Monday, February 20, 2012

Because of Chris' fireside chat - I won't buy a PVR tomorrow

To quote Kacie "What the f$#% just happened?"

To those (likely all) of you who have a PVR- this will not make sense to you.

..I was planning to watch the 10pm airing of the Bachelor on wasn't on!!?? what??? I got only 50% of the Bachelor on highlight on Monday was 50% discounted...Thanks the Chris' fireside chat with Ben to recap the hometown was very much deja-date. Kacey twirled a baton and talked about her superlative examples of true love...and Lindzi rode a horse..again..and sat 'round a campfire with her parent's and Ben..keepin' it country. It did appear through the white haze recap (why do they make they appear in a white haze ?_)

So here is the half I caught
For what it's Worth..I find Nikki entirely annoying. She has that voice..the Trista meets Ashley cloying, nasal-y, and syrupy saccharin..and she seems to repeat Ben's last 3 words in most of their conversations. Her and Ben played dress up again..not like a conquistador (his Puerto Rican get up)he got cowboy threads. And what's the Bachelor without a metaphor or four...Finding the right man is like finding the right pair of boots- they have to be the right fit. Deep.What happened to Nikki's striped top? She greeted Ben in a striped top- then appeared in a sequined top. After they sat on a bench and talked...they were off to see her parents and sister. Nikki's mom concluded that Ben was wonderful..and then Nikkie waxed fairy tale again....she sees weddding and she wants fairy tale again. The Bachelor has done very well in making this the most unrealistic reality show...ever. Then Nikki took Ben aside and told him again that she's in love with him.

Courtny-girl interrupted.

I think I know what i find odd about Courtney. When I watch her, it's like I"m watching very briefly interrupted satellite feed. She has rapid stop and start in speech. I'm wondering if her neurons don't fire properly..or maybe it's all the wine that she is non stop sipping on.
But Ben's in Scottsdale to visit Courtney's family. They have a lavish casa. complete with a lush backyard. Courtney and her mom look very much alike..and they also have very similar mannerisms. Courtney's sister seems normal, the dad seems like he just wants a dude around..and the mother initially had an icy disposition...very much like Courtney.
Courtney planned a big suprise for Ben! A backyard wedding!! Like Ben's dates to test the relationships' mettle(scaling a bridge, taking the plunge, climbing a temple), Courtney thought she would get over her fear of commitment by having a fake wedding ceremony (?)And this is how she was going to tell him that she loved him. Subtle. All the elements were there, decorated chairs, a bow tie, a bride in white, vows, a ring..and a JP...who was not there in a formal capacity..but to stand awkwardly while the exchanged vows. Ben does seem into her.

Back in an LA hotel...(were they kicked outof the mansion), Chris and Ben (thankfully) have a very thorough hometown recap.I almost felt I was there...kinda happy I missed Kacey's baton twirlin. Ben said all nice things, except about Kacey's mom's objection to them living together prior to marriage....

And the final rose does NOT go to..

wow..did you see the way she was staring at him throughout the rose's like she was trying to pentrate his thinking.

Kacey, ever the sweet girl..lets him walk her out. They sit down as they always do. Ben hasnot much to say..except I'm sorry this is heartbreaking and she says I don't want you to be heartbroken...the proceeds to the limo and cries like there's noone watching..even lets outsome cuss words. And she asks the useless questions..'why I am not good enough', 'what the f#$% happened?'. Hmm Kacey..some unsolicited advice-it's not you and remember..this is not normal dating..he's openly dating3 other your knowledge.

Maybe to help soothe the relations among the girls...they are off to the most peaceful country in the world. Switzerland!!! I'm sure there will be more mountains to climb...but more importanly...its' the FOD!!!!

until next week...
Oh!! It's my birthday next week- so no rose report...if you'd like to do a guest post...i'd be happy to post:):
happy birthweek to me..and until next time..
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Are you a Belize-r?

Wow..that was a slllooooowwww episode.
The dates seem to follow this formula:
Adventure/activity, Eat, Open up to Ben, Repeat

The word of this episode was big...this was a big deal, because after this it's about meeting the families which was big, after the rose ceremony Ben would be going to the hometowns which is HUGE.

Is there a writer's strike in LA?

But back to the big episode with the big decision.

Chris looking slightly island-y welcomes the girls to the island and also reminds them how big this all is.

There will be 3 individual dates and 1 group date avec a rose.

yawwwwn...let's get this started.

Two halves make a whole?
Whuh? I sat through their date and wondered when the them was going to emerge. Actually, the first thing I thought was "didn't I see that tank top that Ben was wearig ..with the little chest Club the women's section". It was striped, see through and with a pocket. Is that a guys' tank top?
But back to the them..did they become one when they jump as unit out of the helicopter?

More Bachelor mysteries..where did Lindzi get changed? She didn't board the helcopter with make-up or a tote bag. Yikes..and that peach dress..looked like a stretchy bridesmaid dress. The half couch/half picnic thing looked very uncomfortable to sit in..let alone write their story for the bottle on. Was that the two halves become whole..b/c they wrote on both sides of the serious side (the fairy tale..right..that's serious)..and then the 'drawing of the illustration' side. When Ben tossed the didn't seem to be moving in the water...I thought that might be foreshadowing.

Emily's date- easy peasy

I never have known what easy peasy was. Maybe in dating lingo,that's a date that has no plans. Ride a bike, have some coconut water (all the Hollywood stars are doing it), play basketball with some people uninvited, dance like there is noone watch (Ben..there are 21 million viewers watching..stop dancing!). And to end this romantic date...they have a dinner at the Lazy lizard.

