if Tony was called upon to do any healing.

One on one date: C-AH-YUTE Clint
Wow is he cute.
Clint is cute...
okay...back to the blog..Kaitlyn says she 'vibed' with Clint. I like that Kaitlyn was in the driver's seat and drove Clint. He asks..so are we sky diving? spear fishing? Interestingly, they are diving underwater...for underwater photos! And naturally, Kaitlyn notes that this photo shoot is a "test of our chemistry"..
I think the photographer was a student of Tony's. She gives Kaitlyn and Clint breathing exercises so they can feel the 'inner moment'...(as opposed to the outer moment) and the put each others hands on the partners heart. Tony would have been proud.
What type of make up do you apply for underwater photo shoots? Waterproof mascara...cream shadow..but is there waterproof concealer?
Regardless..they both looked fantastic in the photos...Clint and Kaitlyn feel the spark in the water..and kiss while the photographers are off looking at the shots.  They have dinner..or appear to be in front of food...Clint seems eloquent.
Kaitlyn says Clint brings out the romantic side of her.
Cute Clint gets the rose!

Group Date #2: IMPROVing their chances to win Kaitlyn's hard
This date is at an improv club. Prior to the date card..Tony was pontificating about love..one point that I agree with is that you shouldn't have to fight for attention. So Tony, Toni, Tone..I agree with you on not fighting for attention...but then I almost nodded off with the rest of his musings..love is about being present, discussion, ideas, dreams..it's as perennial as grass. Walt Whitman Tony ain't. Maybe the transcendental part..but not the realist party. I think I'm too left brained to find Tony interesting...I find him mainly annoying..kinda like a guy who talks too much about his ideas on a date.
On to the group date. Highlight of the show..Amy Schuler! Loved that she subtly undercut Chris by saying to Katilyn "Can you imagine driving a tractor right now?"Wow..she's so funny and insightful...I want to be her friend!!!  The guys had to perform for a crowd..and they had some female comic coaches. Loved that Amy noted that JJ was egomaniacal and lacking humility. You probably have to be so observant to be a comic.
Ian's joke about Juan Pablo sweating on the Women Tell All..was pretty funny. The dentist did a good job...(he's one fit dentist).
I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling when Tony took the mic. More philosiphizing (sp?)ensued.
I'm not sure who said this but the guy that said "it's human instinct to protect your awkward sensor"..so funny. so true.
At the after party...the dress was too much. Kaitlyn likes the sparkly but on a dress sparkle + animal print = bad idea.  JJ has some 1:1 time. and spoke to Kaitlyn about having a child. I agree with Kaitlyn, it is endearing when you hear a guy talk about his child/chidren with love..makes you thing they are capable of being selfless. Cotton-eyed Joe from Kentucky takes Kaitlyn from the room and kisses her by the brick wall. Joe surprises me..he doesn't seem like the romancing type. "Well, I'll be:)"

But it's  who JJ gets the rose.

Another  shiny dress at the Cocktail party. Many sequins were harmed in the making of this Bachelorette...some much shimmah!!
JJ takes her aside to tell her how serious he is...he gets on the bad side of the guys...Clint looks amazing..Ian took Kaitlyn aside and told her the adversity he overcame..which is very inspiring...Tony is starting to crack..and telling everyone that she needs to be right for him.
Kupah is getting hot under the collar (was he wearing a vest too?..seemed like he had a lot of layers on)...well he should have cooled off before he talked to Kaitlyn. It seemed like he had theimperession he was kept on the show for broader diversity. He seemed angry..then Kaitlyn turned it back on him..then watching Kupah backpedal...that totally became inauthentic.

Meanwhile JJ was yammering on to the guys about his confidence, meanwhile he had a really bad case of red wine teeth.
Kaitlyn was contemplating Kupah fireside..when she heard him spouting off as well..so she pulls him aside and tells him she is done...He then leaves and starts yelling outside the mansion...Kaitlyn who is about to be interviewed hears this and goes out the mansion..and then..

To be continued...
Agh!! this Bachelorette is throwing me off my schedule worse than 15 hour jet lag..but..

PS What are the bets on Britt and singer song-writer lasting??

Monday, May 18, 2015

Two women, two night premiere...two hours of time wasted

Okay okay...i know..part of my frustration comes from not having a PVR, an eastern feed and forwarding through commercials...I could have only wasted 1 hour and 15 minutes
 I like living in it is 2005:)

This first episode in a nutshell.
Caitlin and Britt go head to head. No matter how centered (even with healer Tony's help) one is...being chosen by a group of pretty good looking men, on television must wreak havoc on one's ego.
Men file out of limos, carpools or a cupcake...and at first seem to stride toward Brit, but then the second half seem to be into Kaitlyn.
At the cocktail party...most takes are of drunk Ryan being drunk, picking fights with people and wading into the pool in his tightie blackies. Kupah (is that like Cooper but with a K and and 'ah' at the end) calls him 'white boy wasted'. Is that a thing? Is that because Kupah didn't want to say black out drunk. I really must urban dictionary white boy wasted...

Other items of note..the carpool...I bet that car is hard to insure. It was driven by an amateur sex coach. What is that exactly...someone who coaches people who don't have sex for money???

Speaking of money..the law student/stripper...he seems more proud of his stripping than his law degree..giving the girls a show...to which Kaitlyn wrying says "Brit can have him"..that was funny.

So far..i like the welder..and Shawn:)

I wonder if Ian convinces the guys to vote for Kaitlyn..
Until tomorrow..(because I have to see who gets to stay)...

Go Kaitlyn!!!!