Back at the hacienda..Courtney was showing some emotion...but she was finally awarded..a one on one date...

Courtney's one on one.
I've never been to Belize..but seems you need some kind of aircraft to get to some good dates. Courtney boarded a plane to meet the jungle. You'd think he might tell her what type of foot wear might be appropriate..but she wore flip flops..maybe hey were the Gisele Bunchen flip flops (those are so super comfortable)

so they trek through the jungle. Ben carries a straw tote..a messenger back would have been a bit more manly and practical. Then they encounter some beautiful Mayan ruins. They were breathtaking. Speaking of breathtaking, Ben thinks they should start climbing. They stop half way so Ben can pitch a picnic. After some caring and sharing. You know, when he told her he thought she was weird. There was a writer's strike, how about unique, special, one of kind, rare, precious. Weird? That's just dumb. Ben you can think you're weird..that's pleasantly self deprecating..calling someone else weird. Not romantic..I'm sure the Mayan gods were crying..or shaking their heads. But Ben and Courtney, they continue to climb..and Ben has an epiphany..temple top..b/c he feels closer to his dad...Oh my dad..I think the air is a bit thin up there.because he didn't seem to be thinkign too clearly..he sees Courtney with him..for life.why? Because he likes weird people. Strange.

Now in Ben's Belizean tote, is that where he carried her change of clothes? They somehow get back to civilization..and have a bite to eat. Where Ben asks he the hard hitting question of why she doesn't get along with other girls.and trying to draw parallels to real life. Nice try Ben..but this show doesn't parallel real life. But who know...maybe on my way to Transcend tomorrow morning I'll do some random street dancing with guy who owns a vinyard.

Group date!
What we've seen in Bachelor's past is the bachelor waking girls up to go on a date. What I have not seen before is the detailed personal hygiene that needed to happen. Tooth brushing cool. Armpit shaving. Not necessary.

What I can say about this group date is that it is not going to get any reality show safety awards. Have the girls on a boat without lifejackets, give them mimosas and then jump in the water with sharks. Maybe I should watch Shark Week to get better shark insight, but putting fish in the water to bring the sharks in then going swimming with them seems like a bad idea. Good thing noone cut themselves when they were furiously shaving at 4 AM. Ben assured Rachel that she's be okay b/c he was by her side..why...because he's the shark whisperer? Rachel got over her fear.

they all survived..and changed..and lounged poolside till Ben decided who he would give the rose to. Nikki told him how much she's falling in love with him...I find Nikki's eagerness off putting...She's going to be a mess. Kacey B is always adorable..but i was distracted by the large flower part (the stamen?) protruding from the flower....I coulnd't concentrate on what she was saying...She got the awkwardly awarded rose..and then Ben just waited there and eveyone just was staring at eachother. Someome pass the there's a time you need a drink.

Survivors ready?
The forced march to the cocktail party reminded me of the walk to tribal council on survivor. Must be the tiki torches. Courtney was funny with her commentsabout how she felt confident and happy. I thought she looked pretty too. Why were the girls not wearing shoes? For safety? their heels would get caught in the planks? I think Rachel borrowed just one of Blakely's long feather earrings. Kacey B seems to look great in any colour.

Ahh! In walks Chris. No cocktail party. Ben has made his mind up..well no not really..after the girls line up..he needs to take Courtney aside..
After the final rose is announced by Chris..there was some long , drawn out suspense..only Rachel, Emily and was a decision..good over evil, light over dark, brunette over blonde(s)

And the brunette wins..
As Courtney so eloquently stated after she smelled her rose deeply..' see ya wouldn't want to be ya'....

Until next week..happy Valentine's Day and...

Monday, February 6, 2012

A petal of a report

Well... I didn't watch the whole show.
But it was for all the right reasons..

But briefly..
Survivor meets the Bacheor
To continue on the journey that lacks creativity. The tore a page from Survivor..and Kacey and Ben were choppered in to a secluded island. Kacey..brought a stuffed animal, corkscrew and candy. Excellent. Reality show stats show that relationships forged on Survivor last longer than the maybe some survival will help fortify their relationship. Well..the difference between survivor and this besides the makeup and fresher looking bathing suits..was that they lasted on the island for an houur.
Later, they freshend up fromsurviving..for a beachside dinner. Where Kacey reveled her eating disorder...the irony isn't lost that she didnt eat her dinner. But at least she got a rose. Sweet and calorie free. Kacey didn't do well walking in those heels..kinda like how Madonna couldn't manoever well at the half time show.

PS did't Ben's watch not suit his wrist?

Group date..

Ben drove in on a boat..that looked like it had seen better days. They happen up children in loincloths playing soccer. Then theywere led to a village!! With the locals..I wonder during Canadian Bachelor, they'll drivingdown highway 16 until they happen upon...the Ukranian Village. Very authentic.
But back at the huts..surprise..Courteny shook her money makers at the village
and later at the pool party.
Lindzi gets therose!

Elimination date
Weird dancing competition...and really bad dresses.
Rachel wins!

Nikki date
Nikki is annoying.

I think Kacey has the worst cry face...

I'm willing to put money that the most awkward moment of this bachelor season was Jamie...yikes..that was awkward...

Good bye Jamie...

Until next week in Belize...a tropical adieu....and I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!